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From the Stars, Born to Water

The Pisces. Two fish. Yin and yang. As one.

By Nick BlochaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

“Very tolerate save for liars”

At times

“A true friend and great lover”

I try

“Secretly wild and crazy”

Only a few really know

“Sweetest if treated well”

I suppose

“Gets along with many types of people”

I didn’t always

“Has a dark side you don’t want to mess with”


“A large and pure heart”


“A dreamer, a creative”


“A romantic”

Turned realist

“Over emotional”

deeply understanding of them

“Hard to understand”


These were things I heard about myself growing up. And from day one people tried to put me into boxes. So naturally I rebelled. I never believed in astrology, nor cared about what anyone had to say on it before my journey through finding soul and spirit. Now, well now I still don’t strictly adhere to it.

Think of it like a diet. I don’t eat the same foods day in and day out. Sometimes I enjoy a roast beef, or something sweet. Sometimes I eat more dairy than others, and sometimes I cut out bread. All of it is what makes my body and my soul feel good. There are a few certain things that are better for you. We can be training for some triathalon or just trying to stay in shape. You can’t eat rich foods all the time, but occasionally, you need a little soul food. Something that really hits the spot.

The same is true for ways of being. You may reach out, unrestricted only by your mind, but eventually it does come back to a root of what is more right. One of the reasons I used to fight it was because of the people I dated. I was a shifter. I molded myself around the people I was with romantically. I over romanticized everything, being led to believe a romantic relationship was what would cause me to be happy. I didn’t look at what already was making me happy.

As a child I loved the water. I could swim like a fish. I believed a lot of what people would say. I cared deeply about people and animals. My love for my family and those close to me was fierce, as I could be too at times. I had my anger issues, my outbursts, attempting to navigate emotions that did not seem to fit into the normalcy of the society I was living in. For the most part as a kid, that didn’t bother, me but as time went on, and life happened, sending a monsoon after a tidal wave, a lot of it faded into nothingness.

I grew into the dualities. I would be too trusting, or too closed off. I would be all or nothing many times. The harsh and the soft. The furious and the loving. I grew shy and bold. All existing within the same body, the same soul, all at the same time. A balance I had to find, and often have to relearn. Taoism was my way of doing so. The dual koi wrapped together in Yin and Yang. Balance, in all things.

That is a thing of many people, whether they are Pisces or not. That we are often fighting the dualities and finding the balance. And for me it is hard to care. Hard to care what the Pisces traits are supposed to mean. Hard to care about what others think of it. Hard to care what other people’s signs means for them, because none of us are just this one thing. None of us are working with a script. Right?

For a while I wanted so hard to go and break mine, and in doing so I grew mean, and terribly unhappy. I was trying to break the script of my reality and conform to another perception of what I thought should be, and with it came my darkness. But still, I kept coming back to this duality. To the love and passions that push me forward. To truly feeling both. The light and the dark. Always within the landscape of creation.

I have always created. Always filled sketchbooks, covered canvases, crammed the sides of my notes with drawings, filled pages and pages of words that may or may not be meaningful. I’ve become the creation, performance art, I have built things, designed my personage, and others. Many times, I think that is different than so many others. But all of that too fits in with the Pisces traits.

When I found more my peace, my me, I found more of the natural truths to my own soul as it is. It does rather resemble the traits of the Pisces. The Yin-Yang, as one. And if this is my truth then so be it. “Above all else, to thine own self remain true.” And I do, my absolute best. I my journey has led me to accept and love this life I live. The inner peace and balance. That is why for many people I am hard to understand. Because they do not understand this concept yet. And that is theirs to learn. But for the most part, I am me, because I am me. Whether that is influenced by the stars or not, I cannot say. But I can say, does it really matter? Because I am being me, just as you are being you.


About the Creator

Nick Blocha

I am a writer, actor, painter, and director who uses all forms to look at this world. As creators, in whatever form it may be, we are truly capturing and releasing life, sharing it with one another. There is nothing more special than that.

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