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Does Sexual attraction to the body of a WOMAN, who Identifies himself as a Man make ME Gay?


By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 3 years ago 12 min read

Does Sexual attraction to the body of a WOMAN, who Identifies himself as a Man make ME Gay?



Even as far back as the film “Juno”, I have found the then actress Ellen Page very physically, sexually, attractive.


This attraction has not lessoned, at all during the TV series of “The Umbrella Academy” on Netflix.


SO now, I have a tongue in cheek question for you all.


I am not seriously expecting an answer, but it does open a can of larger philosophical worm questions.


Elliot Page, (formally known as Ellen Page) is someone that I find myself sexually attracted too,

Despite the fact, that I consider myself as a heterosexual man.


Does this technically make me Gay?


I was intrigued enough, by this question to ask around.


The Facebook page ‘Transgender Articles’ suggested to me,

"It does not make you gay, but rather, bisexual. This is because you're attracted to a nonbinary person *and* women."

(Their Facebook page link is below.)


Which is where the philosophical points start to come in,

Because I am attracted to the female body of Ellen Page,

But I cannot possibly really know who the Man Elliot Page is.


As with any celebrity that anyone is attracted too,

They are only ever attracted the physical form but would never really know WHO that celebrity IS!


Not the way you would know a childhood friend or a romantic partner that you have lived with for over 5 years.


In fact, I was never attracted to the real Ellen Page at all!

I was only ever sexually attracted to the body Elliot Page has always inhabited!


We are all always initially only sexually ever attracted to the bodies and physical forms of people.

We can have no idea what is inside!


Does the sexuality or gender identity of a person change any of the following facts about them?



Whether or not they are a ruthless serial killer



Whether or not they would risk their own lives to pull someone who hates them from a burning car or building,



What their favourite flavour of ice cream is,



Would they hang the toilet roll with the end “Under” like a normal human being or “Over the top” like a mere animal!





If they are the sort of terrible, terrible, unforgivable person who actually enjoys watching the 1986 film “Howard the Duck”!


(That last one is a deal-breaker for me!)

(It is a truly awful, awful film!)


Surely THESE are the things that REALLY define us,

Rather than the mere clay, that we inhabit!


If we are not "our physical bodies” but more than that.

Then what value has "any" type of physical attraction actually got?


In the next thousand years, we may well have the tech knowledge to swap our consciousness form a variety of “Physical Outfits”. Mixing and matching bodies from a private body collection the way we choose shoes now.

Maybe even lend our favourite physical forms to each other the way we might lend a friend a jacket today,


If you think this is overly fantastical science fiction,

Consider telling someone only half that, 500 years ago, that not only would we fly, but go to the moon!

In the year 1520!


Consider only 250 years ago telling anyone that we would one day be able to choose our physical gender at all!

1770 AD!


That only one hundred years ago that racism, sexism, and homophobia would be so universally condemned!

That would be the year 1920!!

So do not believe for a second that this possible vison in a mere thousand years is not only possible but also highly likely!

In fact! I would not be supposed if it happened in only 500!


When our ‘physical self’ for the day, becomes only a question of an upload/download option,

What sad arse excuse would we have left to hate each other at that point?

(Us humans are innately shitty in our core, so I am sure we will come up with some silly reason to keep hating!)

(It is almost, as a species, that we need ‘hate’ on some warped instinctive level!)


All these questions beg the answer,

Who or What are ‘WE’ really?

Not just as a species

And what those answers ‘might’ mean in a larger sense,

But also, to us as individuals NOW!


Try and have some compassion for the bigots of the world,

Because these thoughts make even me, nervous,

So, It is no wonder that it scares the shit of some much stupider people!








I honestly do not know what “crypto homophobia” is.


Full disclosure

More honesty that you wanted

And more honesty than I am comfortable to give.

(Because of the level of emotional honesty, I am tackling, please forgive the odd spelling or grammar error.)


I will be open about my inspirations and intentions.


First things first though,


Am I homophobic?

The answer that might surprise you is,


Yes, I am,




Do I know homophobia is wrong?

The answer that might also surprise you is


Yes, I do know it is horribly wrong!

It is wrong of me to be homophobic!!


At school, I was highly bigoted and bullied a gay lad.


All through my early teenage years, I would refuse to listen to bands like Culture Club, etc


Seeing two dude kissing was one of the grossest things in the world to me.


What changed?


One day while flipping through channels, as usual, I flipped through with disgust, an episode of “Will and Grace,”


As usual, I immediately went to flip past, what was to my mind, “A fucking Gross Gay thing”


This, one time, I was a little too slow,

This one time,

I accidentally heard one of the jokes



...I giggled.


Later it played on my mind,

“Why did I giggle”?


I will never remember what the funny line was,


I'm it is not as if the sky opened and a bright heavenly light gave me some sort of cinematic epiphany…


What it did do, though, was sow seeds of doubt in a mind that was full of hate.


Eventually, over a long time, I realise how wrong I was.


I realise the evil thinking I was perpetuating and looked at some of the wrongs I had done.


Now feel compelled to try and make things right!


In the past,


The harder people preached at me about how wrong I was,

The tighter I held on to my anger and bigotry to defy them!

“How dare they tell me what I can think and who I can hate!”

The stronger the cold winds blew against me, the harder I gripped my coat of bigotry.




Disarming humour got through where preaching could not.

The warm sun made me voluntarily take off my coat of bigotry,

(or at least try)


This is a lesson I have, taken to remember!

Humour can get by a bigot’s defences!

Preaching makes a bigot harden their stance!


Do I still find seeing two dudes kissing gross?



But NOW I know that Me finding two dudes kissing gross is ONLY EVER “My problem”, It NEVER theirs,


The fault is ONLY in “My perceptions” It is NEVER in their actions!


So, I state again.

Am I still Homophobic?



Do I still know Homophobia is wrong?



I will always consider myself as wrongly homophobic UNTIL I can look at two men kissing and not emotionally flinch deep inside!


Am I a fellow, mere shitty, human-like everyone else?



Am I still struggling to be a better person…?



Maybe the above story does make me stink of “crypto homophobia”

(Whatever that is.)


Maybe it makes you hate and revile me.

Maybe you are right to hate and revile me.

I have certainly done things that deserve it.


Consider this though…


If we cannot believe in personal redemption for anyone,


If we cannot believe in a potential for personal growth,


Then what the hell is the point of getting up in the morning?


NOT ACTING Homophobic

Is an instant decision!

Just stop doing it!


BUT Not being Homophobic

After early informative decades of cultural indoctrination and brainwashing

Takes some real personal work!



The Unholy Republica Britannica” universe.


A relevant extract from a Work in Progress book I am writing,

“The Unholy Republica Britannica”

By Ross Lombardi



She looked at the unknown copper's face and saw no surprise in his eyes.


Which in turn, despite her fudged mental state, still managed to surprise her.


Mark simply said,


“I know”


And Vicky (for that was her name) knew this was no coppers cheap tactic.


They looked into each other eyes and swapped an hour’s worth of unsaid dialogue in an instant.


It was one of those rare moments that Detective Inspector Mark Stain felt a slight stir of compassionate emotion.


He tried to ignore it,


Unknown to him the door to his long-dead soul had now been levered open a crack and a path of personal redemption he could never expect could be possible, had now begun.


“Do you know what steam is?” Vicky asked


“Tell me!” replied Mark


She then slowly, in a far-away voice, she said,


“What you see coming out of your kettle is NOT steam!”


“That is merely water vapour”


“The Actual steam.”


“The Real steam!”


“The sort of Steam that scolds, burns, cooks and kills, is, invisible.”


“The real steam is that empty-looking space between the boiling water and the visible vapour.”


Mark knew there was more and waited patiently for her to finish,


“Do you know what a ‘Her’ is?”


“It is merely the general descriptive term for the ‘Female’ of a species.”


“They are the ones that gestate the babies.”


“Most other differences between a ‘Her’ and a ‘Him’ are only cultural.”


“We are too busy pointing at the ‘Water Vapour’ and describing it as ‘Steam’”


“We are too busy pointing at sexual organs and using that to describe what or who we think a person ‘is’.”


“We do not see the real steam between the vapour and the boiling water.”


“We do not perceive the real person either.”


“Real person!”


“The person that scolds, burns, cooks and kills, is, invisible.”


“Real person is that empty-looking space between invented cultural expectations and gender.”


Mark knew the truth would come out.


He did not care about the family scandal.


He did not care about social conventions.


He had his puzzle solved now, and that was enough.


Accept this time, for some reason it wasn’t


Despite being a murderer, she was still in lots of ways still an innocent


Her crime was that of passion and rage.


It was not a long drawn out planned crime


If she had been a male Butler, they would have been entitled to a humane execution by hanging.


If she had been both male and had a family with money, they would have just been sent to a mental institution for life!


If she had been a man and had family money and political connections they would have been smuggled into the armed forces and given the honour of dying in a heroic “forlorn hope” charge.


But she was not a man, but a woman who had loved another woman.


He looked at this young broken woman and knew she would be burned alive for Heresy.


He had seen such a thing happen before and even enjoyed the festival atmosphere and the screams of the condemned.


But for reasons he did not understand, he could not bear the thought of the poor young woman dying in such a terrible and horrific way.


She did not deserve such a fate.


Again, looking into each other’s eyes they came to a mutual unsaid agreement.


There was only one way he could possibly help her.


He had more than enough favours banked with superiors to get away with what needed to be done.


He took a breath.


Looked into her silently pleading eyes.


Put his hand around her none resisting throat


And Squeezed!




This book is still looking for a publisher if anyone is interested!



About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar


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