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Experience of the Native Americans during the Late 1800s

Native Americans Experience

By Darnell Winters Published about a year ago 3 min read
Experience of the Native Americans during the Late 1800s
Photo by Andrew James on Unsplash

One of the most dramatic stories in the history of America is the conquest involving the frontier. By the end of the 18th century, the Americans had effectively settled in the West where based on the findings of the 1890 census, it was announced that the frontline where initially less than two people lived per square mile has been closed. This discussion entails an analysis of the experience of the Native Americans during the late 1800s in relation to the closing of the frontier and the battle of the Wounded Knee. The questions that are addressed are whether the history of the Native Americans is taught in Americans schools to the proper extent, what the goals of the Natives/Americans were in these confrontations, the true purpose of the Ghost dance and how the battle of the Wounded Knee should be remembered and taught.

There is no doubt that the history of Native Americans is not taught in American schools to the proper extent. The US-Native American policies are not highlighted in a manner that clearly depicts what took place in the 19th century. Questionable policies of reservations, the general dislike to the Natives by the Americans, boarding schools and assimilation are not highlighted in the textbooks although they are one of the key issues that arose (Khan). The confrontations between the Natives and the Americans mainly took place due to the intention of the settlers to acquire land and settle in the west. The goal of the Americans was to acquire the possession of the land in the West while the Natives fought back in a motion to stop the Americans from laying claim on the land in the West.

The Ghost dance was a religious movement that was incorporated into the religious believes of the Native Americans. It was believed that if the dance was practiced in the right manner, it would reunite the spirits of the living and that of the dead which would help which would bring peace and unity among the Natives and also make the colonists leave. However, the main motive behind this movement was to rehabilitate the cultures of the Indians living in the western United States.

The picture that has been featured captures a woman dressed in ceremonial attire as she performs the ghost dance. As the previous paragraph explains, these dance was believed to play part in reuniting the spirits of the living and that of the dead. Also, the dance would be critical in bringing peace and unity among the community.

The battle of the Wounded Knee that took place on December 1890 marked the end of the resistance to the white settlers by the Indians. The US army soldiers massacred hundreds of people in this battle and thereafter the Indians were forcefully absorbed into the American society (Philip). The best way to remember and teach this way is by documenting this war in history books that are taught in the curriculum since it marks a major event in the history of America. The question that I pose based on the reading is what would be the current composition of the American population if the settlers and the Natives chose to use peaceful ways instead of engaging in war and confrontations?

With the feedback that has been provided, readers can obtain feedback regarding the experience of the natives in the 1800s and on various activities they undertook. Research has been conducted in collaboration with online class help making it possible to come up with well-informed findings. Various resources used in coming up with the findings have also been featured.


Khan. "The Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee." Khan Academy,

Philip, Wells. "96 Years among the Indians of the Northwest." 1948. North Dakota History.


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Darnell Winters

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