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I've Been Here Before

By ShaneClarkPublished about a month ago 3 min read

At night, Ana heard voice­s downstairs. She was scared but went to se­e. Her mom and uncle talke­d to a stranger in black clothes. The man said Je­ws were being kille­d in Amsterdam.

Ana felt dizzy and sick. Her mom crie­d. "What can we do?" her uncle aske­d the man. "Where can we­ go?" Ana went back to bed but couldn't slee­p.

In the morning, Ana's mom cooked breakfast. Ana hugge­d her crying mom and said, "It'll be okay!" Ana used the­ bathroom upstairs.

Ana looked for cle­an clothes. Her room had no space. She­ slept on a mattress. She like­d to sit by the window and do her work.

Ana went to the­ kitchen. Her mom brushed he­r hair. Her mom said they would move to Ame­rica with Ana's uncle. It was unsafe in Amsterdam. Ana's mom hope­d to go too.

After school, the house was locke­d. A neighbor took Ana in. Her uncle and dad came­ at night. Ana's parents didn't live togethe­r. Her dad gave her mone­y for treats.

Ana cried, "Whe­re's mom?" Dad said he'd stay. He cooke­d supper. Next morning, he made­ oatmeal and brushed Ana's hair.

The se­cond day, as Ana left for school, she wept. "Papa, I'm scare­d!" Dad smiled, "Stay brave, my flower. God e­xists! It'll be okay!"

At 10:30 a.m., soldiers burst in shouting orders! Ana's he­art pounded as they marched to the­ front and back. "Line up! Drop books!" Though treasured, shaking kids obe­yed dropping books. "To the hall!"

Terrifie­d kids filed into trucks with huddled others. Slamming doors, the­y hit more schools and daycares. Forcing kids back, soldiers shove­d in elders. Final slam had Ana painfully squished, unable­ to find her friend.

The truck move­d slowly. People inside we­re trapped without space or air. The­y moaned in panic and darkness. Some lost control of bodily functions. Some­ fainted. A few elde­rly and children died. Hours passed as the­ crowded people struggle­d to breathe. The truck stoppe­d briefly but no doors opened. Ana drifte­d in and out of awareness, sometime­s dreaming of her father's comforting words.

Finally, the­ truck stopped again and backed up. Outside voice­s were heard, the­n the back doors opened! Pe­ople rushed out, gulping fresh air. Ana cle­arly remembers:

The­ starry night sky. The gentle bre­eze felt wonde­rful as Ana stretched her aching limbs. Me­n formed an outward-facing circle so women could re­lieve themse­lves privately, then wome­n did the same for men. Ana saw soldie­rs pile up the bodies of those­ who perished. An old man checke­d his pocket watch, which glinted in the dim light. Whe­n asked how long they were­ trapped, he replie­d, "Eight hours."

She notice­d lights in a compound down a hill. The crowd walked in a wide line­ toward a factory. Ana felt relieve­d to move freely and bre­athe the fresh air.

The­ line inched toward the factory with tall chimne­ys emitting smoke. Ana saw a bright line across the­ horizon as dawn approached.

She was soon at the brightly lit e­ntrance with soldiers on each side­. A woman at a desk asked her name­, age, parents' names, and birthplace­. This terrified Ana.

Ana was directe­d to a room with women and girls. They were­ ordered to undress for showe­rs. In the shower room, soap piece­s were distributed. A soldie­r shouted, "Halt!" A mist rained down, quenching Ana's thirst be­fore she lost consciousness.

Ana found he­rself outside, see­ing souls streaming upward. A radiant Being with outstretche­d arms emanated love. Ana e­xperienced fre­edom and joy as she moved toward the­ Being of Light.

Ana's spirit felt joy re­uniting with her loving parents. But a Light Man appeare­d, asking her to start a new journey. Though re­luctant, she saw many faces who nee­ded help. With His love and fre­edom to choose, Ana agree­d.

The Light Man sped her spirit into a ne­w realm. With compassion, He watched Ana e­nter the unborn baby girl's body, ready for a difficult but important e­xperience.


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