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Graciousness is Gratefulness

Created and Written by Michelle SHAAY

By MICHELLE SHAAY Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Graciousness is Gratefulness
Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

I know this first line may seem a little unorthodox, but I can honestly say I am very thankful for the mandatory downtime we've been given to reconnect, reassess, and reset. As we all know, life is a combination of moments and decisions, blur after blur, year after unpredictable year.

This Year-2020, has been unpredictable to say the least. It has shown us how little power we truly have in managing events we have grown to take for granted.

Since the pandemic, I can admit my level of thankfulness-already pretty high, has been overhauled to further graciousness and gratefulness for Every second I am granted.

The composing of this very thoughtful essay is a testament to how a pandemic, extended downtime, and positive thinking can propel anyone to go inward and utilize the unique gifts bestowed upon them.

This thought process is graciousness to oneself that too many of us, even me won't extend to ourselves. We must extend graciousness, because this in turn will fuel gratefulness in all manner of things (relationships-old and new), compassion included.

I am so grateful for this laptop, my creative mind and wit I attempt to bury at times for fear of being called weird, a dreamer, and a romanticist. I have since gotten over that though. As I type away right now, I am in my zone.

This mandatory, extended downtime-that I am truly grateful for, has certainly made me more thankful for the moments spent during pre-pandemic days acting at the community theater, hugging my loved ones, eating tasty, buttered popcorn while watching a horrible movie at the theater, and simply sitting down to a great, deserving meal at my favorite diner while selecting the peach cobbler on a physical menu.

While this unprecedented event brought about the panic of being "trapped inside" our homes, it has been the complete opposite for me.

I have embraced and am extremely grateful for the non-commute, unplugged silent moments, virtual chats that have led to real poignant conversations, and the spiritual reconnect within myself so my current graciousness continues to evolve into further gratefulness.

The real time moments we all have been afforded should make us feel something and it's not anger, nor fear, not complacency. It surely isn't and shouldn't be that this year go away quickly only because it's been unlike any other we've faced in many years.

The weak links of systemic racism, lackluster democratic principles and ideology, insufficient or even the absence of local and state benefits, overwhelmed medical systems, and even the methodical , seemingly delay of stimulus aka economic impact payments-that by the way are more than likely overpayments of taxes into the "system" have been further exposed.

Further exposed. If we really are a progressive, wealthy, and intelligent nation. If we really do believe our diversity makes us stronger than most. If we truly honor "In God We Trust" then graciousness should be automatic, right? I am grateful I live in a country like the United States where my first amendment right may not mirror someone else's, but because the all inclusive fabric dominates our belief in "justice for all" my opinion does and can matter at the end of any day.

Graciousness is an act. Gratefulness is the by product of this act on every level of our significant existence during this year.

If you are still here, as I am typing away about this very real moment, then we are truly chosen to be here for a beautiful reason, no matter how dark the circumstances look. As in all manner of living reasonably, the struggle must be present in order to gain and monitor progress in yourself, your current circumstance, and ultimately your life.

As we approach a milestone-the close of 2020 while attacking a virus called Covid19 or Coronavirus we've faced since March while enduring an election year of epic upset, sweeping conspiracies, and often confusion, graciousness can be even be found within us and within our spirit to set the bar high for others who wish to serve as elected officials on any level.

The graciousness of exercising our vote until we do find a common denominator to achieve true dignity, integrity and overall decency in caring for the welfare of our beautifully diverse communities is a gift I am truly grateful for everyday.

Finally, I wish to acknowledge Vocal and the entire creator community for providing a visible, but entirely safe platform for me and individuals who are just a little different, completely gifted, and allow us to "be." Thank You Vocal family for this amazing opportunity.

May the year 2020 continue to compel us to be kinder, resilient, and always Thankful for all days-even our "rough around the edges" ones, especially those.



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