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Fairy Tale to Reality

My Story of Adventure, Love & Traveling the World

By Trianna BrannonPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

My name is Tri

And Im going to tell you the story of my journey and how I discovered a magical world.

There once was a girl

Who very very lost

She didn’t know where to go or where to turn

And she just wanted to be good and do the right thing

She did what she was supposed todo

She went to college and got good grades

She followed all the rules.

And then one day she saw a vision.

It showed what her life would look like in the future.

She was in her 40s, married to the same man she was dating, they had a big house and successful careers. And she was absolutely completely depressed. Lifeless, with zero hope of a way out.

So she decided todo something really crazy.

She quit her job, ended the relationship, gave away everything she owned, and bought a one way ticket to the Philippines.

She jumped into the unknown, with no plan.

That was the day that the old me died and the new Tri was born.

I didn’t know what was next, but I knew that I couldn’t turn back.

I decided to trust that the universe had a plan for me

And there was something new!

while meditating I received a vision

I saw a boy walking towards me, he had long dark curly hair, was shy and more beautiful than any man I had ever seen.

And I thought, maybe I’ll meet him on my journey!

So I set out to find him.

I started following the voice inside of me.

It guided me all over the world.

And when I ended up in Singapore I met a man who did past life regressions.

I didn’t know what to expect but the idea excited me so I gave it a go.

What I discovered surprised me.

I found out that in my life prior to this one I was a fairy.

When the memory came flooding in, it was so vivid and visceral it couldn’t be denied. My life there was nothing like anything I had ever experienced as a human.

We lived on earth, but on a higher dimensional plane. Time moved different there.

As fairy’s we didn’t have to die, we lived for thousands and thousands of years.

We were the guardians of earth, taking care of nature and keeping the balance.

My job was to sing to the flowers and channel higher dimensional frequencies onto earth.

We lived in treehouses, sang, danced and played in the forest.

And my husband, was the same boy from the vision!

I re-experienced us meeting for first time. It was at a celebration in the forest.

When my eyes met his, nothing was said but we both knew, and we both remembered each other. As I stared into his eyes, it was like everyone else disappeared and we were dancing in the forest alone.

We lived a blissfully long and happy life together. And when it was time to die it didn’t happen in a natural way, we choose to die. We had received a call to come help in the human world. Of course he didn’t want to go and was very upset about this. And for good reason, the humans had fallen into a state of such separation that they had forgotten who they are. And furthermore, we would have to separate, with no guarantee if we would find each other again.

What followed challenged me, I had experienced so much bliss, a world that was so vibrant and vivid, it made coming back to this one feel like a 1950s black and white television screen, it was hard to integrate back into a normal human life.

And I didn’t know where the boy from the vision was or how to find him.

But I knew there had to be a reason I was shown these memories.

So I kept following the voice in my heart. It took me on adventure after adventure. I discovered who I truly was and I learned to surrender and flow with the universe.

I learned that my greatest gifts were hidden beneath my fears, and that the unknown was the only place that I was truly safe.

All along, what I was looking for was inside of me, so I stopped looking and started living. Who knew that life could become so easy.

I met an old wizard who helped me trust the voice inside of me and believe in my magical self.

I never found the boy but I found something better, my voice. I began to sing, and write poetry, I bought a guitar and learned to play. And I met a humming bird who taught me how to sing.

After spending a week meditating in Peru I revived a new vision, I saw me with the same boy from the fairy lifetime, in Los Angeles, and he was my husband!

And for the first time I had a reason to return home.

So I began my journey north!

When I got to Panama I started to have doubts, how could I leave traveling and everything I loved for someone I didn’t even know was real. I felt deep into my heart and asked what todo. I heard a voice say, get a direct flight and go strait to Guatemala, this will be your last stop and then you’ll go home. I surrendered one more time and followed what I was told todo.

On the way there I was scribbling some notes in my journal and the words to a poem started to write themselves:

“2 sailors set sail on opposite sides of the world, and when they met in the middle they had 2 completely different tales to tell. Complimentary in nature, their journeys shaped them into who they are which was a perfect match for each other.”

I thought, who was this about?

I arrived in Guatemala at my favorite lake. I had been to the lake before but this time was different, I knew where I was going, I wanted to stay in a community located right on the lake.

When I got there the first person I ran into was the man that operated the community. And when I moved in the first person I met was a shy German boy with long dark curly by the name of Nic, he was building a sailboat in the backyard.

We fell in Love. Falling doesn’t actually describe it, it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.

I remember hearing a voice inside of me say, this is the love story to end all love stories. And I knew he was the one.

And now for the first time, I knew that my visions were REAL! All of my visions were real! And Fairies were real too!

So when I was shown a vision of us traveling in a Van together I knew that had to be real also. I said, well… if a van shows up for less than 2 thousand dollars i'll buy it.

The next day Nic comes home to tell me that our neighbor is selling her van that has a bed in the back for $1200.

So I bought it!

We fixed it up and traveled across Mexico together. We took our time, although the next vision showed us in LA I was in no rush to get back.

We visited a very old tree who gave me a warning, she said ”things are going to get very bumpy in the human world. Those who are listening will be fine” I shrugged my shoulders not really knowing what that meant.

While traveling across Mexico we lived on deserted beaches, slept to the waves, and woke up to the birds, life was simple, but so extraordinary. The beauty I saw in the world continued to multiply and expand. We caught crabs & fish and cooked over the open fire under the moon watching shooting stars above. Time slowed down to a halt and weeks felt like months. Then one day we got engaged. I had seen a vision of it, and I couldn’t keep it a secret any longer, so I asked him to marry me. And he said yes!

Months went by and we finally made it back to the United States. After traveling for so long all I wanted to do was make a home and stay in it.

However, I was contacted from the other side by my grandfather who had passed some years back, he told me that it was very important to show Nic all around the city. I didn’t know why this was so important but I listened to his advice. We later found an apartment and the day after we moved in, the whole world shut down. I suddenly knew why my grandfather had contacted me, And I knew what the message the old tree spirit had said to me meant.

Several months went by and Nic’s US Visa expired. The offices to get married were closed and with the world closing it’s borders Nic would have to return home to Germany, and we would have to separate again.

We said goodbye and I suddenly knew what it must have felt like for women who said goodbye to their husbands as they went off to war. There was no certainty we’d see each other again, but there was hope.

Stay tuned to hear how the rest of my story turns out….


About the Creator

Trianna Brannon

I am an adventurer

poet & lover of the mystery

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