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Dear Emma,

That Love Letter I Never Sent You.

By Amit Kumar KaushalPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
Dear Emma,
Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

I know it’s been years since you left, but I still haven’t figured out how to let go of what we had together. The letter I never sent you so many years ago still haunts me every day, reminding me that no matter how much time passes, my feelings will not change. But it’s time to be honest with myself and with you, as painful as that may be. This is the letter I never sent you because I needed to learn how to love on my own before I could ever truly love another person again.

Dear Emma,

My darling girl, you left me two years ago. I didn’t want to give up on us, but you asked me to let you go. It was a long time coming and very hard for both of us. We met when we were just kids and it felt like we knew each other forever even though we were so young. We grew up together and shared everything from our first kiss to our worst fights.

The love letters between us were as passionate as they were playful and as honest as they were gentle. I want to tell you that every day since then, my heart has ached with loving memories of what we had—and what we lost. If only I could say something different...and mean it instead of promising a future that I couldn’t deliver. Why didn’t I tell you?

Because I thought if you loved me more than anything else in your life, it wouldn’t matter. What a stupid mistake: if you love someone enough to know them better than anyone else ever will and still not be able to follow through on loving them, how can their love possibly survive? (It doesn’t.) Your letter is beautiful, Emma. You never received mine because it would have been too painful for either of us to endure.

Always Remember,

One of life’s greatest mysteries is why it’s so hard to say I love you. This is something that people in romantic relationships learn about quickly, but those of us who aren’t typically struggle with it too. Always remember that saying I love you doesn’t just mean opening your mouth and blurting out a few words — instead, it should be a carefully crafted sentence that conveys how much you care for another person and how much they mean to you.

Saying I love you means taking time to think about what kind of words make someone feel appreciated. If nothing else, always know how much you love someone and do everything possible to tell them when they need it most. Never forget: A relationship isn’t truly complete until both partners can express their love verbally. Yes, actions speak louder than words, but no one wants to hear empty promises over and over again — whether they come from a partner or anyone else in your life.

Make sure that every word out of your mouth has meaning attached to it; if not, then don't bother speaking at all! Learning how to love again after losing someone can be difficult and overwhelming...especially if you've never really said I love you before; however, always keep an open mind when trying new things!

This is what your last letter should have said

By Jackson Simmer on Unsplash

Today, I thought about what your last letter to me should have said. It was an emotional letter. Your love was unconditional, we were meant to be together. I hope that you knew that because if you didn’t, then now you do. If you ever need a reminder of how much I loved you, just look back at my past letters. They will tell you everything that words cannot say. They are love letters and they tell how much I miss you and how much your love changed my life. If only it had lasted forever... but in our case it did not happen like that and so here is my last letter to you.

Maybe one day in future I’ll still write a love letter to you because my feelings will never change even though yours did... Even though mine too did but... Enough with sad thoughts! Remember all those moments we spent together? All those nights full of laughter? When the sky was only black or clear blue skies with no clouds at all? We had so many good times together and there was happiness around us wherever we went. Maybe love wasn't enough for us after all... Or maybe it was for others - but not for me and you. Love's parameters were different for both of us from each other. And love made us blind and deaf for each other at some point. My fault as well as yours, unfortunately.

Love has brought out so many deep emotions in me that I could not control myself anymore - until it got out of control. Love drove away my sleep as well as peace within myself till there was nothing left except sorrow inside me now... Now when every single night is a battle within myself because you're missing and can't seem to return to me. Every second seems to go by slower than any other time before; hours tick by slowly instead of passing by quickly.

Time doesn't heal wounds very well without you near me, where I love and long for you most: in my heart next to my soul where nobody else but only you belongs... So please come back soon! If you want to.

Here are the things you need to hear when times get tough

If you’re struggling to make sense of your breakup, or you’re just sad about missing out on things in life, it’s easy to slip into a state of melancholy. But just because things didn’t work out, doesn’t mean you can’t find happiness again. Here are some things you need to hear when times get tough until we meet again. And when you do meet someone new and start feeling those butterflies again (yes! they will come back!), remember how much joy love brought you. So take heart and remind yourself that these feelings pass, too—and maybe even come around more often than before! I hope you never have to experience another lonely night alone. I hope he brings as much happiness into your life as you did mine. Love isn’t a competition; love is a hug from someone who thinks you’re awesome.

And finally, thank you for being there for me through my struggles; thank you for being strong when I couldn't be; thank you for loving me at my worst and showing me what real love looks like; thank you for accepting my flaws (because nobody's perfect); and thank you for being one hell of an amazing friend who was always there whenever I needed the most.

Some things about me so you don’t forget me

Well, Emma, you’ve made me incredibly happy and honestly, sometimes it feels like we’re so good together that it shouldn’t be possible. Even though we’ve both been broken before in one way or another, being with you makes everything seem okay and puts things into perspective. When I see you, my heart skips a beat and every day is better than the next. Love letters are often shared between two people when they don’t see each other much because at times miles separate them but I know we’ll never have that problem with our jobs but maybe a short note would help remind you of me?

Love letters were exchanged by lovers throughout history for many reasons such as encouragement, commitment, or even to declare undying love...I guess mine is to tell you how much I love you. Some days aren’t as easy as others but knowing that we’re always there for each other no matter what helps. Although distance might separate us sometimes it also brings great understanding through an open line of communication.

Love isn't always easy to show especially if couples are naturally shy but showing your love doesn't mean grand gestures or extravagant gifts; think small daily acts from making coffee in bed just how she likes it to taking a walk along your favorite beach so he can reflect on his thoughts throughout life's challenges without distraction.

Love is hard to describe because it is often confusing but writing love letters has always helped give clarity which allows more time for spending quality time together so here goes: Since meeting you five years ago I have had more fun, joy and happiness then I ever dreamed possible yet at different points in my life those feelings seemed impossible until today. Through all of my tears, stress and worries you stood by me. Thank you!

Thank you for being in my life

By Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Lastly, thank you for being in my life, my dear Emma. Without you, my life would not be complete. Not a day goes by that you are not on my mind and heart as I think of how lucky I am to have found someone like you. My last wish is that we can be together again one day...on a beach in Santorini, Greece; watching your smile spread across your face as sunlight dances across our skin. Until then, I will continue loving you from afar. Until then, I will continue wishing upon every star just to see you again so we can fall into each other’s arms. Until then...I love you forever.


About the Creator

Amit Kumar Kaushal

"Good News Hour". Creating life's little arrows of happiness. I can promise that you won't spend a fortune to achieve your.

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