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Happy not Perfect

A pandemic dating guide

By Cyn KittPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
A man whose face exemplifies the melancholy temperament (1789)

Excer-ma-cize, helps. Like tone crushing ab workout, bear climbing circuits, and a good ole I declare squat war, till your muscles ache in repetitive torture is worth the crunch. Tummy aches of nervousness, anticipation, or just plain old anxiety. It is all worth it in the name of sanity. Then a shot of whiskey, or Patron, whichever you prefer. Entonces! Call your crush and tell em you want to link up. NO for reals.

Dating! It helps me get through the pandemic blues as well as my insane boredom. Hearing about other people’s shitty problems for the first time over and over again. Whilst unloading your baggage-claimed life, over and over again, for the first time, is like hydrogen peroxide to a new piercing; melancholic therapy. Emotionally cleanse until you are empty, and hollowed out, carving the toxicities, eliminating the bad traits, and holding on to the bits and pieces of good advice you pick up along the way. Finding, and refining the best you. Those lessons I may forewarn, no one in particular, is not easy.

Dating improves your credibility. As long as you’re doing it with pure intentions of course. Dating for self-assurance and soul seeking is fine, but mal intended dating to fulfill some otherwise narcissist, ego-building motif is not. Well, what do I mean by good or bad intentions? I have a perfect exhibit. This morning for example to make things a bit more personal, I walk to Dunkin for a bagel twist and pumpkin spice coffee (hello, fall). I do something nice for myself every day, and I encourage you to do the same, especially during these times. No matter how minute, I mean even if it’s an ice cream cone, or a nice dress just because you wanna stunt at the grocery store.

I am super unorganized. Like I live vicariously through Vivian in Pretty Woman, minus the whole prostitute part, but yea you get it. Pretty free, inhibited even. NO planned out week, no daily itinerary, just a 20-something year old floating through the wind. But the Rona has changed that quite a bit, hence, my dating spree to free the inner me held in political captivity.

Ok, I’m back to the example.

The coffee was great but the good intentions I’ve initiated this morning really set the tone for my day, you see. Walking the cool mile and a half to (and fro) the coffee shop, I’ve decided that I will get the Neighborhood Watch some donuts. I call them the Neighborhood Watch, but the unfortunate truth is that they reside on the side of the road in a pretty shabby, camped out rig. Exiting the shop, change in one hand, ½ dozen donuts in the other balancing a cup holder full of coffee, whilst simultaneously enjoying my carb-filled breakfast I am on my merry way. Legit, half a bagel and a half mile later, I drop the fucking coffee! Pissed is not even the word, vexed neither, nah, quicker than a New York minute I am tight, yo! Not so much because of the $3.75, but because a) the good intentions that I’ve set out to help the less fortunate out with a nice breakfast just went to shit, and b)who doesn’t like their donuts with coffee. That’s like Thelma jumping without Louise, the Bernie campaign without a budget, Queen navigating the adversities of Chi-town with no Slim, the chicken just saying fuck the egg and deciding to procreate with roosters- wait, nvm, you know what I mean..mad! You see, we feel good when we set good intentions, but YIKES when they don’t necessarily pan out the way they are intended.

Whilst dating to cure my emotional battles, I try to make it a point to proofread intentions so that the physical connection can be all that much better. Energy is transmittable so if we can work out the kinks of our mental mechanisms, together, that is so hot.

During a pandemic, there are even more philosophical undertones to our emotional states, which makes having a supportive person willing to unify in sex and solidarity super important. When the world is in critical condition, a solid, and honest presence without ulterior motives can be the cure to those blues we are all feeling. And being that we are all connected, we in ourselves should be practicing healthy habits to ensure that the dating world stays pure, so that my world stays happy.


About the Creator

Cyn Kitt

I don't have many friends so I come to you like an open book to vomit my pain, pleasures and political views. Thank you and please enjoy my transparency as much as I enjoy writing about them <3

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