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Fruits and Vegetables You Should Never Store Together

Fruits and Vegetables we should eat.

By tanvir AliPublished 11 months ago 21 min read

Fruits and Vegetables You Should Never Store Together (Unless You Want Them to Spoil Faster)

If your fruit bowl includes a bunch of grapes and some apples, you’re doing it wrong, the experts say…

Elvira Kashapova/Getty Images

Oil and water. Two constantly-squabbling siblings. A flaky croissant and your freshly-cleaned bed sheets.

Certain things are better kept at a distance, including certain fruits and vegetables you should never store together. Sure, it’s easy to toss your entire farmers market or supermarket haul into the same crisper drawer or two, it’s not your best strategy to extend the life of your ingredients. But since fruits and veggies aren’t exactly shouting at each other, for example, or crumbling into pieces atop your crisp white sheets, how do you know which fruits and vegetables you should never store together?

To help us all store in a savvier way and max out the lifespan of our produce investments, we asked our Test Kitchen experts and other culinary pros for their guidance about which fruits and veggies are friends—and which are freshness foes.

The Fruits and Vegetables You Should Never Store Together

Some fruits and vegetables need to be stored separately due to varying temperature requirements. For example, cucumbers last the longest when stored between 50 to 54 degrees F instead of the usual fridge temp of 35 to 40 degrees F, while tomatoes prefer room temp, and grapes thrive between 32 and 36 degrees F.

Other fruits and veggies are best at a distance so they don't transfer odors from one to another; onions and garlic, for instance, can overpower the taste or smell of apples, pears, carrots, celery, and others.

Those fruit and vegetable storage tips are much easier to assume than what Meggan Hill, executive chef and CEO of Culinary Hill deems is the “main rule” to produce storage success: “Separate high-ethylene producers from ethylene-sensitive fruits and vegetables,” she says. “It’s important to know which fruits and vegetables produce high or moderate amounts of natural ethylene gas and which are sensitive to it. This will allow you to maximize freshness and reduce spoilage.”

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Ethylene is a gas that certain fruits and vegetables emit to cause them to ripen. Without ethylene, that under-ripe rock-hard avocado would remain that rock hard, rather than transforming into its luscious buttery, spreadable, or mashable consistency.

Since ethylene speeds up the ripening—and spoiling—process for certain fruits and vegetables, “when stored too close to each other, ethylene-rich produce can cause ethylene-sensitive produce to ripen too quickly and cause rapid deterioration,” Lauren Grant-Vose, founder of Zestful Kitchen adds.

For this reason, Chris Meyer, Dotdash Meredith Test Kitchen administrative assistant, recommends keeping ethylene-producers at least 6 to 8 inches away from the fruits and vegetables sensitive to ethylene gas.

Related: How to Freeze Vegetables From the Garden or Market

Elvira Kashapova/Getty Images

Ethylene-Producing Fruits and Vegetables

According to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Center for Community Health, the following produce high amounts of natural ethylene gas.

“To be safe, just store the ethylene-producers away from other produce, by themselves, and not in sealed bags or containers,” Grant-Vose suggests.










“Celery, peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes also produce a moderate amount of ethylene,” Hill adds.

Meyer says that there are some storage containers and produce-saver sheets that can help absorb ethylene; try using these inside your crisper drawer if you have any of the above items in-stock.

Ethylene-Sensitive Fruits and Vegetables

On the flip side, these items are ones that UCSD says are sensitive to ethylene. Grant-Vose notes that circulation is key to extending the life of ethylene-sensitive items, so it is wise to remove the following in sealed containers or bags.

Some of the ethylene-producers noted above are also ethylene-sensitive, and we’ve noted those below in bold.

“If a fruit or veggie is both an ethylene-producer and ethylene-sensitive, store the produce in a single layer rather than stacked or piled into bowls,” Grant-Vose says. (This means that displaying a beautiful bowl of apples on your counter is not the wisest idea for maximum fruit lifespan.)








Collard Greens





Lemons and Limes



Melons (cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew)





Stone Fruits (peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, cherries)

Sweet Potatoes

Fruits and Vegetables That Are Not Ethylene-Sensitive

While we’re continuing to learn more about the fruits and veggies that can play nicely together, the current scientific consensus is that the following items are not extremely ethylene-sensitive, so should be okay to store with other produce section selections.





Green Beans







7 Bonus Tips for How to Make Produce Last Longer

Now that you have our ultimate guide to the fruits and vegetables you should never store together, we couldn’t let our pro panel go without asking them to spill about other ways to slow spoilage and lengthen the life of your fresh garden goodies.

Flip out. We swear by an old restaurant trick: FIFO, which stands for “first in, first out.” When you put something new in, whether it's produce or leftovers, place it closer to the back, and bring something older towards the front, Grant-Vose says. “Doing this allows you to keep an eye on your inventory and helps you keep track of what's fresh and what's a bit older and ready to be used.”

Towel off. Paper towels are a wise, budget-friendly tool to help extend the life of many produce items. “Berries, lettuce greens, snap peas, and herbs can all benefit from a paper towel being placed in the storage container,” Grant-Vose says. “Replace the paper towel with a fresh one occasionally if needed.”

Time the rinse cycle right. If you can wait, it’s best to wash fruits and vegetables right before you eat or serve them, Hill advises. When you get fruits and vegetables home from the market, dry off any moisture before storing them. “Moisture can contribute to spoilage and can encourage bacterial growth,” Hill says.

Let ‘em breathe. Along with being dry, most produce benefits from circulating air, so store veggies in paper bags or bags with holes—not an airtight plastic bag, Hill suggests.

Go whole. Instead of cutting, shredding, or slicing immediately after purchase or harvest, keep fruits, vegetables, and herbs whole for as long as possible, Grant-Vose says.

Mind your onions. Even though both onions and potatoes should both be stored in a cool, dark place outside of the refrigerator, “do not store onions and potatoes together,” Hill warns “Onions release moisture which will lead to mushy potatoes with eyes or roots.”

Trim the tops. When produce comes with green tops, such as carrots or beets, trim the tops immediately. (Don’t toss them, though! Blitz the leaves into beet or carrot top pesto.) If you leave the tops attached, they can drain moisture, resulting in veggies that are limp or dry.

The Bottom Line

Temperature, smell, and ethylene gas production levels (or sensitivities) can be your guide when considering which fruits and vegetables to store together.

“The easiest rule to follow is to just store like produce together,” Grant-Vose says. “Berries can be stored together, brassica vegetables can be stored together, leafy greens can be together, and most root vegetables (except potatoes) can go together.”

If you’d like to keep your fruits and vegetables beyond their usual best-by date, consider preservation. Check out our Test Kitchen’s canning basics to help you preserve produce for up to a year.

For more Better Homes & Gardens news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

Read the original article on Better Homes & Gardens.


8 Best Fruits That Can Help Relieve Constipation

Constipation can be very frustrating. Not only does it make you feel uncomfortable, but it can also lead to stomach ache, bloating and other issues. Constipation occurs when your bowel movements are not regular. A number of factors can directly or indirectly cause this: improper diet, irregular meal timings, sedentary lifestyle, disturbed sleep, stress, etc. There are several natural remedies you can consider trying. And one of the most simple ones is just eating the right fruit. Below we have compiled a list of common fruits that may help solve this problem:

1. Bananas

Fibre-rich bananas have long been used as a home remedy for constipation. According to Delhi-based dietitian Ritu Arora, "Ripened bananas improve the bowel syndrome and let microvilli present in the small intestine to function better, further helping in digestion and relieving constipation." It is important to ensure the bananas are ripened. Unripe bananas are high in resistant starch and have the opposite effect - they are considered better for those suffering from loose motions/ diarrhoea rather than constipation. Click here to know more.Also Read: Feeling Constipated? 5 Healthy Drinks That May Help Regulate Digestion

2. Oranges

Oranges are a particularly refreshing source of fibre and vitamin C. This citrus fruit is known to have a laxative effect to a certain extent. Eating them whole (rather than juiced) can help you get a greater amount of fibre. Some studies also suggest that the presence of the compound naringenin (a flavonoid) in oranges can help those with constipation.

3. Kiwi

Kiwi is another fruit rich in vitamin C. But that's not what makes it particularly helpful for constipation. Rather, its high fibre and water content make it a good solution for this problem. Some research also suggests that actinidin, an enzyme found in kiwis, may also contribute to its effectiveness in this case.

4. Pears

Pears contain not only fibre but fructose and sorbitol. The latter two can have a laxative effect and thus provide relief from your tummy troubles. Sorbitol is known to soften stool and ease bowel movements through pressure.

5. Apple

Apple is a unique part of this list because it can help relieve constipation as well as diarrhoea. In the case of the former, it is recommended to eat the apple with the skin. It is this outer portion that contains insoluble fibre and can promote bowel movements. The fruit also contains soluble fibre, especially in the form of a dietary fibre called pectin. Studies show that this can also help with the problem. If you have loose motions, experts advise removing the skin before consumption. Also Read: Does Eating Rice Cause Constipation? Here's What You Need To Know

6. Papaya

Papaya is a low-cal fruit rich in water as well as fibre. It can regulate bowel movements and help you poop. It also contains papain, an enzyme known to aid digestion. It is best to eat papaya plain or with seeds such as chia or flax (which are also good for constipation). You must avoid pairing it with certain other foods, in general. Click here to know more.

7. Figs

Figs are an amazing source of fibre and can help promote regularity. They also contain an enzyme called ficin, which may contribute to their laxative effect. You can have them as they are or soak them overnight.

8. Prunes

Apart from fresh fruits, this particular 'dry fruit' can also help relieve constipation. Prunes are dried plums. They contain soluble as well as insoluble fibres that are beneficial for you. They also contain sorbitol, which can play a role in easing bowel movements (as discussed earlier).

Make these fruits a regular part of your diet to keep indigestion at bay. They will also ensure you get a good amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary for your overall health.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.


THC Gummies: 7 Best THC Edibles in Fun Fruit Flavors

THC Gummies: 7 Best THC Edibles in Fun Fruit Flavors


Cannabis products — like THC gummies — have been rapidly growing in popularity over recent years, and it’s not hard to see why.

They represent one of the most effective treatments for a wide range of both physical and mental conditions including chronic pain, depression, and anxiety as well as providing many users with general improvements to their mood and quality of life.

THC gummies in particular are becoming popular as they represent one of the most convenient ways to experience the benefits of cannabis products. This means that the average user is now met with more choices than ever, with dozens of brands now manufacturing THC edibles and other THC products.

With many of these brands offering their gummies in numerous flavors and strengths and making bold scientific claims, even experienced users can find it overwhelming when trying to find the best THC products.

That’s why we rounded up seven of the very best THC edibles we could find — and we’re sure you’ll find one you absolutely love.



Rating: 5.0


Verified Potency

THC & CBD Blend


Berry Buzz Flavor

Special Offer


Check PriceImage

Diet Smoke

Rating: 4.8




Varied Flavors

Vegan Friendly

Special Offer

Diet Smoke

Check PriceImage

TRĒ House

Rating: 4.6


60-Day Money Back

Vegan & Gluten-Free

Lab Tested Potency

Fresh Fruit Taste

Special Offer

TRĒ House

Check Price Top 7 THC Gummies

Overall Best THC Gummies: CBDfx Delta-9 THC Gummies + CBD

Most Flavors: Diet Smoke Blueberry Lemonade Gummies

Most Balanced THC Gummies: TREHouse Delta 9 Gummies with CBD

Top Organic THC Gummies: Budder Delta-9 THC Gummies Beach Buzz

Great THC Gummies for Relaxation: Koi Delta 9 THC Gummies

Most Size Options: Apollo D9 CBD + THC Gummies

Great Value: Diamond CBD Fresh Delta-9 THC Gummies

When looking for the very best THC gummies available on the cannabis market today, we considered several factors. We looked at the number of gummies in each container, price point, potency, and flavor, among other things.

Best THC Gummies 1. Overall Best THC Gummies: CBDfx Delta-9 THC Gummies + CBDPros

60-day money back guarantee

Verified potency through third party lab testing

PETA-certified cruelty-free company

Established brand with hundreds of positive reviews


Some may prefer more THC and less CBD

About CBDfx Delta-9 THC Gummies + CBD

The CBDfx Delta-9 THC Gummies + CBD provide everything you could want. As the name suggests, these edibles contain both THC and full-spectrum CBD.

This provides you with the full range of benefits that the chemicals of the cannabis plant can offer, potentially enhancing the benefits of the THC edibles through the entourage effect.

CBDfx is well-established and respected in the industry, with hundreds of five-star reviews from satisfied customers.

They’re also certified by animal welfare charity PETA for their commitment to cruelty-free manufacturing, which will certainly be a point in their favor for some.


Size: 20 gummies/container, 40 gummies/container

Strength: 5 mg of THC per gummy

Flavor(s): Berry Buzz

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2. Most Flavors: Diet Smoke Blueberry Lemonade GummiesPros

American-grown hemp

Third-party lab tested

Plenty of other flavor options

Vegan and all-natural ingredients


Only 10 gummies per package

About Diet Smoke 4/20 Sour Apple

Diet Smoke’s 4/20 Sour Apple gummies provide users with a pure delta 9 experience, with each THC gummy containing a powerful 10mg of THC extract, without other cannabinoids.

This purity is backed up by third-party lab testing, which shows 100% delta 9 THC with no other cannabinoids detected.

There is a substantial range of flavor options available, and included amongst them are some specialist gummies aiming to fill specific needs.

This does actually include an option with CBD which some may prefer, but is important to be aware of if you’re looking for a pure THC experience.


Size: 10 gummies/container

Strength: 10 mg of THC per gummy

Flavor(s): 4/20 Sour Apple, Blueberry Lemonade, Strawberry, Mojito Lime, Mango, Cherry Lime, Blackberry, Cranberry Mimosa, Grapefruit Energy

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3. Most Balanced THC Gummies: TRĒ House Delta 9 Gummies with CBDPros

60-day money back guarantee

Vegan and gluten-free

Provides relaxation and mood elevation

Has a wonderful fresh fruit taste


Doesn’t ship to all 50 states

About TRĒ House Delta 9 Gummies with CBD

TRĒHouse’s gummies contain both THC and CBD in a 1:1 ratio in each gummy. This ratio works well for most in terms of providing both relaxation and stress relief while elevating your mood and providing the classic buzz associated with THC consumption.

Both the buzzed feeling and relaxing sensation can be particularly pronounced with this product, particularly at higher dosages.

This all comes in the form of a pleasantly chewy THC gummy with the taste of fresh peaches and pears.

And these THC gummies are both vegan and gluten-free, and are formulated with a potency that’s been verified through lab testing.


Size: 20 gummies/container

Strength: 10 mg of THC per gummy

Flavor(s): Peach Pear

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4. Top Organic THC Gummies: Budder Delta-9 THC Gummies Beach BuzzPros

Good option for beginners

Organic and clean ingredients

Multiple flavors in one container

Third-party lab tested


Contains coconut, which may be an allergen

About Budder Delta-9 THC Gummies Beach Buzz

Budder’s THC gummies are great for beginners or those hoping to experience milder effects whilst still getting all the health benefits that come from CBD. If you want a gentle introduction to THC, the THC dosage in these gummies has got you covered.

These weed gummies create a pleasant, relaxing effect intended to both help you manage stress during the day and to sleep at night.

Budder provides third-party lab test results for every single batch of gummies they produce, confirming that you’re definitely getting what’s promised on the label.


Size: 20 gummies/container

Strength: 5mg of THC per gummy

Flavor(s): Beach Buzz (Pineapple, Blueberry Lemonade, Orange)

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5. Great THC Gummies for Relaxation: Koi Delta 9 THC GummiesPros

Elevates mood whilst reducing anxiety and overthinking

Made in GMP-certified facilities

Available in several sizes and flavors


Some flavors are limited to certain jar sizes

About Koi Delta 9 THC Gummies

Koi’s THC gummies are formulated with a 2:1 ratio of CBD to THC, which should provide a good balance between mood-elevating and anxiolytic effects. That means they’ll provide you with a clear mind and a generally positive mood.

Basically, Koi’s THC edibles give you the best of both worlds, and are a good choice whether you’re planning on doing something as serene as meditating or as thrilling as a music festival.

In terms of manufacturing processes, Koi follows cGMP regulations, which are the most modern and stringent standards put out by the FDA. That shows the company has a commitment to not only meeting the minimum requirements but going above and beyond that.


Size: 20 gummies/container, 60 gummies/container

Strength: 10 mg of THC per gummy

Flavor(s): Blue-Razz, Strawberry, Watermelon, Mango, Lime

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6. Most Size Options: Apollo D9 CBD + THC GummiesPros

Made with high-quality, pure THC extract

Multiple sizes of bottle add convenience and value

Provides a long-lasting sense of euphoria

Their subscription discount offers big savings

Cons About Apollo D9 CBD + THC Gummies

Apollo’s delta 9 gummies are made with their high-quality, pure THC extract and deliver all of the benefits you’d expect from a THC product, including a sense of euphoria that can keep going for as long as eight hours. That means these weed gummies can provide you with a mood improvement which really will last you all day.

There are multiple pack sizes for each flavor, so you can buy in bulk if you want to. And like other suppliers, Apollo offers a subscription program that offers a substantial discount.

ou’re also free to pause or cancel your subscription whenever you like, or to delay or skip an individual delivery if you find that you’re still well-stocked.


Size: 20 gummies/container, 40 gummies/container, 60 gummies/container

Strength: 10mg of THC per gummy

Flavor(s): Watermelon, Blue Razz

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7. Great Value: Diamond CBD Fresh Delta-9 THC GummiesPros

Made from all-natural hemp

Multiple flavors in each container

Designed to relieve stress and improve sleep


May be too potent for beginners

About Diamond CBD Fresh Delta-9 THC Gummies

Diamond CBD’s THC gummies are a fun option. The Fresh Delta-9 THC Gummies are colorful and contain an assortment of three delicious flavors — each one is a different, fun color.

These THC edibles aim to provide a mellow buzz whilst working to improve sleep and reduce stress. In general, customers report being impressed with how long this feeling lasted, and so were we. The level of CBD was primarily chosen to facilitate the experience above and smooth out the impact of the THC.


Size: 30 gummies/container

Strength: 10mg of THC per gummy

Flavor(s): Fruity Mix, Mystery Mix, Sour Mix, Tropical Mix

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How We Picked The Best THC Gummies

We created this list using our five-step analysis framework, which allows us to create a fair and unbiased ranking of the many THC gummies and other edible THC products available.

This means you can be confident that our recommendations really do represent the best of the best and aren’t just based on our personal opinions. Here’s how our process breaks down:

Expert Opinions

We considered the advice and recommendations of experts, both in terms of the compounds that are included in the gummies and whether any individual product or company has received any expert endorsements.

Customer reviews

We examinedreviews and feedback left by customers, considering trends and overall sentiment as well as any key aspects of the products. This also allows us to gain a broader understanding of how subjective elements of the design such as taste and texture were received by the general population.

Product descriptions

We analyzed information from the manufacturers, including what is actually included in each gummy and the benefits they purport to offer. We also ensured that they were providing reasonable and realistic usage recommendations and made third-party testing results available where appropriate.

Lab testing

We verifiedthat any claims made by the manufacturer were fully supported, both in terms of purity, safety, and dosages being supported by their third-party testing and their effectiveness being supported by the existing academic research as far as possible.

Firsthand product testing

We tested the best-reviewed and most promising gummies, in order to provide further experience and knowledge of their effectiveness and the subjective experience associated with taking them, as well as of the ordering process and customer service offered by each of these gummy brands.

How To Find The Best THC Gummies For You

Choosing the best weed gummy isn’t easy, especially with the huge number of THC edibles on the market, and there are many things to consider, some of which can be highly subjective. The following are some of the major factors which you’ll want to consider when deciding which one is right for you.

Brand reputation

You’ll want to ensure that you’re buying your THC edibles from a trustworthy and reliable brand so that you can be confident that you’re getting what you’re paying for with no nasty surprises. Every company on our list is transparent and open enough for us to be confident placing our trust in them and recommending them to you.


Whilst gummies can be cut down to allow for smaller dosages, it’s more convenient if you can buy your THC edibles with a strength that matches your desired dose.


Different gummies contain different levels of other cannabinoids. These cannabinoids can have additional benefits, but some people may prefer a product that solely focuses on THC.

Taste and texture

Although these are subjective factors, all of the gummies that made our top list were very much enjoyed by our team and were spoken about very positively in reviews, meaning that there’s a good chance they’ll suit your palate too.

What Are The Benefits of THC Gummies?

THC gummies provide all the physical and mental benefits you’d expect from cannabis edibles and other cannabis products, whilst coming in many great flavors such as beach buzz, blue dream berry, and sour apple, and being easy to transport and take no matter where you are.

THC edibles have an impressive amount of physical benefits. They’re capable of reducing inflammation and relieving pain as well as improving sleep and helping to regulate the appetite.

They have also been shown to be effective even in extreme circumstances, controlling vomiting in those currently undergoing chemotherapy and in reducing symptoms for those with multiple sclerosis.

On the mental side, THC edibles can lead to general improvements in overall mood, as well as addressing issues caused by conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and even PTSD.

How Do You Use THC Gummies?

Gummies are one of the easiest to consume THC products, and can be taken quickly and conveniently, no matter where you are. The first thing you need to do is to determine your dosage, which may equate to less than one thc gummy worth of THC, especially if you have gummies with 10mg of THC.

Generally, new users may want to start with low dose THC products, and gradually increase the amount they take as they become more experienced with THC and how they personally respond to it.

It takes a while to digest THC edibles, including gummies, which is why it may take some time for you to feel the full effects.

How Long Does It Take For THC Gummies To Kick In?

Generally, you’ll start to feel the effects of THC gummies between 30 and 90 minutes after you consume them, but you’ll likely not be feeling the full effects until two or three hours have passed. The effects can be long-lasting too, typically lasting between four and twelve hours.

Do THC Edibles Have Any Side Effects?

As with any psychologically active compound, there is a chance that you will experience some side effects when you take THC gummies or other cannabis edibles.

However, the majority of side effects experienced when consuming cannabis edibles are linked to consuming an excessive amount, either due to failing to follow the appropriate recommendations or due to inconsistent potency of the products.

If you do experience adverse effects even when taking THC gummies at an appropriate dose, it’s recommended to discontinue use. If you’re at all concerned about your symptoms or they persist longer than expected, you should seek medical advice.

It is also important to note that THC and cannabis products in general can interact with certain prescription medications, so if this may be an issue for you, you should speak to your doctor before consuming any THC products.

Frequently Asked Questions Are THC gummies legal?

Yes, the passing of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the 2018 Farm Act, made it federally legal to manufacture and sell cannabis products provided they met certain conditions. Specifically, they must be derived from hemp, rather than marijuana, cannabis plants and must have a THC concentration no higher than 0.3% by dry weight.

THC products sold in the US by a reputable brand, including all the brands in our top seven picks, will meet these requirements and will have the lab testing results to back this up, meaning you can shop with confidence. Those of you located outside of the US may wish to check your local laws regarding THC and cannabis products before purchasing.

What is the difference between delta 8 and delta 9?

Delta 8 THC and delta 9 THC are both cannabinoids that are naturally found in the cannabis plant, particularly in the leaves and flowers, with delta 9 being significantly more common than delta 8, which is only present in small quantities. The two compounds have similar benefits but delta 9 THC is notably more powerful.

Can consuming THC gummies cause me to fail a drug test?

The majority of drug tests that include cannabis usage will look for delta 9 THC, meaning that consumption of THC gummies or any other weed edibles could potentially cause a positive test result even though they’re completely legal.

Whilst in practice they may or may not show up on the test, depending on how long it’s been since you’ve taken them, the amount of THC you’ve consumed, and your individual metabolism, you may be best avoiding taking the risk if you are anticipating a drug test and it’s important for you to have a clean result.

What is the entourage effect?

The entourage effect is the ability of the various cannabinoid chemicals, including THC, to work synergistically in order to enhance and regulate their psychoactive and other beneficial effects.

This means that you could potentially experience better results using THC edibles that also include full-spectrum CBD than ones that only include THC. Everyone is different though, and some may still prefer the pure THC experience.


There are so many benefits to taking weed edibles. Best THC gummies represent the easiest and most convenient way for you to experience these benefits, even when compared to other forms of cannabis edibles, and are properly lab tested.

Although they all have their unique pros and cons to consider, the seven brands of THC gummies that have made it onto our list represent the cream of the crop, and any of them will be the ideal addition to your lifestyle, boosting your mood and providing relief from any symptoms you may have.

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