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How to Achieve a "Fair Facial Complexion" Naturally, The Most "Unignorable" Tips.

Beauty Tips

By wajahat javaid javaidPublished 11 months ago 6 min read

Everyone has an inner natural desire to be good looking leaving the fascinating impact on the viewers. It is true beyond all doubts that fair facial complexion has a major and pivotal role in making someone's face to be attractive and charming resulting finally in the facial beauty. For this extremely personal matter people do many things by working hard and by spending a lot of money over the purchasing of expensive creams and cosmetics and going to beauty parlors and saloons. One has very sharp facial features and spotless skin but if skin is dull in color then face doesn't achieve the real attraction and charming which a glowing face having fair complexion.

Now, I will keep the "sleeping tips" in the separate specific headlines for your understanding and motivation to apply to yourself.

Drink Plenty of Water:

Only water provides the required moisture of skin and glamourize the face in keeping your skin healthy and fair. Guzzle down at least 8 glasses of water in a day that will result in fair glow of your skin. Well hydrated body achieves bright pigmentation and dark pigments are removed automatically due to plenty of water.

According to Dermatologists' suggestion, drink water daily to flush out toxins from the body, keep you hydrated and provide a natural glow to the skin.

Oil gently your skin from mustard or olive oil before taking a bath:

Always oil sufficiently your skin for this purpose you should use mustard and olive oil through the continuous massage from your fingers. Oiling results in the intake of oil in the skin inner tissues through the skin-pores. It stays for a while in the inner area of the skin and softens the skin-wax ultimately helps in the removal of the unwanted snot from your skin successfully. This routine provides you a healthy and fresh skin and results in the fair glow increasing your facial complexion.

Sleep Well:

The sound night sleep is very effective in freshening skin tissues and in providing a glow-spark. This natural process provides you a fresh and glowing facial look over time Make sure to catch sound sleep for 8 hours to avoid skin breakouts, dark circles, and a dull, dark complexion. Ensure to lie down on cleaner bedsheets and pillow covers to avoid skin problems.

Eat Nutritional Antioxidants Fruits and vegetables:

The daily use of fruits and vegetables plays a crucial role in brightening and freshening your skin. For the fair complexion purpose you should eat papaya, mango, strawberry, banana, apple and chikkus etc. The green leafy vegetables are also the best sources for the ­skin health which includes salad leaves, mustard leaves, radish leaves, spinach and turnip leaves. You should also drink the seasonal fruit milk shakes to achieve a healthy and fresh skin.

Take Steam Bath specially in Winter Season:

A full-fledged steam bath is the fastest ingredient in the process of skin recovery achieving its brightening and glowing phase. ­When you take the steam bath for some time the ­ vapors and falling shower on your skin results in the removal of grey snot/wax from the pores of your skin. ­­The skin-wax easily comes out through the pores of your skin when you rub and scrap your skin with the help of nails. So This showering practice really improves your hidden skin pigments and provides your skin a healthy glow to your overall body skin.

Relaxing Oil Massage:

The full body massage at a spa aids in unwinding after a stressful month at work, which loosens the tight knots in shoulder and back muscles, likewise rubbing in some wholesome argan oil or groundnut oil in circular motions helps to relieve the tension in facial muscles. This in turns improves blood and nutrient circulation, stimulates collagen production for the formation of new, refined skin cells, tissues for a natural refreshed glow.

Besides these steps, follow a skin care regimen on a regular basis to gain brighter, fairer skin complexion that will stay with you permanently.

Eat Nutritious Food:

The first and foremost factor that defines a healthy, glowing skin is your nutritious intake of food. Make sure to include loads of vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products in the daily diet for the skin to get glowing from inside. You should eat honey, brown rice, eggs, drink milk and take green tea and avoid deep-fried, spicy, packaged, processed foods that can leave the skin look dull, unhealthy, causing sudden breakout of acne, pimples and blisters.

Routine Cleansing Detox:

A healthy morning schedule is critical to maintaining clear, bright skin. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with a little lemon juice and a dash of honey on an empty stomach works wonders in clearing the bloodstream, purifying the liver, kidneys, urinary tract of harmful toxins. Moreover, antioxidant vitamin C in lemon and antimicrobial traits of honey foster smooth, soft, flawless and radiant skin.

Use the turmeric and Wheat Flour paste frequently:

The well beaten turmeric and wheat flour paste when you allow this to be rubbed over facial your skin gives you a brightening and glowing look. For this massage purpose take a little bit quantity of high quality turmeric and mix it in the wheat/chickpea/gram flour to get this thick type paste then rub this with the help of your fingers. This practice really very influential in increasing the shining and attraction of your face.

Use Sunscreen:

Though, we all know about the ill-effects of UV (Ultra Voilet) radiation, many of us ignore applying sunscreen while stepping out. Dabble your skin including face, hands, feet with generous amounts of sunscreen to avoid tan, freckles. A tanned skin masks the naturally fair skin and it takes time to get it back.

Use the glycerin, honey and milk cream paste:

This natural paste really works fast remained well-experimented in the Asian countries. Mix honey glycerin and milk cream enough to get the paste and then apply this on your body skin for a suitable time. Now just take a bath and scrap this from your skin during the bathing process. In the end you should use a quality soap suiting to your skin so this practice will lead your facial skin to the charming complexion level.

Use Rose water for having a healthy skin:

The natural rose water is the effective source for the development of skin tissues and the brightening up the dark skin pigments you should use this as much as you can. The rose water acts like a quality ­­cleanser for your skin and takes the importance as the best cosmetics.

Final Conclusive Words:

Therefore, after presenting the above-mentioned highlighting important tips for having a health, fresh and glowing skin. I would like to remind this inevitable fact that fair complexion of face is very important aspect of one's personality and appearance in his life.

Hope, you guys have enjoyed a lot and gained so much important knowledge about that how to get a beautiful skin and fair facial complexion. Now, I want the permission to wind it up and with this promise that you all will get its maximum advantages by applying all the tips to yourself for having a sufficient sleep.

Take Care

Your Well Wisher


Wajahat Javaid

Good Bye


About the Creator

wajahat javaid javaid

I am an experienced article writer that is my passion for the reinforcement and improvement of social picture of today's "Present Era".

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