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Distance Between Us

Power of Long Distance Relationships

By Amy NPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

You know everyone has gone through struggles in life. That's a given. If you are alive you are facing some kind of struggle. Granted some face far worse than others, but we all struggle. I've known a lot of people from all walks of life. I've lost family and friends. Had loved ones taken because of their addiction. I can empathize on different levels. There are things I haven't gone through and pray I never do. I can say the hardest and most hurtful is that of a long distance relationship. Don't get me wrong I believe it's completely worth it. LD relationships are so beautiful. If you can be faithful and truly devoted to someone that you hardly ever see or touch, while building a bond so strong it bridges miles of distance, you know that love is real and true. The true test is having the patience and understanding that though you are a couple, you are still living your own lives. Making time for one another and putting your significant other first is priority. Such a relationship is built on actually getting to know one another first and falling in love without sight or touch. You fall in love with who they truly are. You fall in love with their soul. It's a beautiful and trying experience. Not every LDR will last, just like those who see one another every day. If it doesn't last, it wasn't meant to be. Just like the saying goes, "tis better to have loved and lost, then to not have loved at all." There is nothing to compare to being in love and have the one you love, love you back as much or even more. To have that strong of a connection with someone an ocean away is incredible.

Life has its ways of bringing people together. From a feuding family never speaking until a loved one is lost, to random strangers miles from one another who just happen to cross your path. Call it fate, call it destiny, call it star-crossed lovers, call it twin flame, call God's way of bringing people together. Whatever you choose to call it, just know it's real and it is possible to love someone from afar. I'm not saying its always going to be easy, but that's where dedication comes in to play. You have to be willing to fight and be stronger than that of the troubles that come against you. You have to remember you are still learning one another and be willing to listen and compromise. Not let petty things destroy what you and your significant other have built. Yes, I know there will be nights you are so lonely it hurts and you just want them in your arms. The wrong move is to go looking for comfort somewhere else. You do that and you have destroyed their trust and your loyalty ain't shit. Always remember they are lonely and hurting too. Look to your partner for comfort and give them comfort in return. Every step is to be taken together. What one is going through the other should be always there to listen without judgement. It's no different than if you were living together. The same rules for a healthy relationship apply. Show you care and are thinking of them, never take them for granted, how are you going to find anyone to be more true than someone who gives you their all from miles away? You won't, so treasure that. Remind yourself daily it's not always going to be texts and phone calls, someday they will be by your side doing whatever you so chose to be doing. Someday soon your arms will no longer be empty, but embracing the one who fought with you all along to make this relationship last. The one who suffered with you from afar, just to be next to you. There's nothing more rewarding than seeing what patience mixed with a whole lot of love can do. Having the one you've shed many tears for looking back at you with that twinkle of pure love in their eyes. You know without doubt it was worth it all. My arms are still open and waiting for my angel to fill their emptiness. Only she can fill that void, it is her my soul longs for. So be strong and know that for every mountain you climb, you are that much closer to your goal.


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