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Cried, laughed, life goes on

It is said that life is like a play, sometimes there are reversals.

By Peggy K FrankPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

No one can always be smooth sailing, if not a few strengths, then the best cards will lose, then easy walk the road will fall, then the simple things can not be done.

So, catching a good hand of cards rely on luck, play a good deck of bad cards relies on wisdom.

However, if the IQ is high, it is easy to lose the attitude toward life.

In the eyes of the proud son, a win is life, the loss is an accident, bear too much to win the halo, it is easy to stand the loss of the fall, do not know how to face the unexpected, do not know how to control the negative emotions.

Others think you're fine, only you know you're repressing.

Originally thought that time is the antidote to negative emotions, but did not think that the emotions that do not get channeled, will eventually affect their normal life in the invisible.

Learn to control negative emotions, and look at the problem from a different perspective, you will find yourself in a test with Zhuge Liang again and again in the growth.

So, be optimistic, you will see a different perspective.


Life is not only bitter but also sweet.

There are two sides to a story, there are good and bad, but unfortunately, most people are more likely to see the bad side, and ignore the good side.

Heard a story, about a company wants to develop the market and sent two people to Africa to sell shoes.

The first person went there and found that people there did not wear shoes and thought they did not need them, so they replied to the headquarters that there was no market here and they could not sell shoes.

The second person went to Africa and also found that people there did not wear shoes, but was overjoyed, thinking that there was a big market here, and as long as the marketing was done well, it was not a problem to sell the shoes.

The same thing, different perspectives have different views, both good and bad, instead of looking at it negatively, why not be optimistic and think about everything in a good way, life can be better and better.


A person who has nothing, the most is their own, only with their own, the genius will not collapse.

No matter how bitter life is, always be optimistic to know what is worth to yourself and not let yourself stay in sadness for too long.

One step at a time, the life of the suffering is better and better, although from time to time there will be "stumbling blocks" along the way, but also to live optimistically, laughing in the face of those hardships.

There is no shortage of similar people in life, life is more bitter, and they are still trying to live, the heartbreaking trajectory of action is not invisible revealing how hard people living at the bottom live.

Live more bitter, but also not resigned to fate, optimistic, life will always get better.

To think in a good direction, the bitter is sweet, will be sweeter.


The day crying also a day, laughing also a day.

Instead of wasting time crying, why not laugh to your heart's content, laugh at the suffering, with the strength of the face "misfortune", and live a better self?

If you can't adjust for a while, learn to take your time.

First, their mindset, learn to think of the good side of everything; and then more friends with optimistic people, in the eyes and ears, they will also change, become optimistic and cheerful; and finally is put into action, not the mouth "optimism", but in the small things in life to learn to be optimistic.

Step by step slowly, people will naturally become more and more optimistic, and have a good attitude, doing everything will be half the effort, and the better the day will be.

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About the Creator

Peggy K Frank

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