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How High Do You Rank Today in Your Partner’s Priority List?

It may be time for a reality check

By Jocleyn SorianoPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We usually don’t want to count when it comes to love. We give without expecting anything back. We receive without trying to measure whether we have given enough in the past.

There are certain instances, however, when we may need to take a reality check. We don’t do it for the sake of our ego or for finding more reasons to justify our jealousy. We do it simply because we can no longer ignore the things that kept us from sleeping soundly at night.

We can no longer ignore the many times we felt disregarded. We can no longer ignore the many times we felt someone else or someone else prioritized over us. We can no longer ignore the possibility that our partners are no longer as interested in keeping the relationship as we are.

Your partner’s priority list

First, let’s try to list the things and the people that can be included in your partner’s priority list:

  • Relatives
  • Friends
  • Work
  • Hobbies
  • Entertainment
  • Rest
  • Exercise
  • Spirituality
  • You

Could you think of other things your partner has become so interested in recently?

Is it time to worry?

While some things could take priority every now and then, you may consider it a red flag if you are constantly ranked way down your partner’s list.

Here are some of the questions you can ask yourself whether not being prioritized at the moment can be a cause for worry in your relationship:

1. Is it a temporary thing?

Your partner may have been fired from his/her job and it would make perfect sense if he/she considers looking for another job a priority at the moment.

Your partner may have a sick relative and taking care of him/her is something your partner has to do out of love.

Your partner may be suffering from health issues and his/her recovery is something that he/she should focus on.

2. Is it really important at the moment?

Sometimes, it’s not just a matter of being temporary. It’s also a question of whether the temporary thing your partner wishes to take care of is that important.

For example, having your date nights regularly cancelled because of your partner having to meet a friend every time is something that can raise suspicion.

3. Is he/she always making excuses?

Somehow, you’d know from experience whether your partner is always making excuses. It could be a traffic jam. It could be overtime work. It could even be the loss of a pet. But whatever it may be, you’d feel as though he/she is simply making an excuse not to meet you.

4. Is the relationship no longer being mutual?

Are you always the one trying to call first? Are you always the one trying to change your schedule to fit your partner’s schedule?

While a relationship cannot always have an equal amount of contribution from both parties, there are times when it would be very obvious when only one person is trying to make it work.

Are you no longer being prioritized?

Here are more signs that your partner may not be prioritizing your relationship at the moment:

1. He forgets to respond to your text messages.

2. It takes a long time before he responds to your messages.

3. It takes a long time before he calls you back.

4. He is often not available when you need him.

5. You are often not included in his plans for the week.

6. You rarely hear him include you in his plans for the future.

7. He is rarely available when it comes to attending special occasions with you.

8. He rarely takes you to his social gatherings/events.

9. He never mentions you in his social media accounts even if he mentions other people close to him.

10. He doesn’t dedicate his awards to you.

11. He did not dedicate his books to you.

12. He often runs out of patience with you.

You also need to do a self-check

Of course, on the other side of this is a self-evaluation you also have to make. Try to ask yourself these questions:

1. Are you being too jealous?

There is such a thing as being too understanding, but there is also such a thing as being too jealous. We need to realize that even the best and most loving people cannot be with us all the time.

2. Are you the possessive type of person?

Is your partner prioritizing people over you? Or are you merely being too possessive of your partner?

While your partner has an obligation to make your relationship work, he or she also has to interact with people who are important in his life. This includes co-workers, close friends and family members.

3. Are you being too demanding?

We have a right to doubt our partner’s sincerity if we are constantly ignored in our relationship. But we have no right to demand uninterrupted attention 24 hours a day.

Final thoughts

After considering your own tendencies and the logical clues as to your partner’s priorities, you can have an idea if your relationship has become one-sided or it is merely going through a challenging time.

While you cannot demand your partner’s attention all the time, you also have a right to know whether your partner is still interested in keeping you. Is your partner slowly trying to break free from your relationships?

A heart to heart talk may be necessary to clear things up and to prevent any misunderstanding along the way. It would help both of you to save your relationship and to keep it from completely fading away.

You may also want to read Jocelyn's book "Mend My Broken Heart". Get it from Amazon today - click here.


About the Creator

Jocleyn Soriano

Writer. Poet. Inspirer! Author of Poems of Love and Letting Go.

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