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How bad can a woman be to a woman?

It's about women being malevolent towards women

By yeliangPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

There is malice towards women. There is a saying that the unkindness (malice) towards women in this world often comes from women. I have seen and experienced the malice of women against women. First, let's start with my mother. I was the only daughter my parents had, and neither of them planned to have more. They thought one was enough, but the rest of the family didn't think so. For as long as I can remember, my grandmother would say to me, "Ask your mother to give you another brother." She would also say to my mother, "Just have more boys." Years of hearing that made me feel hostile toward her. Grandma gave birth to 4 sons and 1 daughter. As far as things are concerned, my father and my aunt take care of everything that happens in our family. My father and my aunt also visit them frequently. Grandma always say "son (boy) rich, give birth to daughter daughter", in my opinion, she gave birth to so many sons, is really very rich to... He was old two old three angry to die, but also desperately shout others more than a... How much pain women have experienced to give birth to their children, know that pain, but also to let people continue that way... Listen to my mother said, when she was young in my aunt's home, aunt's mother-in-law is still retained in the feudal times of some practices (customs), men and women can not eat at the same table, men finished eating, women can eat. My mother said that when we stayed there, my aunt and she ignored their "unreasonable" demands, ate at the same table, and ignored their gossip. They would say that they had no manners, no manners, no manners, and it was the women who made the remarks... This is how many years of "mutilation" let them feel that this approach is right, really speechless... They still are. They're hopeless. My mother in my arms before I rheumatic fever, at that time to eat a lot of hormone drugs, so the whole people all expansion, like oedema that way, well after a period of time behind the pregnant with me, to take after I was born, her body was completely lost, whether tube shut up your legs, her body back to before the lithe and graceful body appearance. Some people's mouth, is so owe, maybe she is unintentional, casually said that, but really too much. Say something like "a woman who can't manage her own body is easy to have her husband run away" or "she is so fat, but still has the courage to eat fat food"... Your husband just ran off with someone, and my parents are so close! And besides, it's a blessing to eat, okay? Here's my own. I officially entered the society in February this year, I was in a company when a minor. I have a boyish personality. I have long hair, but I like to wear men's clothes. My body is also quite large, so I am one of the obese people, but I have never hated myself. I like myself very much, and I am satisfied with my appearance given by my parents. The company has no special dress code for the office. One thing, no slippers. Since there is no special requirement, I can do whatever is comfortable. In summer, IT is T-shirt jeans and in winter, it is hoodie jeans. I like to carry all kinds of canvas bags, which I feel very comfortable. However, there is one person in our office who, although she just said it unintentionally, was quite out of line... At first, it was all about wearing dresses and stuff, and I was like, ok, that's okay, I can experiment, I have dresses. I was just one day, and it was hot, and I was wearing a waistless tank dress, and I thought it was great, it was cool, but... That woman, she said "hahahaha, why do you dress like a pregnant woman", and she also pulled other colleagues, asked them "do you think she looks like a pregnant woman hahahaha"... Okay, I'll let you go. One day, I took a whim, to change a hairstyle, hot dye pulled. My hair is naturally wavy and really frizzy when I'm not doing it, but after that day, my hair is smooth and I love it. On Monday, the woman walked past me and said, "You did your hair, ha ha ha, you look more like Gao Xiaosong." Please, you that ten thousand years invariable qi bang, I did not say what, you wear white clothes wearing bra of this year color I also did not laugh at you, with what you will be like this to me? Did I provoke you? Or can you just do this because I'm new here? In addition to me, she is also to other girls, like to laugh at others, secretly speculate on others, speak ill of others, self-righteous, when in fact, she is not much better... Anyway, a lot of the unfriendliness toward women comes from women... Also, when I came to this company, I was the only one in the office who was single. The others were either married or involved. In fact, I think it doesn't matter whether I fall in love or not. I can live a happy life as a single person and I don't have to suffer. They will start a variety of "you have to hurry up" "XXX has blind date of that kind, do you want to sign up for it" "I can introduce my cousin to you"... You don't have to worry about my love life. If you have time to worry about me, you'd better think about how to maintain a harmonious relationship between yourself and your husband/boyfriend.


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