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Don't Let Anyone Take Advantage of You

Remember that it's not your fault and that you have options if you've been the victim of emotional abuse and manipulation. There are people who would be pleased to assist you if you asked them, and it is acceptable to assign duties or establish boundaries in order to protect yourself. Don't let people take advantage of you just because they are close to you; instead, be clear about the types of behavior that are acceptable and unacceptable with regard to yourself and others. When necessary, you have the right to refuse, and it's crucial to be the one to start the negotiation process. It's not your fault if someone takes advantage of you, and you shouldn't feel guilty for allowing them to get away with it. Keep in mind that you are an autonomous being with your own beliefs and values; don't let someone use guilt trips or other manipulative methods to try and subdue or dominate you.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Don't Let Anyone Take Advantage of You
Photo by Etty Fidele on Unsplash

I've been a victim of emotional abuse and manipulation. When I look back at the situation, I realize that it was not my fault. However, when it was happening, I did not feel like I had any control over the situation or who was taking advantage of me. It took me years to understand that the problem wasn't with me but with those people who were manipulating and abusing me—and even more time before I could acknowledge this fact to myself (and others).

Acknowledge that you have options.

You are not the only person who can solve your problems. In fact, there are many people out there who would be happy to help you with your difficulties if you simply ask them.

You don't have to do everything yourself. There is no shame in asking for help or delegating responsibilities when necessary--and often, it will actually make you feel better about yourself!

You don't have to do things that make you uncomfortable or cause harm to others just because someone else wants them done; it's okay if something doesn't sit well with your morals or ethics (or just plain old sense). If a friend asks for an unreasonable favor, tell him so and let him know why it's unreasonable (and maybe even offer some suggestions instead).

Learn to set and respect boundaries.

You are the only person who can define your boundaries and set them in place. Boundaries are a way to protect yourself from others, and they let others know how you want to be treated. They're also important because they help you feel good about yourself by setting limits on what is acceptable behavior in a relationship with another person.

For example, if someone asks for money or favors all the time without ever offering anything in return, it might be helpful for them to know that this is not okay with you--and vice versa! You should never feel guilty or selfish when setting boundaries; it's actually quite selfless because it means protecting yourself from people who may take advantage of or harm you in some way (emotionally or physically).

Setting Boundaries: Setting boundaries can be tricky at first but once we have practice doing so we become more confident at it over time! Here are some tips:

  • Be clear about what kind of behavior is okay/not okay with respect towards yourself/others - this helps prevent misunderstandings later on down the road when things start feeling uncomfortable again because maybe one party didn't realize exactly how much was expected out of both sides beforehand? This also helps keep everything transparent throughout each interaction so there isn't any confusion about expectations between parties involved!

Don't let people take advantage of you just because they're close to you.

This is a lesson that I had to learn the hard way. When I was younger, I would allow myself to be taken advantage of by family members and friends. They would ask for money or favors, and I would give them what they wanted without thinking twice about it. It wasn't until later on in my life when I started realizing that these people were taking advantage of me--and once I realized this, it became easier for me not only say no but also stand up for myself when needed!

Claim your right to say no when it's appropriate.

You have the right to say no when it's appropriate. That means you can refuse unreasonable requests, requests that you don't want to do and/or think are a bad idea. You should never feel pressured into doing something because someone else thinks it's for your own good or for their benefit.

This book also helps you in your journey to Stick up for yourself. Check it out:

Take initiative in the conflict resolution process, rather than passively waiting for someone else to solve your problems for you.

You may be thinking, "I don't want to be a jerk." But let me ask you this: If someone is taking advantage of you, would it really make a difference if they thought of you as a jerk? That's not what matters--what matters is that they stop doing whatever it is they're doing that makes them look like jerks.

We all have our own definitions of what makes someone a jerk, but here are some behaviors I've seen in my practice which can help define what I mean when I say "don't let anyone take advantage of you":

  • Taking initiative in conflict resolution process rather than passively waiting for someone else to solve your problems for you
  • Saying no when necessary (or even just politely declining) rather than simply going along with something because it seems easier or less stressful at first glance

If someone takes advantage of you, it's not your fault; they're the one who's wrong.

When someone takes advantage of you, it's not your fault. They're the one who's wrong.

There are many reasons why people might take advantage of you and use your kindness to their advantage. Maybe they want something from you or maybe they just want to feel better about themselves by making others feel bad. Either way, when someone does this--and it happens more often than we think--it can be easy for us to blame ourselves for letting them get away with it for so long before we realized what was going on. We ask ourselves: "How could I have let myself get tricked like this?" But the truth is that no one ever deserves to be taken advantage of; there are always other options available if we only look hard enough at them!


Don't let anyone take advantage of you. It's important to understand that if someone takes advantage of you, it's not your fault; they're the one who's wrong. You have every right to say no when it's appropriate and claim your power as an independent person with their own opinions and values. If someone tries to manipulate or control you through guilt trips or other tactics, don't let them win!

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About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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