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Dream Date

The Curmudgeon

By Wendy EdsonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Dream Date
Photo by Oliver Frsh on Unsplash

"I'm a damn fool," Alice told herself .

Alice twirled her glass of Merlot round and round on the scarred tabletop, trying hard to look as if she hung out in local taverns waiting for blind dates with "silver foxes." Every other table was occupied by families or groups. Worse yet, she was on display in the middle of the whole place. Why did she let her friend talk her into signing up for an online dating site for seniors ? She thought she was clever using a twelve year photo, but now she realized the silver fox could see exactly what she looked like on social media. Her daughter in law documented every family event, but she always caught Alice with her eyes shut or her hair a mess after styling by the granddaughters.

Alice gathered up her coat and coat, faking a purposeful look at her phone as if answering an urgent message. She was about to escape when a tall bearded man approached her table.

"Mrs. B.? How are you ?"

Who was he? A former student from her teaching days ? He looked somewhat familiar .She was planning to escape home for a solitary dinner and the crossword in the evening paper. Life was very quiet since her husband Greg died six years ago, but she had gotten used to being on her own. She kept the radio on low to break the silence.

"I'm David .You were my troop leader. Remember? You taught me how to use a sewing machine for my crafts badge. "

Alice remembered shy and awkward David , teased by the other boys because he wanted to sew. Alice know what little monsters boys could be if they sensed a boy was not a "He -man" like their favorite comic book characters . Superheroes certainly did not sew their own capes.

"Remember the teddy bears I made for everyone?"

Alice sat back down .

"Yes, all the boys took them home, although they said were too old for them. But I know that the bears went to sleepover camp stuffed in the bottoms of many sleeping bags ."

"You were the first person to understand me, Mrs. B. , "as David pulled out a chair to join her."I' m waiting for my husband Bihn to meet me for dinner. He's an eye doctor and is delayed at the office. Can I join you ?"

Alice smiled , "Of course ." It would be a change from her routine .

"I teach English at my old high school, alongside some of my former teachers. Bihn was able to join a practice here. It's an adjustment being back , but we were able to buy a house with a backyard. We could have never afforded a house in the city. The only problem is The Curmudgeon."

The Curmudgeon was David's father. His dad made it clear that he did not approve of David and Bihn. How could he tell the guys at the VFW that his son was married to a man ? Most of the guys were Vietnam vets with strong views about "light in the loafers" types. David and Bihn started meeting for dinner on Fridays nights at The Curmudgeon's neighborhood tavern, hoping that he would relent and join them. They kept inviting him weekly , but he resisted the bait.

The Curmudgeon was widowed. Life had not turned out as he expected .When he came back from Vietnam at age 21 to marry Adele , he thought they would have a bunch of kids. Four miscarriages later, David was their only child. Alice was a dutiful wife and mother , but her youthful spark withered away in an icy marriage. The Curmudgeon was bitter about cancer taking Adele from him before he could retire. He had modest plans to get a little place in Florida for the winter months to cheer Adele up. He did not feel like going to Florida alone - he heard too many stories about pushy widows and divorcees who were only after your money . So the Curmudgeon was stuck in Buffalo in what David called the Adele shrine.

Just then a slender man hurried up to the table , looking surprised that David had a guest.

"Hi, I'm Bihn . And you are?"

David grinned, " This is Alice , my troop leader and salvation when I was eight ."

Bihn smiled broadly at Alice, " David never forgot you , Alice. You let him be himself. The Curmudgeon was always after him to play football, take karate lessons and put the worm on the hook . He even tried to get David to like beer . It was pretty unbearable until David went away to college."

Bihn continued , " My father was very disappointed in my orientation, but at least it got me off the hook so I did not have to join his practice .He refuses to acknowledge our marriage , so we decided to move here - it's easier than dealing with The Vietnamese Curmudgeon and my huge and judgmental family ."

David and Bihn shook their heads. Bihn sighed , "We hope that David's dad will come around eventually . He must be lonely .My dad has my extended family. Everyone came to the U.S. after the war. My dad drove a taxi for five years while he finished his degree in night school. He made sure we all went to college."

David, Bihn and Alice decided to have dinner together . Alice had a surprisingly good time- Bihn was wickedly funny. When was the last time she laughed so hard she cried? She enjoyed family gatherings , but sometimes felt she was invited out of duty than than enjoyment of her company.

It became the Friday night ritual to meet for dinner at the tavern, David and Alice introduced Bihn to the Buffalo fish fry -macaroni salad , potato salad , coleslaw, a giant slab of fried perch, tartar sauce and a slice of lemon for vitamins. David found he liked beer , the perfect beverage for a fish fry.He teased Alice when she ordered a glass of Merlot .

"Merlot's my favorite," she quipped. "Don't judge me- I hate beer."

David stopped to check on The Curmudgeon after school some days. One Friday in Lent, The Curmudgeon conceded that fish fry would be tasty.

"Dad, you remember Alice, my troop leader ? She' ll be there. You liked her, as David coaxed the Curmudgeon .

"Don't go trying to set me up ," fumed the Curmudgeon. He disappeared into the bedroom. He emerged wearing a new plaid flannel shirt , remarkably like his old shirts .He seemed cheered up by the outing.

The first half hour was agony . David and Bihn tried topics that would interest The Curmudgeon and Alice -the merits of snow tires, the weather , coupon clipping , birding -no , no,no , and no. The evening was going to be a disaster .

Then Alice mentioned that her aunt was Sister Mary Barbara , the Holy Terror of St.Elmo's Elementary School . It was no coincidence that Barbara was the patron saint of fireworks because there were many explosions in Room 302 . Soon Alice and The Curmudgeon were trying to top each other's stories about the Holy Terror, who had them for third grade four years apart. Soon the other diners were glancing over to see what was so funny.

"She's bedeviling the nurses at the order's nursing home as we speak . Would you like to visit? " teased Alice.

"Heck no , I'm still afraid of her," replied The Curmudgeon.

They planned to meet for dinner the following Friday . It soon became the ritual . The Curmudgeon discovered that Bihn was an avid football fan with an impressive memory for sports statistics. David and Alice adored murder mysteries and true crime books , the gorier the better. Conversation flowed.

There were changes at the Adele shrine.The dusty knickknacks and the ruffled curtains disappeared. Adele's clothes vanished from the bureau and the hall closet. New blinds were installed in the living room , along with a colorful rug . The Curmudgeon actually smiled , and David heard him whistling . The Curmudgeon's phone was often busy when David tried to call.

Bihn noticed that Alice sported a new, softer hairdo and subtle makeup. Her baggy trenchcoat was replaced by a stylish pink and white checked raincoat with a matching pink purse.He complimented her .

"Time for a change , it's spring , " said Alice with a faint blush in her cheeks.

One Friday night in April , David and Bihn arrived carrying bunch of blue balloons. They were beaming "We have some news for you, Dad. We are adopting a baby boy . We hope you will be happy about it ," David said as he tied some balloons to their chairs .

Everyone watched nervously as shock and surprise registered on The Curmudgeon's face. Then he smiled , "Well, I never thought I would have grandchildren. Remember , I don't change diapers ." he semi-grumbled.He looked very pleased despite himself.

"But I do ," murmured Alice, putting her hand on The Curmudgeon's arm.

Bihn and David exchanged knowing looks .

"I hope you two don't mind, but we are going to visit some friends to share the news, " said Bihn.

David leaned over and whispered to Alice .

"I ordered another glass of Merlot for you, Alice . It's time to fly solo. Enjoy your first date. "

Alice gazed across the table at The Curmudgeon , who was studying the menu he knew by heart. Yes, he could sometimes be a curmudgeon, but he was going to be her curmudgeon . And in her mind she had better start calling him Harold.


About the Creator

Wendy Edson

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