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Distance and self-worth

Whatever you do, It will never be enough.

By SADSPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Distance and self-worth
Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

When people leave you, you can't help to feel that you were not enough . You can't help to feel as if you were very insignificant in their lives. Whether that decision was made physically, emotionally or spiritually. You can't help to think of ways on how you could of had given them more of you, more time, more attention, more support, more love, more everything. The truth is, there is nothing you could of had done differently for that person to stay. If someone does not wish to stay he or she will just banish with no logic reason what so ever. There is nothing to be done about that. This does not mean that he or she doesn't love you or ever did, or that she or he cares . It simply means that we are all given the gift of chose, FREE WILL as some call it.

Being yourself and acting as you truly feel is the best gift you can give that person, nothing else. By being you and showing how you truly feel inside, you give people the space to decide if they want to leave or stay in your life. You are not doing anything wrong by being how you feel in that present moment. We have the tendency to judge ourselves for our reactions and feeling and emotions and all the fucking thoughts that emerge out of no where. My friend, is ok. Is ok to have feelings, thoughts and emotions which makes us feel like shit. That's how we know that there is an invisible splinter to take care of. We can only work on ourselves though, we can't act in no one else's behave.

This works both ways. There is times when we are the ones that leave certain people or person. That's ok too. Even if they have done nothing for us to leave them. Deep inside only you will know the reason for your departure.

Just remember that there was nothing you could of have done differently for that person to stay in you life, Even if you had already done everything in the reach of your hand to fulfil that persons' necessity for happiness, only that person had the control to do so. We all have our own unique evolutionary paths to follow, don't take it personal, its not personal at all. Just move on and focus on you, your self discovery process and evolutions. That's really all we can do. Whoever wants to join paths with you , and you with them , then mote it be. Every puzzle piece belongs to a greater master piece than just the piece itself. At the end of the day, you'll be the only one that deeply understands every single action you take and every single thought that crosses your mind millions of times a day, so just let go whoever no longer belongs in your path. With gratitude and kindness attached, thank them for every shared moment that turned into a life lesson.

Don't take life so personal. Enjoy every moment. Even the fucked up moments, those are the ones that help us grow.

No matter how fucked up, how extremely FUCKED UP, I repeat how super FUCKED the circumstances seem, I promise, I super promise you, that too shall pass.

By Zac Durant on Unsplash

Nothing is permanently. Life is in constant change. You make the change . You are the change. You are worthy of all of life treasures and more. You are worthy of all the magical unknowns that created this infinite universe. You are that magical unknowns. You are what made this existence take place.

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Just remember that. You are worthy of all love.


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