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Horoscope for Virgo in September 2022

We all have two charts, so when you read September forecast, look for your Sun sign and rising sign.

By WHBPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

-Numerous joyful planets are lining up in your chart to make the most of the lovely, abundant months you have coming up. It's your birthday, and to help you celebrate, the mighty Sun and new moon made their appearance in Virgo late last month on August 27. This new moon will be your key to embarking on a dazzling new path.

-Every year, there is one new moon in the sign of our birth, and yours was on August 27. Usually, I'll advise you on how to make the most of the new moon in that particular month, but this year, at the annual new moon in your sign of Virgo, things are different since you get to choose what you want to do. What aspiration do you harbour that you would like to realise, Virgo? Take a step toward fulfilling that ambition by utilising the potent energy of this new moon. Astrology is all about timing, and now is the perfect time for you to make a significant decision.

-Your ruling planet, Mercury, also rules the new moon in Virgo at 3 degrees. Therefore, Mercury had a significant impact on the new moon. Fortunately, transiting Mercury in Libra is perfectly aligned to Mars, the great action planet. Mars will give you the drive and vigour to pursue your goals; you'll know this is the appropriate time to do it. Your fifth house of love, pregnancy, and children—which also rules your creativity—will also send you graceful rays from transformational Pluto. You'll find that one of these topics is significant to you and can help you live the life you've imagined.

-This new moon will speak to you more directly the closer your birthday is to August 27 (plus or minus five days). The same holds true whether your moon is in Virgo at 4 degrees, plus 5 degrees, or minus 3 degrees, or if it is rising in Virgo. Check your natal chart to see if any planets are between 0 and 8 degrees in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. That planet will go far to assist you if you do.

-Let's look at this month's full moon in Pisces, which occurs on September 10 at 18 degrees and will likely cause you to consider a potential alliance. You could want to live together soon, be exclusive to one another, get engaged, or get hitched.

-Or you might choose to use the power of this new moon in collaboration to collaborate in business. You might want to work with a collaborator who will be private and one-on-one, like a lawyer, bookkeeper, or accountant, or who will be more visible, like a business partner, publicist, or agency, to name a few. This full moon is one of my favourites because Uranus, the planet of all unexpected happenings, will be at the exact angle to the Sun and deliver you a nice surprise in relation to the partnership issue you may be thinking about. A friend might also be involved and play a role in this wonderful surprise.

-On September 10, the full moon, you might have a clearer idea of how you want to proceed. Wait until Mercury turns direct again, which will happen from September 9 to October 2 if you need to move quickly. Over the October 8 full moon, I advise you to do this. Even if it's the weekend, full moons have an impact both before and after they happen (two days before and five days after).

-You will get double the luck from this full moon if your birthday is September 10, plus or minus five days, if your natal moon is in Virgo, or if Virgo is rising at the same 18 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, on that day. You will enjoy this full moon as well if your natal planet falls at 18 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio. Uranus' surprises will also be beneficial to you.

-It must be wonderful news that the September 25 new moon in Libra has the potential to increase your financial situation. Uranus and Venus, the ruler of Libra, will be conversing. Because Uranus is known for producing surprises, you can be taken aback by an unexpected windfall of money or a priceless present.

-It's obviously obvious that your job is doing well, and often, career success is accompanied by higher pay. Pluto will align with Venus in your fifth house of creativity, so whatever you made or expressed through the arts may be the source of the unforeseen financial windfall. See how things go. You can be selling to an international market as well.


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Writing is just my side hustle,editing is my passion,painting is my hobby.

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