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About the power of thought

Thought, even if it is not material, is still stronger than matter. Nothing can move us if we do not accept that in our minds and allow it to influence us.

By Sebastian VoicePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
About the power of thought
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Today we will talk about the power of thought, about how what we think influences our daily life. By everyday life we ​​mean work, family, and relationships with friends. To think means to imagine, to imagine that you can….Before doing anything, you will think ahead, you will think like, "I could go shopping"; Well, imagine what it would be like to go. If you have a pleasant sensation you will go, if you have an extremely unpleasant sensation you will do everything to avoid this situation.

Most of the time, things become reality after we think about them. The moment we can imagine that we can do a certain thing, that thing becomes a reality when we have done it. What we think influences everything we do. For example, when you have a boyfriend/girlfriend or future spouse, there are situations in which you bet "You know, I can't see him, I can't imagine him in the future." Because of this mental block - of not being able to imagine yourself in a certain situation - it is most likely that when you find yourself in that situation you will not be able to cope, practically what you were afraid of will happen, namely, not to understand each other, not to be able to imagine.

Things become reality after they are thought. The thought provokes what follows. For example, imagine yourself as a successful person, visualize this as being a successful person, and imagine that you would probably be handsome.

Many people cannot imagine themselves as successful, they simply cannot. At that point, most of the time, that person will not even be successful. You are probably wondering what the connection is with reality. Maybe they are just coincidences or things just don't work out as this power of thought implies. Things are extremely simple. The moment we think about a thing once, the second time, the third time, the fourth time, certain synapses are created in our mind that shape our way of thinking. The moment you think about it, you imagine yourself running on a field, for example, reading a book, or you imagine yourself in a club or a queue at the public administration. When you imagine, in reality, the same thing happens. This has been demonstrated through experiments, in the sense that athletes have been connected to certain devices and have been made to imagine that they are in a competition and that they are running, to imagine themselves in that competition. Likewise, a competition was organized and brain activity was measured again. Our mind does not make much distinction between imagining and doing that thing.

This mental training to imagine ourselves in a certain situation helps us to see the opportunities more easily. Opportunities exist all around us, some see them more, others less. As a result, it is essential to be able to visualize yourself in a certain situation. What does this mean to visualize? To visualize yourself, to feel that you are in that situation, the more you think about that situation, the more likely it is to happen.

For example, you have an exam for driving school and you imagine yourself making a very big mistake. Imagine yourself behind the wheel and thinking that you will make a big mistake, you will not pay attention to the traffic light, and you will not see a pedestrian. In this case, you schedule yourself to react in a certain way, at a certain time. That is, if we programmed ourselves, we could imagine that we get behind the wheel, we imagine how we see the traffic signs, we change the speeds properly s.a.m.d. If we could do this operation mentally, we will certainly be able to do it physically when we get to that situation.

This force of visualization is the mental training that you can do for free. You improve every time you do this mental training. Visualize, and let your dreams come true. It is not for nothing that it is said, "I saw my dream with my own eyes." This means that before it happened in reality, you dreamed, you wanted that thing and you imagined that it was possible, to a greater or lesser extent, but you imagined that it would be possible.

The moment we can imagine ourselves in a certain situation, reacting in a certain way, we can imagine ourselves as those people who see the opportunities around them, certainly, in reality, this will happen. . There is an old saying that says: be careful what you think because your thoughts will become words, be careful what you speak. After all, your words become deeds. That's how it is. Or as Henry Ford said: if you think you can, you can, if you think you can't, you can't.

Therefore, enjoy yourself, enjoy life, smile whenever you have the opportunity, and visualize yourself as a happy person. You can imagine yourself as a person who enjoys, enjoys life, who enjoys friends, who enjoy everything in his life. Can you imagine yourself as a person who enjoys absolutely everything that happens? This is the first step - you can imagine. Certainly, the moment you have contact with reality about those things, you will automatically react, consequently, you will be happy.

Rejoice, smile, because it is worth it! In addition, this mental training to visualize yourself in a certain situation is mental training with immediate results. This mental training is free and its beauty lies in the fact that the power of thought is boundless, its freedom is total, and you can imagine that anything is possible.

The imagination is a world where anything is possible. However, some people cannot imagine certain things. The moment you can imagine, most of the time your wish is fulfilled. It's kind of a wand. If you can't imagine that you will succeed at all, then things will go extremely, extremely hard.

Therefore, dare, dream, because it is worth it! Enjoy life, enjoy your job, and let your desires and dreams come true. You just have to leave them. Good luck!

P.S. If you like to read while drinking coffee, you can offer me a coffee too.

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About the Creator

Sebastian Voice


Writing is an art, the art of being known without being seen.

Writing hides a face, a feeling, a thought, a desire, a mystery.

I'm a dreamer!

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