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After 6 Years, Johnny Depp Finally Told His Truth and Won

So why are we still being told to believe that what we saw and heard during the trial, didn't happen?

By Elisabeth Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 9 min read

SIX years. May 27, 2016. That’s how long it’s been since the inception of a lie was born and destroyed Johnny Depp’s life. A lie that his ex-wife, Amber Heard planted when she filed for divorce and then walked into a Los Angeles courtroom to obtain a temporary restraining order from her husband, claiming that he had been abusing her.

We all saw the footage and photo of her “bruise", and that’s all it took. One claim, one bruise, one walk, one woman, and Johnny Depp became the go-to punching bag for media outlets around the world, as well for social media trolls. He was “cancelled”. And I mean, why wouldn’t he be, right? It was during the height of The Me Too movement, and we were being told that we had to believe all women no matter what because well, they're women. But as I stated earlier, six years have passed and through those years, more and more evidence has come out. The thing is, it wasn’t evidence that supported Amber Heard’s claims but rather, showing that long before media used Johnny Depp as a metaphorical punching bag, Heard had bet them to it. And there was nothing metaphorical about it. Amber Heard had been physically, mentally and emotionally abusing Johnny Depp throughout the duration of their relationship. Johnny Depp was Amber Heard’s victim.

Audio recordings of her admitting to starting physical fights, her taunting/ laughing at Johnny, being upset with him that he would “split” and not fight with her every time arguments got ugly, the obsessive behaviour of not allowing him to leave when he wanted to visit his children… This is the evidence people started hearing. All of it painting a very different picture from the one she had been selling since 2016.

It was learning about the partially amputated finger that was actually caused by Heard throwing a vodka bottle at him and not an accordion door as he had claimed in interviews when asked about the injury, and then learning that she had put out a lit cigarette on his face right after. It was so many photos of Johnny Depp with scratches on his face, a black eye, the burn mark of said cigarette and a swollen cheekbone... This is the story Heard never wanted, nor thought would see the light of day.

"Tell the world Johnny, tell them Johnny Depp, I Johnny Depp, a man, I'm a victim too of domestic violence, and see how many people believe or side with you”

These were the words Amber Heard hurled at Johnny, completely underestimating not only his strength to actually come forward with his story but also underestimating the general public’s compassion for a man who, not only was a victim of domestic violence but who was also then turned into the perpetrator by his own abuser. She never expected Johnny Depp, a man who has remained a private figure within the walls of Hollywood for the past 30+ years, would actually follow through with his promise to get the truth - HIS truth - out to the world. Like I said, she greatly underestimated him.

But the truth is out, the jury made their unanimous ruling and on Friday, June 24, Judge Azcarate made it final. Ruling that Amber Heard must pay Depp 10.35 million dollars for defaming him.

If she still plans to appeal, Musk she will need to pay the 8.3 million dollar settlement + 6% interest per year bond to appeal. In addition, if there is an appeal, everything will be unsealed and if you've been following long enough, you'll know that there is much more evidence that will be damming for Heard.

But still, even with all of this, it hasn't stopped media and the minions from attempting to gaslight everyone into believing that everything we listened to and saw, never happened. They are trying to convince people that this case had the same evidence as the one in the UK where he lost to The Sun (a tabloid who rates women's breasts), NOT to Amber as they would like you to believe. Amber did choose to be a witness there but got nothing out of that trial. Truth is, Johnny Depp was not given a fair trial as his recordings and photos were dismissed. Additionally, the judge had affiliations with the tabloid's owner as well as with Dan Wootton, the "journalist" who wrote the article.

Keep in mind, this is the same judge who conveniently retired right after this particular case, and stated how he didn't believe Heard could've thrown a can of Red Bull because, "she was wearing pyjamas." But did believe her when she said she donated all 7 million dollars of her divorce settlement which, of course, we all now know she lied about, committed perjury and then in Virginia, (poorly) acted like she didn't know the difference between a pledge and a donation claiming she uses the words "synonymously."

The most insulting tactic in all of this though, is them trying to make us believe that this is "silencing victims". See, the thing is, Amber has been speaking for 6 years and Johnny stayed quiet. He didn't respond to her magazine articles, her television appearances... no one took her voice away. He did one GQ UK interview in 2018 and even then, he barely spoke on it. Heard's lawyers want us to think he told his story in the UK but, even then, he was silenced. This ruling isn't the result of a woman speaking against her abuser, it is the result of a woman who lied and made false accusations because she didn't want to lose her luxuries.

They also want us to believe this is the "death of the Me Too Movement", but is it? Numerous men have been rightfully blacklisted by Hollywood, and even found guilty in a court of law. This is the first time a man has fought and earned back his reputation because the evidence is on his side, proving he was the abused party. So, I ask, why? Why is it so important for Johnny to be guilty even when he isn't ? Why is it so dire for this one man to be hated for proving his innocence, when there is a long list of guilty men who have already been called out? They want us to look at this single case and believe that one man actually being innocent, cancels out all the other cases that came before and it makes absolutely no sense. Not to mention, it diminishes the work previous [real] victims have done to bring down men who are actually guilty of being abusers.

So, as we continue to move on while Heard and her pitch-fork wielding trolls stalk and comment on Johnny's every move, and try to make us question our own knowledge by dumbing us down to just crazed fangirls, let's not forget the facts. The fact that, TMZ was tipped off about her courthouse appearance, back in May 2016. The fact that Amber's lack of screen time in Aquaman 2 was due to creative issues and lack of chemistry with Jason Mamoa.

We know that The ACLU helped her write her 2018 defamatory op-ed that cost Depp his Captain Jack Sparrow role for Pirates 6. And, we know that the op-ed was about Johnny Depp, after Heard admitted to it during her second time on the stand.

We listened to the officer who arrested Amber in 2009 for assaulting Tasya van Ree in a Seattle airport, testify that it did happen. Meaning, that Heard lied under oath... again. For six years the lies have been never-ending, and they continued all the way up to her final appearance on the stand when she claimed that online trolls were threatening to put her baby in a microwave. That story wasn’t hers either.

Every story she has told does exist, but they were never hers. They always belonged to someone else. Just like when she stole her assistant, Kate Jame’s horrific story about her own sexual abuse. 

We now know for a fact that Johnny Depp never pushed Kate Moss down the stairs during their relationship in the 90s. A story that Heard wants us all to believe was a well known rumour back in the day when in fact, no one had ever heard about it until she brought it up a couple years ago. And why did she bring it up? Because Johnny had shared that story with her and, like Depp said on the stand, she took it and turned it into something ugly.

For six years Johnny Depp has had to live with this horrible lie on his back. He had to endure six years of torment, bullying, journalistic hit pieces and his, at one time fans, believing the absolute worst things about him. But now it’s over. Johnny Depp has finally told his story, in HIS words and ok'd cameras being there most likely because he knew outlets were going to twist everything, once again painting him as the bad guy. And you know what? He was right because they did and still are.

And yes, a lot of stuff did come out about his battles with addiction and detox. Many will point to his texts messages to a friend, NOT to her, where he is re-actively venting about his abuser and I have to ask, would you still be upset about these texts if the roles were reversed? Would you be upset if a woman spoke this way about her male abuser? The answer is no, because you would understand that it was coming from a woman who was tired and in pain. So why can’t it be the same for a man?

Pain is pain, no matter the gender. It's universal and not exclusive to just women. So, why are texts messages quoting Monty Python so much more damning than Amber Heard's very real actions? How is one text message worse than her cutting his finger off? Or, worse than hearing her admit to starting physical fights and then being upset that he would hide?

There's this text from Amber to her friends where they talk about using a set of knives on Johnny to "threaten his life if he misbehaves" :

Does this text bother you as much? This is a text coming from the same woman who gifted her husband, who she claims abused her for years and caused her to fear for her life, a knife. Now, I don't know about you but, there's something here that isn't adding up.

No one is saying Johnny Depp is a perfect sainted person who has never done anything wrong. Hell, Johnny himself isn't even pretending he is because yes, he is human. But he's owned up to those mistakes. He's owned up to his addictions, his failures, his darkness, he owned up to those texts... and he sacrificed having so much of that being broadcast to the world because those were the lengths he was willing to go to, to clear his name. And in doing that, Johnny didn’t just tell his story, he told the story of so many men AND women who have experienced the same horrors of domestic violence who may have been too afraid or embarrassed to speak up before. In addition to speaking for those who have also been falsely accused.

Bearing in mind, some texts that were read out weren’t even written by Johnny but were in fact, incoming messages. It's why Johnny was confused and disgusted by them and didn’t even recognise them as his.

I’m not sure what they were trying to pull when they read these out but it was ugly nonetheless. But that's the difference. Amber never took accountability for her actions instead, she sat on the stand and either made excuses or blamed others for her actions. She accused Kate Moss of coming out of the woodwork, she claimed the owner of the trailer park in Hicksville wasn't even there, or even blaming her lack of donations on the lawsuit even though she had the full 7 million, months before Johnny ever sued her.

Regardless of what the outcome was, Johnny Depp told his story. The unedited, unabridged and untwisted truth is finally out there for the world to see, hear and read. Whether or not the public and mass media outlets care enough to actually listen, that will be up to them. All I know is that myself, along with millions of other fans “relatives” are already on the right side of the roaring rapids, and we’re not moving.


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