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Are Cell Phones Mutating the Shape of Our Bones???

A power so potent that it can mutate the shape of human bones.

By Anna_K.Published 11 months ago 3 min read
Are Cell Phones Mutating the Shape of Our Bones???
Photo by Owen Beard on Unsplash

In a world consumed by technological marvels, a startling discovery rocks the very foundation of society. Rumors spread like wildfire through the media, whispering of a power so potent that it can mutate the shape of human bones. It all stems from a scientific report, a study conducted by the brilliant minds of David Shahar and Mark Sayers, experts in the enigmatic field of biomechanics at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia.

Biomechanics, the study of how mechanical laws apply to living organisms, has always fascinated Shahar and Sayers. They sought to unravel the mysteries hidden within the human skeletal structure, delving deep into the realm of osteobiography. This discipline allows one to reconstruct an individual's life story through the examination of their bones. The connection between lifestyle and bone adaptation has long been acknowledged, and the researchers were determined to uncover its secrets.

Their quest led them to an astonishing revelation, one that sent shockwaves through scientific communities worldwide. Shahar and Sayers postulated that modern technology, particularly the incessant use of phones and tablets, was reshaping the skeletons of young individuals. The key to their theory lay in a peculiar bone growth known as the External Occipital Protuberance (EOP). Some likened it to a mythical horn or a grotesque foamball protruding from the back of the skull.

Through an analysis of chiropractors' X-rays of individuals ranging from 18 to 86 years old, the researchers observed a striking pattern. In the younger generation, the EOP appeared more pronounced, suggesting a correlation with the constant bending of the neck during screen time. The neck, burdened by the weight of the head hunched forward, exerted additional pressure on the region where muscles connect to the skull. In response, the EOP elongated, gradually growing in size over time.

This phenomenon, often referred to as "text neck," was found to be more prevalent in men. A 2016 study revealed that 67% of men exhibited larger EOPs compared to only 20% of women. Subsequent examinations involving a larger test group of 1,200 individuals in 2018 confirmed these findings, indicating that males were five times more likely to develop these abnormal neck structures.

Speculation arose regarding the potential implications for humanity. While concerns surrounding radiation from phones and its link to cancer had long been debated, this report shed light on the physical consequences of prolonged device use. Shahar and Sayers described the elongated EOP as a degenerative process, painting a grim picture for future generations if they continued down this path. In addition, they pointed out the emergence of "text thumb" or thumb arthritis, where excessive phone usage led to severe thumb problems akin to carpal tunnel syndrome.

However, not everyone was convinced of the researchers' claims. Critics emerged from various quarters, casting doubt on the study's validity. Archaeologists, in particular, emphasized that elongated skull bones were not an unprecedented phenomenon, citing their prevalence, especially among males. They argued that the report lacked conclusive evidence and that the "horns" and "spikes" metaphor used by Shahar and Sayers had been exaggerated.

Amidst the controversy, one thing remained undeniable—the profound impact of technology on human lives. The notion that future generations were undergoing physical transformations due to their incessant interactions with devices sparked a grave concern that demanded attention. Would future archaeologists stumble upon skeletons with monstrous bone formations protruding from their necks? Only time would tell.

In this era of technological wonders, society found itself at a crossroads. Balancing the benefits and drawbacks of digital advancements became a paramount challenge. Perhaps it was time for humanity to reassess its relationship with technology, to seek a balance between the convenience it offered and the potential risks it posed. For in the end, it was not the devices themselves that held power but rather how they were wielded by those who embraced them. And so, a new chapter in the human saga unfolded, urging caution, mindfulness, and a little less time spent battling virtual birds and a little more time enjoying the simple pleasures of the world.


About the Creator


A soulful content writer who artfully intertwines the beauty of life, the depth of love, the intricacies of psychology, and the power of friendship in their words.

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