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Don’t Have Energy?

Here’s What You Need

By Sally SalingerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Don’t Have Energy?
Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash

Vitality is that feeling of well-being that allows you to have a surplus of energy right at the end of a busy day. Fruits, vegetables, and grains in the diet are excellent sources of energy.

Many athletes are accustomed to consuming complex carbohydrates, such as pasta, during training and before competitions, in order to maintain a constant level of energy throughout the day. Other sources of energy are protein for breakfast, regular exercise and breathing, certain yoga exercises, and herbal supplements, such as vitamins and minerals.

Sometimes, fatigue can be caused by low levels of thyroid hormones, the production of which can be stimulated by vitamins - C, B2, B6, E, zinc, and tyrosine. Chronic fatigue and lack of energy affect about half of the population. Against chronic fatigue and apathy, you can try supplements with vitamin B12, coenzyme Q10, as well as a combination of malic acid and magnesium.


What is it

Considered one of the oldest plants on earth, spirulina is a vital source of energy for the body. It is a green-blue seaweed, very rich in protein (three times more than pork), vitamins and minerals (three times more iron than spinach), e-essential fatty acids, which contribute to the formation of amino acids.

How it works

Spirulina is easy to assimilate, regulates carbohydrate and cholesterol metabolism, has the role of detoxifying the body. Strengthens muscles, improves eyesight, hair and skin health, strengthens liver function and nervous system. It increases the body's endurance, physical and intellectual performance and has an antioxidant effect.


What is Ginseng? It is a perennial plant native to East Asia, Siberia and North America. Due to its many therapeutic qualities, Asians consider it a miracle plant, in China it is called the "root of life". There are several varieties of ginseng, the quality and healing power of the plant growing in direct proportion to its age.

How Ginseng works: increase physical and mental strength. It cures, among other things, anemia, insomnia, fatigue, hypoglycemia, inflammatory joint diseases, circulatory disorders. Stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands and facilitates the assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Stimulates brain activity and delays fatigue.


Guarana is a plant native to South America (Brazil and Uruguay), with pear-shaped fruit with several seeds. It has been cultivated since pre-Columbian times and used for centuries by Indians for its comforting qualities. The seeds are roasted like coffee beans and processed for consumption.

How it works

Guarana contains an energizing substance that increases alertness, attention, and vitality, improves memory, ability to concentrate, and removes the effects of stress. Strengthens general immunity and resistance to allergies. It can reduce appetite and help the body maintain its energy for a long time. It is recommended during periods of overwork, convalescence, asthenia.


Vitamins are organic molecules that have a multitude of functions inside the body, with an essential role in enzymatic reactions?

It is important to know that vitamins cannot be synthesized in the body and, therefore, must be brought through a balanced diet or, where appropriate, through pharmaceutical supplements.

How it works

Vitamins and minerals play an important role in carrying out all the processes in the body and storing energy. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are manifested at first by a state of permanent fatigue, poor physical and mental tone, lack of concentration and can lead, over time, to serious health problems.

Magnesium is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin B6, a mixture essential for sustaining muscle and nerve activity. Equally good are supplements that, in addition to vitamins and minerals, also contain an energizing element, such as ginseng or coenzyme Q10, recognized as natural energizers.

Mother bee milk or Royal Jelly

What is

Royal Jelly is a substance produced by worker bees to feed the queen. The nutrient-rich concentrate allows it to survive for more than five years compared to worker bees, which have an average lifespan of up to four months.

How it works

Royal jelly contains the entire complex of B vitamins, known as major energy providers. It also contains minerals, enzymes, and 18 types of amino acids, being an excellent tonic and strengthening of the immune system, of sports performance.


About the Creator

Sally Salinger

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