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Essential Swimming Gear That Every Serious Swimmer Should Have


By Sumit MishraPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Essential Swimming Gear That Every Serious Swimmer Should Have
Photo by Brian Matangelo on Unsplash

Swimming is full of fun like all other sports activities but if you do not have proper equipment then your fun can be interrupted and you would not be able to enjoy swimming. As per a few reports, swimming is good to relax your mind when you feel anxious and tense, it cools your mind and tires your body. Everyone should use learn to swim to have fun. You must be aware of the fact that every sport requires some basic equipment like swimming needs a swimsuit, goggles and many more. This article shall tell you what are essential equipment everyone should have other than a swimsuit and goggles to go deep in the seas and rivers to have amazing views underwater and to have a different experience that you would miss without proper gear. If you are worried that where would you get all these things then you can just go to Free Shopify alternatives and buy any product related to swimming and any other sport that you love to play.

1) Swim Parachute

If you are in a training phase then it gives you a different level of resistance for everyday training that builds your muscle and makes them strong. It also increases the endurance power and boosts up the speed in the water. You need to practice with it to experience better results. It is versatile and compatible with all strokes and nonintrusive that does not come in the way of your flips, you can do any stroke with this.

2) Stretch Cards

This is generally used to duplicate swimming motions during water exercises. It can also be used for curls and triceps extension, flies, and lat pulls. This device is also used to increase the speed and stamina.

3) Kickboard

You must be aware of the kickboard and would have seen this with professional swimmers. It is used to improve streamlining and body position. It also helps the swimmer in controlling the drills. If you are a beginner then I would suggest you go with the fins first and then come to the kickboards

4) Pull Buoy

When you start swimming then you must have noticed that we all struggle to keep our legs afloat and they keep sinking which causes problems moving forward. Thus, you should buy a pull buoy that will fix this problem for you and you will start swimming and learn proper body position. It keeps your hips and legs up to the surface which makes you swim through the water in a better way, once you start learning you can swim without it.

5) Snorkel

I am not suggesting the usual beach snorkel but a pool snorkel that goes in front of your face rather than to the side, and it is a great addition to drill sets. It helps in the breathing and you can remain in the water for a longer duration. when you use this then you would not need to come to the surface to breathe but you can do it underwater which will give you time to focus on head position, body position, and catch and rotation. It can also increase your aerobatic capacity because breathing with a snorkel is more difficult than normal breathing.

6) Paddles

It is important when you swim for long hours and you can get them in any size or shape and slide to your hands to increase the surface area of your hand when you pull. These are just like the fins for your hands to give some relief to your hands. It will help you in speed but when the surface will increase then it would also create resistance and that will make you strong to swim better.

7) Swimsuit

As I have already said, you can’t swim without it. Thus, you start to buy a nice swimsuit for you and as per choice.

These were the few essential things that were important for a swimmer to keep in his bag and even for beginners as well. If I am missing anything then you would get it on the site.


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