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"A New World Currency: The Power of Human Connection"

Beyond Currency

By AkchugoldPublished about a year ago 3 min read
World without currency

1) Imagining a world without money is a difficult concept, as money has been an integral part of human civilisation for centuries. However, if we were to imagine a world without money, there would be some significant changes:

2) Barter: In the absence of money, people would exchange goods and services directly through barter. This means that individuals would have to own valuable goods that they could exchange for the goods and services they need.

3) Value system: The value system of goods and services would be redefined without money. People would have to agree on a standard value for goods and services based on their usefulness or scarcity.

4) Work and labour: In a world without money, the concept of work and labour would change. People would have to do work that is valuable to others and exchange their goods and services for other goods and services that they need.

5) Economic systems: The absence of money would require a complete overhaul of existing economic systems. New economic systems would have to be developed based on the equitable distribution of resources and the exchange of goods and services.

6) Social structures: A world without money would lead to a significant change in social structures. The value system of goods and services would change, leading to a change in social status and hierarchy.

7) Even though a world without money seems to be an idealistic concept, it would require significant changes in human behaviour and social structures. Nevertheless, it is worth thinking about the possibilities and exploring alternative economic systems that prioritise the well-being of individuals and the planet.

Without money, the concept of work would be vastly different. People would no longer be driven by the need to earn a living or accumulate wealth. Instead, they would work for the joy of it, to contribute to society, and to improve the world around them.

Bartering and exchange would likely become more common, as people would need to exchange goods and services directly with one another. Communities might form around shared interests and needs, with people coming together to share resources and skills.

Goods and services would be distributed based on need, rather than ability to pay. Food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities would be provided freely to all, with everyone sharing the responsibility to ensure that these basic needs were met.

The absence of money could lead to a more egalitarian society, with less disparity between the rich and poor. However, without the motivation of financial gain, there could be less innovation and technological progress.

Ultimately, a world without money would require a significant shift in mindset and values. It would require people to focus on collaboration and cooperation, rather than competition and self-interest. While it's an intriguing idea to consider, it's hard to say how feasible or sustainable such a world would be.

Finall quotes by a famous aurthor

“I’d honestly rather have a

bunch of cats than a million dollars; at least cats don’t make you feel lonely. Just the thought of money makes me depressed; it controls the world. You can get away

with anything if you have enough dough. That’s one thing I like about the Bible; it talks about how destructive greed is. People treat mammon as their God, you know? If I ever won the lottery, I’d give up all my

money and go to live in the wild like that Chris McCandless guy, except I’d be smart about it and survive. I’d also buy a sasquatch suit just to mess with cryptologists; some moron would record me and claim

that I was “proof” of bigfoot or some nonsense. People disappoint me so much sometimes…”

― Jeffrey Calhoun, The October Amaryllis

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