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How I got to an IQ over 137

Dr. Matthew Primous, Ph.D, Horn Fellow

By Matthew PrimousPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
How I got to an IQ over 137
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

We must understand what it is like to be a child of today. The world is fast-moving and knowledgeable like never before. Learning is so much more advanced than it was a hundred years ago. Even though children still think the way they do like they did since the beginning. Children grow and mature by play. Play is the ultimate learning experience. If the child is around children their age then they learned the norms and rituals of their age. They envisioned themselves as co-peer in society. They tried each time harder and harder to fit in and show their capabilities. And parents should encourage this to make well-rounded children. Children each year have to figure out their age and the requirements for their age. School helps this, this is why they need to have friends and explore the world. They need to know what are children doing their age. Everything is like a dream and being young seems forever. Children need to know that they will age and that they will become adults. Teachers must show them the way to knowledge and how to be as smart as they can be. Children like me, don't understand IQ numbers, I did not know my IQ of 120 in Middle School meant that I was a gifted child, however, my teachers knew and peers knew. It took me years to understand how really smart I was. And meet with the stigmas, stereotypes such as racism on tests, my belief in character, decency, intelligence and respect helped me overcome those bigotries with an SAT Score of 1370. Supportive teachers' cohort and supportive counselors' cohort can verify what a student knows about themselves. With me, I was smart and growing smarter, and maturing in my studies. This comes from years of self-denial and self-ignorance like most children think. They think because they are small and little now that they will never conquer the world. Children must be given heroes and heroines, it does not have to be someone perfect but someone who defied the odds. Even if they are fictional, children dream of fiction, and fiction helps them imagined the impossible. Children must be taught how to believe in themselves and build up their character. They must be taught loyalty to learning and dignity in gaining knowledge. They must be taught what is patriotism and how to be dedicated. Children can keep promises and children can become men of their word and women of their word. It is not enough to make children smart, they must know how to apply their knowledge and show independence. This is why college is important. It is not just about the job and social class climb, it's about the growth. Children learned how to live without their parents and understand the way the world sees them. They begin to take the obstacle of life and see if they can endure its trials and tests. Parents can see if they raise their children properly and can advise them to be greater. Parents must take the general counsel and their children become the sole decider in their life. It takes great faith but if you plant seeds of hope, it cannot fail. The course of knowledge continues beyond college as college is the testing ground. Teachers are role models, I looked at every teacher's background to understand what they can teach me outside the curriculum because teachers are more than instructors, they are an investment into who a student becomes. Teachers are role models and philosophers, they are the sole decider of the atmosphere of the classroom. Children must be taught how to brainstorm innately and constantly be thinking about their predicament. Their state of learning and then they will develop into productive members of society.


About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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