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By Leighton GreenPublished 11 months ago 4 min read


are a form of tooth decay in which the

tooths surface wore in a mo attacked by

acids creating in your mouth by decay

inducing bacteria and overtime foucan

attacks by these acids on the surface of

the enamel can cause a small hole in the

tooth to form in this hole is known as a

cavity and can lead to other problems

suggest tooth loss and infection and if

steps are not taking a treat at war if

tooth health is not maintained where the

formation cavity is not prevented and

can lead to other problems such as tooth

loss and infection if steps are not

taken to treat it and if you've been to

the dentist you know that sugar and

trees combined with poor oral hygiene

are always blamed for causing tooth

decay and cavities however another major

player in the process is when certain

nutrients and vitamins are deficient in

our diets these deficiencies also play a

pivotal role in the formation of

cavities. now the idea of

holistic dentistry is not a complete

rejection of modern dental hygiene but

in actual fact it shifts to focus more

towards a dental hygiene in the context

of one's overall body health the diet

was put together by Weston Price the

founder of the National Dental

Association and a pioneer of holistic

dentistry the revelation of curtsy ham

where he traveled to remote tribes in

the far corners of the earth spinning

from anyways to Aboriginal to the Native

Americans he was surprised to find all

these wildly different people had one

thing in common they had a perfectly

healthy teeth you know without going to

a check-up every six months Christ

identified that cavities were rare in

these cultures and proposed it was

because they did not have a westernized

diet their main source of nutrients were

fish fatty meats and butter meaning

sugar and grains were missing from their

intakes when the indigenous people tried

the westernized diet they soon developed

cavities and other ailments ravelin and

those on westernized diets and this was

when price integrated his findings to

create a holistic approach so how do you

reverse cavities using holistic

dentistry well Western prices diets

primarily considers fats and butter as

two ingredients that needed to prevent

tooth decay

so basically bacon I'm on board with

that it has often been compared to the

Paleo diet which like prices is diet

focused on little to no grains price did

how are

highlight the importance to know that

nuts plans and grains can be prepared in

a way that neutralizes phytates before

they can neutralize other nutrients in

the body crisis diets also pushes for

people to eat lacto fermented foods

especially vegetables because they can

limit ate fight ate and they're really

excellent for your gut spices diets

accounts for the wide problem of lactose

digestion and people in the West in

Advocates ghee which is used as an

alternative he has fat in calories but

really no sugar or carbs it also

contains vitamin K which also noise

activator X it is a fat soluble vitamin

that can activate the tooth

mineralization which is vital for cavity

prevention prices colleagues took the

diet the one step further and tested to

see if the diet not only just prevents

tooth decay but if it could also in fact

reverse it so our clinical study was

launched and published in the British

Medical Journal and demonstrated that a

bandha participants all children between

the ages of five and six ojeda boli

erupted were badly formed teeth with

dental cavities they also measured the

degree of hardness of the teeth among

other aspects to paint a clearer picture

of tooth health which they measure

before and after the diet change they

initially found it so they stopped to

the cavity process there was an arrest

in the forming of new cavities and in

some cases there was read mineralization

of teeth they then concluded that

restricting carbs and healthy children

could greatly impact the healthy teeth

so basically can holistic dentistry Hill

teeth and prevent cavities yes

can they even lead to remineralization

of those teeth also yes the diet should

be tailored and use responsibly ensuring

that the person's age health and

lifestyle are all considered before

embracing the price diet and last but

not least don't forget a brush twice day.

how to

About the Creator

Leighton Green

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