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The Safety of BEing

By Emily QuandtPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Sharing Togetherness

Where did the first humans begin their human journey? What differentiates us from other beings? How are we set apart?

Those first bones that are classified to have shifted from simply mammal, into the beginnings of “human” are the ones where a break has occurred within the bone, but, the break has healed. Rather than letting the wounded being fall behind from its break, somehow, it was cared for and tended in place giving it a chance for the break to mend. Who found food for it to eat while it was mending? Who kept it warm and dry, or cool and watered? What transpired in order for a wounded creature who could not care for itself to survive in the harsh world of the first humanoids?

The answer is: Community. One was wounded, and one or more stayed with them to ensure their safety and well-being.

A wound.




This is what defines humanity.

This is the beauty that we bring to the planet.

This is the net that holds together our species.

It is for this glorious entity made of so many individuals that I stand.

I happen to facilitate a community of learners. We stand together so that learners of all ages can freely pursue their passions.

They choose their learning journeys.

They chose with whom they take these journeys.

They choose the pace they desire, and the steps they want to take along the way.

Our community is made up of school age learners. And those who are interested in staying with them, providing them the tools they need to pursue their desires. Being available to make sure they are fed and watered and have what they need to survive, and to thrive.

Our community is made up of humans who want to be free.

Humans who may be wounded, yet when supported, they heal, their breaks take the time they need to fuse back together.

And as they fuse, relationships grow.

The support being provided tends to their wounds and tends to their hearts.

And as they are tended they become strong.

Strong members of the community they are supported by.

And as they are strong, they reach out and lend their own support to others in the community.

Others who may not be strong where they now are. Others who may also have a break. Others who will in turn, also reach out and share the same care, both with those who have supported them, and with future community members.

Our community provides the net in which individuals thrive.

They have safety… knowing that when they need to mend, there will be time and space.

They have safety… knowing that when they are broken, there will be healing.

They have safety… knowing that where there is conflict, resolve will happen.

They have safety… knowing that where relationships are needed, relationships will be nurtured.

They have safety… knowing that where needs arise, needs will be met.

They have safety… knowing that where there are dreams, dreams come true.

They have safety… knowing that no matter who they are, or what they need, or how different they may be from what “seems” normal,

They matter.

They are special.

They are supported.

They are treasured.

They are unique.

They are important.

They can create.

They can be real.

They can be free.

They can be them.

Our community is a place for thriving. Yes, we do all the daily things everyone does every day. But here, there is safety. Safety to BE. And BEing is the best part about being human. The best part about our community, is that it’s made up of humans, safe to BE.


About the Creator

Emily Quandt

Writing is me. It flows from me. It vibrates wherever I am. It tells things both to others and to myself about what is happening inside of me. It is my own message to myself and the world.

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