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Groom up

A call to live

By Rimsha Ashraf Published about a month ago 3 min read
Live your life

Wake Up Call

I woke up in a fog in a room I had never seen before, unable to focus on my surroundings. As I tried to move I realized a net was holding me down and restraints on my feet and wrists kept me from being able to do so. I heard myself say, “This has got to be a dream. Where am I? Is this really happening? This has got to be a dream….” This is the story of my wake up call to my drug use, the impact it had on my relationships with my friends, family and high school in one day. It was nearly 6:00 p.m. on August 24th, 2007 and somehow I had misplaced a half dozen hours. The last thing I remembered was looking at my cell phone, it was 12:13 p.m., and I was walking out of computer class heading to my car after fourth hour, …show more content…

I had taken eight somas and only remembered taking five of them. Shortly before my 1st hour class, I took two of the pills and swallowed it with Red Bull. It took 20 minutes for the drug to take effect, I began to feel lightheaded and loose feeling in my body. Going to 2nd hour was a challenge because the earth felt like it was moving side to side as I was walking to my next class. While I was sitting in the chair I got a sudden urge to take one more pill, so I did the same routine. Next, I headed to my 3rd hour class and felt like the drugs were wearing off (although the pills can last up to 4 hours), so I took two more pills and continued walking to the classroom. While waiting for the drugs to take effect, I talked to my friend Matt during class and told him about me having Somas on me. He wanted me to sell the rest of the pills to him, but I refused because I wanted to keep the rest of the pills to myself. Soon after class I began to have an intense headache and vertigo. Everything I am typing from this point is “hear say” as I was in a black out caused by the overdose of Soma. According to the Emergency Medical Practitioners (EMTs), some school personnel such as the security guards and the Vice Principal, thought I was walking like a person who was under the influence of something. When confronted by the security guard I passed out in the parking lot. The school called an ambulance and informed my parents that I had passed out and was on my way to the2

as in sadness

a state or spell of low spirits

she called her friend to see if a sympathetic ear would relieve his depression

Synonyms & Similar Words






as in sadness

a state or spell of low spirits

she called her friend to see if a sympathetic ear would relieve his depression

Synonyms & Similar Words





as in sadness

a state or spell of low spirits

she called her friend to see if a sympathetic ear would relieve his depression

Synonyms & Similar Words




as in sadness

a state or spell of low spirits

she called her friend to see if a sympathetic ear would relieve his depression

Synonyms & Similar Words









as in sadness

a state or spell of low spirits

she called her friend to see if a sympathetic ear

how tobody modifications

About the Creator

Rimsha Ashraf

good life the best believe in your self proud Pakistani Allhumdulillah be natural be who you are

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