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How I got to be so dumb....

Ignorant sounds so much nicer however untrue.

By Katherine LovellPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Hello my fellow men and women,

I say that “men and women” and include boys and girls even toddlers and sometimes infants.

Sounds completely insane, I know.

An old friend of mine once said... well you say a soul never dies so why couldn’t it just jump into a new born baby? Now this man I’ve known for 20 years he was 73 at the time he said this to me. He is well known in our community and highly respected. I thought what in the world could he mean? Why a baby? What is a soul? How long could it survive? Can you kill a soul? Does that mean that there are two in the baby? What about the poor defenseless newborn. That thought alone had haunted me. Why would this retired Naval Officer and father of four think in such a way!

It made me ponder religion and the Bible story of just two souls here to start what we know as life on earth. Then it made me delve deeper actually into the mythological stories of gods.

The definition of a soul by the “Merriam -Webster” Dictionary is the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life.

By definition we cannot physically see or touch a soul but who is to say that a soul not in (a) human form could not see or touch us. The entire philosophy is mind blowing for the average day to day fellow man or woman. Life here is not easy and it should be. Why would we not want the best for everyone especially that newborn who is here to learn the value of life and to breathe life into the atmosphere and to plant a seed that will grow and become bountiful.

Okay this is just the beginning of my journey into the human soul and no I’m not really all that dumb I guess but I feel so small just a tiny speck of a soul compared to the whole picture. Which is just a small picture in yet a larger one in yet a larger one in yet a larger one times infinity.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the souls had sections so to speak. Ka, with the ba and the akh, is the part that survives when the body dies. Ba, with the ka and the akh, is the part of the soul that holds its mobility to move back and forth in the spiritual realm. Akh, with the ka and the ba, the principle aspect of the soul, you, the whole you. Now, please take your right hand and then with the right please grab your left hand and give yourself a firm hand shake. I just wanted to introduce you to yourself... Say hello to you. A more literal way of seeing your psyche your conscious and your feelings as how separate they are and how confusing this ridiculous world is. You might want just give yourself a hug and a pat on the back because you deserve it. It’s no real easy job all of us being here together but if we sit down and figure out who we are it might shed some light on why life is the way it is. Hopefully that will spark a light which will hit that seed that got planted by one of us and it will grow. Water it with our knowledge, talk to it for it needs nurturing to grow like we do and feed it with our honor. Maybe then could you really see what a privilege it is to be a human.

Just think of that baby.. double mint times infinity. Blood is very sacred and honored as is the human life. Or is it... do you honor your neighbor, does your neighbor honor you? It goes both ways as the saying goes “do you believe in karma”? KA are the first two letters in that word. Now my dear fellow men and women how literal is that. Honor thyself for your ancestors and honor your neighbor for the baby and the KArma.


About the Creator

Katherine Lovell

just another soul searcher

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  • missy hoytabout a year ago

    Hey girl 9899989047 call me

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