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Her Deserving Day

something worthy

By Krystal Murphy Published 3 years ago 5 min read

She woke up this morning with this odd feeling in her gut. The thoughts that roamed through her mind seemed demeaning and unstoppable. The defeat does its absolute best to sink into the core of her heart, yet her soul always stands to survive. Every day she decides to keep going because that’s exactly what life does unapologetically. With some coffee and Mary Jane rolled to slight perfection to start her day, affirmations arise through her throat. Speaking of positivity and good energy to flow within her day no matter the less of it. In her little black book, she wrote down her hopes and dreams, along with her plans of finance. She wrote her feelings down in that same book for every time depression hit, or a new idea came storming through. Many poems stained the sheets along with tears and ink smudges. The little black book held her ultimate truth and power, her personal guide through her roads of this life. Without hesitation the universe spoke very questionably. She realized her time has come when a notification pops up on her phone saying Congratulations! Confused and anxious she opens the tab to learn she has won an outstanding amount of money based on winning a writing challenge she entered months ago. Surprised and filled with emotions she stopped and thanked God for the ultimate blessing. She opened her little black book and expressed every feeling that was valid and crossed off many plans she knew she would execute. To retrieve her prize, she confirmed herself online and was off to prove her identity in person. She decided to talk a walk, listen to her music and vibe along the way since the destination was closer than she expected. Suddenly she gets a text message mid stroll saying, “Hey Queen just was thinking of you hope everything is alright love you”. A genuine smile showed up from ear to ear upon her face. Gratefulness grew within her even more as she replied with a heartfelt thank you of appreciation. She thought of all the ways she could bless those who stayed true. Giving back to those who kept her spirits as light as a feather. Sharing pure joy with those deserving of her time and energy especially. Socially she only tends to share what she feels is necessary to the public. She is a very distant person in general for the sake of her well-being. With every step she took towards the fulfilling destination, she phased through every feeling possible. Deserving, excited, scared and worthy you name it. Her phone suddenly rang with the contact name of “Think twice”. She let the number go to voicemail as she took many breaths. A voicemail was presented on her screen, so she listened. “Hey, I know we had our differences but my love for you has never changed. An apology is a start for me, and I never felt so terrible knowing I hurt someone as special as you. Please call me back” The cold air blew through her sweater stronger than the overthinking hit. Wondering if she shared her secret would it change the way of others. Would many reveal themselves as fraud and unreliable? She looked through many as if they were made of glass and knew not to waste her time. Getting closer to her big prize she paused in her tracks as she saw a mighty tree with flowers around it. She took the opportunity to refresh and renew her energy after all it absorb through her walk. As she sat against the might tree, she inspects how majestic it stood. She analyzed her surroundings and took a deep breath while enjoying her view. In this moment she took out her little black book from her book bag and began to write. “Life has a funny way of reminding you that you are human too. That even in the mist of joy, rain and storms can make a grand entrance. Acceptance is particularly important. Of yourself and of others. It is okay not to be okay but accept those facts and in growth you will proceed in grace. Thank God every chance you wake because any opportunity is better than no opportunity at all. Reach for the stars and feel this embrace because you deserve it. You deserve stability, happiness and pure joy. You are worthy of this moment even when it feels like too much. This is your moment please take your time.” As she affirmed and closed her little black book, she looked up to see her destination. Considering the world, she walked inside happy to be where she is. She was immediately asked for the email and identification. As she hands over her paperwork the man proceeded to take down the information that was given to receive her grand prize. A slim smirk showed on the man’s face as he told her “first door to your right young lady”. Slow and steady she walked through the first door on the right to witness a man and woman sitting at a table with laptops and paperwork at hand. “Well, hello their winner! are you as excited as we are?” said the man. “Absolutely sir!” said the young lady. “Please take a seat dear” said the woman. As she took a seat, before her bottom hit the chair, she let out a sigh of relief. “Well let’s see here, it looks like you’ve won 20,000 dollars for your short story WOW how amazing is that” said the man. “We just have one question before we proceed, what do you plan to do with all this money ma’am?” said the woman. The young lady stared off in the distance for a bit as she collected her thoughts. “A lot of the money will go into my savings for futuristic activity. Aside of the obvious in paying off debts and bills, I plan to give myself the opportunity to accept the fact that I am more able than ever before. I do not plan to be reckless or irresponsible, but I do plan to think twice before making certain decisions with my money. I have never been more grateful for an opportunity like this other than waking up every moment. I’m grateful and would like to thank you for this amazing blessing” She signed all her paperwork for direct deposit and sat and waited for the money to hit her account before leaving. A notification showed from her bank revealing the money being deposited and she immediately put 15,000 into her savings account. As she walked outside, she placed her earphones in her ears while her favorited song played it began to rain. With no umbrella and only a jacket she proceeded to walk with a smile. Through rain or shine it will be done.


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