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Work Together as Team , With Friends,Family and vocal Creators

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Build And Succeed

I think we can see in the world that war , fighting and dissent is destructive and results in a major reduction in the good in society. I have been in many situations where things have been badly affected to the point of destruction because people just want to fight for the most trivial reasons.

I knew somebody who would routinely beat people up , when I questioned him , he said it was their fault because they were there. This attitude can be seen in many situations. Often bullying and attacking is tried to be excused and standing up for yourself or for what is right , but is always just a flimsy excuse.

If we put that fighting energy and anger into friendship and building things we can truly achieve greatness and success. And this can be from the tiniest thing to some amazing things.

For my part I look at things in my life. While I can make some noise using my guitar voice and keyboard which is actually acceptable, I can do so much more when I am in a band with some other musicians. Even alone when I have tools like a drum machine I can build more than if I had nothing.

I can sing in tune with the limitations of my voice but , add instruments and things become far richer. Then add more people with more instruments and the sound progresses even further.

A single person can build a house but they need tools, and when more people become involved results can be achieved more quickly when they work together. There may be differences of opinion but these can be smoothed out and there may be compromises but these will yield a good result for all. If someone walks away or even starts breaking things the house will not get finished.

This reminds me of a TED Talk by AJ Jacobs called “My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee” and it made me realise how everything we do is reliant on someone and / or something else. Watch it , it may help you gain perspective and realise that this whole world is essentially built on people helping each other.

Often when colleagues and friends have IT problems like web pages not showing , I point out that there are so many connected steps that give them access to that and if any one of those connections stop working then the whole thing will fail.

Take a football team , they only win matches if the plan and connections outwit their opponents , though often luck comes into it but you try and make sure everything works and people work together and don’t fight.

While on Vocal I have met and worked with a lot of amazing people and have seen some amazon groups built on concepts that I could never imagine. They were built by people with a vision and people working together , inviting Vocal Creators and creating a solid foundation allowing people to grow and flourish. We are our own audience and this only works when we read other people’s work, but becomes an incredibly positive experience.

At the end are some of my most supportive groups and I hope you will check them out and maybe even join them. The admins and moderators are helpful and supportive. The members are interesting and will read your stories which will give you a small income and make you feel appreciated and you will do the same.

So what I am saying is working together to build something is what we should all be doing.

The lead in song is of course “Build” by The Housemartins.

%%%%%%% The Groups Who I Love %%%%%%%%%%

how to

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs

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