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An old soul living in a young body

Clocked another year on my life clock, the brutality of failure is just another step before success.

By lifeintheshadowsPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
An old soul living in a young body
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

In hindsight, I don't regret most of my failures and mistakes. Surprisingly I know what I did wrong, where life went wrong, and where I refused to change my wrong moves, ultimately leading me to where I am today.

The scariest thing in life isn’t loss, it’s love.

Love makes people do crazy things, whether it motivates us to steal cheat deceit or protect. Any emotion, especially one as strong as love itself, can build or destroy all that is in its way.

We say that love cures all, one must remember that letting go is also a form of love. To wish that person happiness, regardless if they are a part of your life or you are there’s. That in itself is the purest form of love.

A goal without a plan is called a dream, a plan without action is called a waste of time. There are two things that will guarantee failure, procrastination and perfectionism. Action without a plan is stupidity, but planning without action is just a waste of time.

The longer you are in the planning phase, the less time there is for your actions. The longer you wait, the less impulsive you are shows only one thing... that you’re getting old and you're living in fear of failure.

At that moment there’s only one reminder... they’re gonna say shit whether you make it or break it. Might as well have fun while you do either, cause time runs regardless of how you spend your days. The greatest failure in life isn’t to die alone, but to live a lie. No matter how talented one is, how much potential one has the time money or effort spent on one thing. If you don’t live your life, the way you want to, you’re gonna die wishing you spent those days differently.

The deepest cuts aren’t caused by knives. The scars are the stories left untold. Memories are a point of view, from a place in time, all functioning aspects of a distorted reality. What’s true isn’t real, what’s real isn’t true. You see what you want to see, and believe in what can’t be seen. Everything in life is just a matter of perception, if you need to solve a problem, find a new way to word it.

Being alone is okay, being a fake bitch is not. It’s better to be hated than to be forgotten. But yet, being forgotten seems to have fewer problems.

Don’t expect shit from anyone. I mean it as in no favours, no gifts, nothing. Expect that people will do whatever they want, for their greatest benefit at the same time. Everyone wants something from someone, it’s best to be used then to not have a use. Value is basically the same as the sticker on a label these days, you don’t see what’s behind it until you buy it. Sorry, no refunds or exchanges.

The best things in life are free, other than drugs. Free drugs... good luck.

Luck is a tricky thing, if you think you’re lucky you’re just tricking yourself. In life, being lucky means that you get what you asked for. Or don’t get caught asking for what you wish for.

The hardest workers, don’t make shit. And the shitty workers make all the money. You can work hard, or work smart. Smart workers are shitty workers. The idea isn’t to fill the day up with shit to do, do less fuck up less.

The best education doesn’t come in books or school, but the mistakes you make every day. If you don’t learn from it, you repeat the grade. Educating your mind, your body, and your soul is tough... cause you’re the one responsible for grades.

To analyze what you suck in is the only way to advance if it’s not a problem you won’t fix it, if you’re not lost you won’t find a way, if it’s not broken you won’t fix it.

So break what’s not broken, lose yourself and find a way, shine a light on a problem even if all seems well. No one can ever be too happy, too sad, too angry, life comes and goes so enjoy each shitty day.

Be grateful for everything, all the problems and the heartaches. You don’t really hear about people who had it all from the beginning making it to the top. Without the suffering, you’re just living life on a flat line, darling the earth is round so go with it.

Memories are largely distorted, what you remember is 99.99% of the time not true. Keep a journal, record everything, maybe one day when you need it you’ll not find it and the days you don’t everything will be right there.


About the Creator


Life is not easy, and it never gets easier. You just get better at your resolving your situations but obstacles get bigger everytime. Without conflict, there is no plot in any story. Trust that good or bad, this too will pass.

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