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Good deeds sparks more good deeds.

He gave up everything to find his kids.

By M.A.DPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

I am very lucky, my neighbor is also an amazing friend of mine. We lived in low-income brick apartments. The kind people only live in when they have no other options. She was very excited that her cousin was moving across the street from us with his two children. A week passed and we were sitting outside talking when one of the children came over and asked for help. She had forgotten her key at school and needed the spare key to get into her apartment. I noticed she was in shorts and not wearing a coat. It was two weeks before Christmas and chilly outside. I asked the girl where her coat was and she looked confused. My friend explained her family only spoke spanish and they've never been anywhere cold before. I went for the walk to the girls apartment. Once I was inside, I realized they had very little even for where we lived. They had a pull out couch their father slept on, a small t.v, a rickety kitchen table with no chairs, and barely any dishes. The children slept in one room with mattresses on the floor and throw blankets. They didn't have any sheets or heavy blankets. The families story was even worse.

My friends cousin lived in Philadelphia where he worked as a mechanic. His two children lived with their mother in Puerto Rico. He was sent word from a friend in Puerto Rico that his children were taken by the state. His children were separated and suffered many indignities during this time. Her cousin quickly quit his job and sold everything he could. He took all his saving to fly to Puerto Rico where he spent over a month trying to find his children and bring them back to New Jersey where he found an apartment where they could all be together. He had to start all over again and didn't have much money left. Having three children of my own, his story really resonated with me. I went home and immediately spoke to my husband and children about their situation and how they wouldn't have a Christmas or anything else this year. I knew the family was just happy to be together, but I was still sad. It was agreed we'd do what we could. My son came out of his room handing me his x-box and games for the teenage boy so he'd have something to do in a new place. My daughter also came out with a coat, some toys and make-up she never used. They also gave them bedsets we no longer needed to keep them warm. I had an extra, small Christmas tree and gathered some decorations for them. We also found some decoration kits, so they can make their own. I called a local Re-Store to see if they could help. They gave us an amazing deal on an extra couch, dressers for everyone, a coffee table, and a kitchen table and chairs. They agreed to deliver this all for us and the store manager and cashier asked to help with Christmas presents for the family. The lovely Cashier embroidered stockings for the children and they both bought them warm clothes and a few presents. At the time, my husband worked at a thrift store and they gave us a great deal on a set of dishes and cups for the family. Hearing their story, our neighbors and family came together and donated what money they could afford towards the furniture. I couldn't believe how many people wanted to help and donate to a family they didn't know. I was overwhelmed with the communities support.

While my friends cousin was working, the neighbors came together and carried everything into his apartment. His daughter and I put the old table near the window and put the Christmas tree upon it. The children were so excited they started making decoration immediately. While the children were busy with the tree, I set the Kitchen table showing off the new dishes. My friend made all the beds and put away their clothes. I was still there helping when her cousin came home. He was so surprised when he walked up the stairs he froze. I think he thought he was in the wrong apartment. My friend explained what everyone was able to do and told him there was a bag of presents hiding in the closet as well. Overwhelmed, he sat at the top of the stairs and cried. He kept saying thank you over and over. When he regained his composure he walked room to room stunned at the difference. I was just glad I could be part of helping a man that gave up everything he had to find his children.


About the Creator


I currently live in a small town with my husband, 3 kids, and my cat. I hope to publish a few children's books this year.

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