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Clinica Curismo

Stem-cells at its finest

By Reinhold LautnerPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Clinica Curismo and Dr. Julius Hellenthal: Pioneers in Stem Cell Therapy

In the realm of medical science, there are few names as influential as Dr. Julius Hellenthal and Clinica Curismo. Their revolutionary approach to treating chronic and severe diseases has brought hope to countless patients worldwide. This article delves into their innovative treatment protocols and the remarkable results they've achieved. If you're interested in the cutting-edge of medical science, this is a must-read.

Clinica Curismo is a clinic that operates as an outpatient facility, offering a unique combination of therapies to patients. The clinic's treatment protocol is centered around the use of authentic human embryonic stem cells, obtained responsibly from the umbilical cords of healthy newborns.

How Does the Treatment Work?

The treatment at Clinica Curismo involves a series of carefully crafted steps. The main treatment approach involves the use of stem cells, which have the remarkable ability to transform into any type of cell within the body. This provides tremendous potential for renewal and recovery and for rejuvenation..

What is the Role of the Immune System in the Treatment?

A significant part of the treatment involves the regulation of the immune system. Dr. Hellenthal has devised a method for improving and recalibrating the immune system using a patient-specific autoimmune vaccine. This vaccine, created from the patient's own blood serum, is used alongside stem cell therapy for optimal health results.

How Does the Treatment Address Chronic Inflammation?

Chronic inflammation is linked to numerous health problems. At Clinica Curismo, the treatment approach involves reducing chronic inflammation by eliminating infections, including dormant and symptomless bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

What is Percutaneous Bio-Electrotherapy?

Percutaneous Bio-Electrotherapy is a novel therapy technique introduced at Clinica Curismo. A biological electric circuit is administered through the skin to treat cancer, degeneration, or functional issues affecting a particular organ or area.

How Does Ozone Therapy Contribute to the Treatment?

Ozone therapy involves the use of ozone, a potent antioxidant, to reduce the damage caused by chronic inflammation. This therapy can eliminate bacteria and viruses, resolving several health issues such as immune system disorders and diabetes.

What Role Does Diet and Lifestyle Play in the Treatment?

At Clinica Curismo, patients are provided guidance on how to detox naturally and make appropriate changes in their diet. By aiding the body in its natural detoxification process and promoting a healthy diet, this method can greatly improve chronic health issues and lead to enhanced health and well-being.

What is the Aftercare Plan?

Clinica Curismo provides a personalized aftercare plan for each patient, which includes a set of stem cell/autoimmune vaccine injections and a variety of medications to be taken over several months.

What Conditions are Treated and What Results Have Been Achieved?

Clinica Curismo has successfully treated a wide range of conditions, including Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Diabetes, Diabetic Nephropathy, Benign and Malignant Tumors, Tinnitus, Morbus Menir, Asthma, Allergies, Migraine, Epilepsy, Facial Nerve Paresis, Colitis and Crohn's Disease, Macula Degeneration, Prostate Enlargement, Lyme Disease/Borreliosis, Dementia, and Long Covid.

In times like this, there is a great line of people who have acquired the miserable long covid disease. This new form of the problem can be treated especially well.

In conclusion, the work of Dr. Julius Hellenthal and Clinica Curismo represents a significant advancement in the field of medical science. Their innovative treatment protocols have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of chronic and severe diseases, offering hope to countless patients worldwide.

How can you reach this clinic?

Well, the problem of Clinica Curismo is the location, which is Nicaragua.

Nicaragua is a country where many people nowadays think,that it is dangerous. The reality is, that it is by far the safest country in Central America.

The clinic provides an all-inclusive plan for its patients, which includes a one-week stay in a 5-star hotel directly on the beach.

If you want to know more, please contact me, the author at

[email protected]


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