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Debunking Myths About Vision: From 20/20 Vision to Contact Lenses

the Truth Behind Common Vision Myths

By Yusra ShahidPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Introduction: Understanding the Complexity of Vision

Vision is an intricate sense that goes beyond simply reading an eye chart and achieving 20/20 vision. There are various components of vision, such as color vision, peripheral vision, and contrast sensitivity. Dr. Ronnie Banik, a board-certified ophthalmologist and neuro-ophthalmologist, and Dr. Jennifer Sci, a practicing optometrist in New York City, are here to debunk some prevalent myths about vision and eye health.

Myth 1: 20/20 Vision Means Perfect Vision

One common misconception is that 20/20 vision equates to perfect vision. However, 20/20 vision only indicates that an individual can read a specific eye chart line from 20 feet away. While it is a valuable measure of visual acuity, other factors like color vision, peripheral vision, and contrast sensitivity also play crucial roles in assessing overall vision health. Some individuals might have conditions like glaucoma, causing peripheral vision loss, even if they have 20/20 vision in the center.

Myth 2: Blue Light Will Damage Your Eyes

Concerns about blue light damaging the eyes gained traction in 2018 after a study exposed cells to high levels of blue light, leading to cell death. However, this study used cervical cancer cells, not eye cells, and the retina has pigments like lutein and zeaxanthin that protect against blue light. While blue light can impact sleep and cause discomfort, there is no evidence of it causing permanent blindness. Blue-blocking coatings on glasses can be beneficial for light sensitivity and glare.

Myth 3: Eye Exercises Improve Vision

Unfortunately, eye exercises are not effective for correcting vision problems like myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism. Our eye shape and cornea are significant factors determining our vision, and exercises cannot change these fundamental aspects. However, eye exercises can help with convergence insufficiency, a condition where eye muscles weaken during close-up work.

Myth 4: Wearing Glasses Makes Your Vision Worse

Wearing prescribed glasses will not worsen your vision. Glasses are like crutches for the eyes, helping them see clearly. Removing them does not cause progression, which is primarily influenced by genetics and natural eye changes. It is essential to wear prescribed glasses to ensure optimal vision and eye health.

Myth 5: Dry Eyes Are Not Serious

Dry eyes are more common than people think and can affect up to 80% of the population, causing discomfort and visual disturbances. While most cases are not serious, severe and untreated dry eyes can lead to corneal scarring and other issues. It is essential to use lubricating eye drops and visit an eye doctor regularly to manage dry eye symptoms effectively.

Myth 6: Sneezing with Eyes Open Causes Them to Pop Out

This myth is entirely false. Our eyes are securely held in place by muscles and connective tissue in the eye socket. Sneezing with your eyes open is nearly impossible, as the body's natural reflexes force the eyes to close during a sneeze.

Myth 7: Contact Lenses Can Get Lost Behind the Eye

Contacts cannot get lost behind the eye due to the protective barrier of the conjunctiva. If a contact lens becomes dislodged, blinking and using artificial tears can usually help reposition it for easy removal.

Myth 8: Two Blue-Eyed Parents Can't Have a Brown-Eyed Child

While eye color genetics can be complex, it is indeed possible for two blue-eyed parents to have a brown-eyed child. Eye color is determined by various gene expressions, and babies' eye colors may change over their first few years of life.

Conclusion: Taking Care of Your Eyes

Protecting your vision and eye health is essential for maintaining good eyesight throughout your life. Remember to wear sunglasses with proper UV protection, use lubricating eye drops for dry eyes, and regularly visit your eye doctor for comprehensive eye exams. By being proactive and informed about vision care, you can enjoy healthy eyes and clear vision for years to come.


About the Creator

Yusra Shahid

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