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Are We Really the Most Special Being in the World?

We as humans have standardized a very important sentence…

By Bestenur KaradenizPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Are We Really the Most Special Being in the World?
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

Recently, the general discourses that I have observed in people have begun to form. These discourses are the main and very common sentences of “I am nothing, I am an ordinary person”.

As part of my observations, I have noticed that the lifestyles of people who say these phrases are similar. It’s usually used by people who can’t be part of a job.

They cannot offer themselves a factor to prove that they are special.

It could have occurred in the opposite way, of course.

While there is no such situation yet, he may have received and adopted this sentence from the opposite side, either in a post he read, in a tweet, in an Instagram post, or by communicating face-to-face.

It’s very likely that he not only adopted it but turned it into a lifestyle. The parable of the sheep. You can notice that these people are now embracing a sense of nothingness, again reflecting the method of adoption into their own life (Instagram posts, tweets, face-to-face relationships).

Social media, versatile. We also get very useful news. It also contains bad examples in this way.

These people usually fail when they want to do a job. Because, as I mentioned, the sense of nothingness formed their identity. The subconscious of these people already knows that they will fail, because they have been taught so. So their failures actually formed their own personalities.

Another negative that these people think about is the life of others. They themselves took a sense of nothingness from the most unlikely. Now they are jealous of people whose life is so beautiful for them.

They are jealous of how they live, how they dress, what they eat, how much they earn, their family structure, human relationships, their status of success, and their belief in themselves. Because these people think they’re special. They didn’t feel like anything.

It is very difficult for an individual who has a sense of nothingness to accept certain things. It’s the life of people who are perfect, as they say, and it’s not what they see. Everyone has experienced it from their own life. At one point, your success is very high, but at one point it is stable, and at another point, you are on the ground. Individuals who are caught up in this sense of nothingness only see that success is too high or stable progress on the opposite side. Because these are the parts that are missing from them. Them they think they’re special. But every person is special.

The place I want to connect is where every person is special. That there are those who accept and do not accept this theory.

Every person is special.

This phrase became very stereotypical because of the ads that were made. It’s such a standard sentence.

By Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Recently, the general discourses that I have observed in people have begun to form. These discourses are the main and very common sentences of “I am nothing, I am an ordinary person”.

As part of my observations, I have noticed that the lifestyles of people who say these phrases are similar. It’s usually used by people who can’t be part of a job.

They cannot offer themselves a factor to prove that they are special.

It could have occurred in the opposite way, of course.

While there is no such situation yet, he may have received and adopted this sentence from the opposite side, either in a post he read, in a tweet, in an Instagram post, or by communicating face-to-face.

It’s very likely that he not only adopted it but turned it into a lifestyle. The parable of the sheep. You can notice that these people are now embracing a sense of nothingness, again reflecting the method of adoption into their own life (Instagram posts, tweets, face-to-face relationships).

Social media, versatile. We also get very useful news. It also contains bad examples in this way.

These people usually fail when they want to do a job. Because, as I mentioned, the sense of nothingness formed their identity. The subconscious of these people already knows that they will fail, because they have been taught so. So their failures actually formed their own personalities.

Another negative that these people think about is the life of others. They themselves took a sense of nothingness from the most unlikely. Now they are jealous of people whose life is so beautiful for them.

They are jealous of how they live, how they dress, what they eat, how much they earn, their family structure, human relationships, their status of success, and their belief in themselves. Because these people think they’re special. They didn’t feel like anything.

It is very difficult for an individual who has a sense of nothingness to accept certain things. It’s the life of people who are perfect, as they say, and it’s not what they see. Everyone has experienced it from their own life. At one point, your success is very high, but at one point it is stable, and at another point, you are on the ground. Individuals who are caught up in this sense of nothingness only see that success is too high or stable progress on the opposite side. Because these are the parts that are missing from them. Them they think they’re special. But every person is special.

The place I want to connect is where every person is special. That there are those who accept and do not accept this theory.

Every person is special.

This phrase became very stereotypical because of the ads that were made. It’s such a standard sentence.


By Braňo on Unsplash

Our DNA sequences are the reason we are the only ones in the world. Only 0.5% of these sequences cause differences between us and other people. When we think about it, 0.5% is a very, very small part. The human genome consists of about 32 million DNA code letters. 0.5% of this is 16 million. Codes consist of 4 letters. As a result of these combinations, 4 out of 16 million sequences are formed. As you can see, the probability that we are the same as someone else is zero.

Although these sequences are unique to everyone, I can’t understand why people still don’t think they are special, why they see themselves as nothing.

Maybe the answer is as simple as I don’t want to think. They see DNA sequencing as a simple factor, and they may not care. It’s not unusual to see this diversity of millions as simple.

Our fingerprint

By Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

A lot of us know our fingerprints are special. Currently, it is already used in many places where human separation will be made as security. And our genes determine the fingerprint. Of course, some factors that occur in the womb are said to help this.

It’s another proof that we’re special.

Other factors other than these that will prove that we are physically special;

- Our face

- Our eyes

- Our voice

- Our ears

- Our heart rhythm

- Our brainwaves

I think it will prove that we are physically different from others.

There are dozens of other reasons why these people feel like nothing.

Let’s talk about our thinking. We are divided into various groups around the world, and even within the family, which is the smallest society, we are also divided into groups. The main reason for these groupings is our thought production.

The team that we hold, the types of music and movies that we love, political views, religious views, and many of them form these groupings. Whatever group matches our thoughts, we want to be included in that group.

We’re in one of those groups, and there are 100 people in the group. Each of these 100 people has a different opinion. You can see that when you are discussing the same topic, a different thought comes out from everyone else.

Common thought brings people together. Other thoughts are born of common thought, on the other hand, either unite or separate people.

By Kimson Doan on Unsplash

I wonder what the world would be like if every person thought and said the same thing as if they were out of mass production.

Let’s think about car companies. A company produces a model and launches that model. Then he adds other features to that model, plays with his appearance, and gets another model. Then her launching. There are thousands of people in the world who use that model. So, is this car special, special for this company and for the person who bought this car.

A radio generated as a result of mass production can be special, yes it is special for the manufacturer and for the person who uses it. Dozens of items that we currently use were created as a result of mass production. Cases of whether they are special or not change. But people are not like that, we are not the result of mass production. But that’s why we’re all special.

No one needs to be upset by telling them that I am nothing.

I think the feeling of nothingness comes from the feeling of selfishness. If a person can be selfish to himself, he can be nothing. You’re being unfair to even the smallest cell in your body by calling yourself “nothing”.

Don’t care enough about what others think, enough to wilt yourself. Don’t take their thoughts as a way of life for yourself. Be just yourself, what it means to be at all, first explore the meaning of it. Don’t let a sentence that someone else just wrote cost you your life.

I hope my little ideas and advice change things in your lives. I thought about creating such an article because I was uncomfortable with this situation.

See you.


About the Creator

Bestenur Karadeniz

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