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A Love Letter Every Woman Deserves to Read

We all deserve true love and it starts within ourselves!

By Nea Marina | Taking on Life TogetherPublished 5 years ago 6 min read
  • Do you feel like you are just not appreciated the way you want to be?
  • Do you feel like you are not receiving the love that you deserve?
  • Do you feel unbearably empty when something doesn't work out the way you want it to?

Well, if you have ever felt any of these, I am with you girlfriend! I have felt each and every one of these, and I bet you're wondering what the root of it is?

Well, I discovered that all these feelings were coming up because I didn't truly love and respect myself. I stopped caring about myself and my needs and I was caring about what other's needed and wanted first, and I mean I was ALWAYS doing that, which drained me for years, I stopped focusing on my future, and I didn't even know who I was anymore.

What if I told you that I have written several love letters to myself to try and discover who the hell I was again? Well, it's true, I was trying anything and everything to try to find myself and regain my self worth again, and you want to know what the difference between each love letter was?

These love letters were written at different times in my life and as I have reread these letters I noticed that the first love letter was more of a diary and telling myself everything that was going wrong and how empty I felt, as for the second letter, I started to recognize more of the light at the end of the tunnel, and as for the third letter, well that one is the one that showed me that I was finally rediscovering my beauty and my purpose. Now that I was able to recognize these things instead of just focusing on my flaws, I rediscovered my inner lion, I discovered that I am beautiful, I am worth it, I am more than enough, and guess what? So are you!

So I have written a love letter just for you so that you understand just how magnificent you really are and that you are not the only one who has needed this love letter, we all need it, we all need to be told these things and so I am going to be the one to tell you. A love letter, just for you.


Dear Beautiful Lady,

I want to say you are appreciated! You are loved! You are worth it! And you are beautiful! And If you don't believe these things right now, I want you to read those again until they are implanted in your brain.

You wake up every day, maybe you have the same routine, maybe you wake up with lingering feelings from the night before, maybe you are continuously waking up feeling empty and just not quite sure what the purpose is anymore. Why are you feeling this way? And why are you letting these feelings take over you? You are allowing something to steal your beauty and worth right from under you, when in actuality you have the control to make every day the best damn day you have ever had.

I want you to realize what you are doing to yourself when you are just dragging your feet, day by day, week after week. You are robbing yourself of love and not just any old love, you are robbing yourself of your own love. When living with no intent, no self-care, and no plan, you are really allowing life and others to walk all over you. And you are worth so much more than that! I need you to understand that YOU deserve the best of the best but until you start believing that and treating yourself that way, you are not going to receive that.

I want you to look back at your life right now.

Come on.

Just do it.

I want you to look at all that you have overcome. Look at the things that have entered your life to destroy you, and did you let it? It may have been one hell of a ride, but you made it, you are here, alive and breathing. So why not treat yourself like the warrior you are?

Listen, I know what it is like to feel out of place, to feel unwanted, I even know what it's like to not like the body you are in, I have struggled with all of these things and more. And what I learned from that is we can beat ourselves up all we want but all that is going to do is create more problems and self-esteem issues, or we can try to uplift ourselves and the more and more we practice it the easier it becomes. Just like we have the control to continue to hurt ourselves, we have that much control to change and decide that you deserve better. Only you can make this change. No one can make that for you, but I am here to tell you that it is so worth it when you decide to love yourself the right way, it's hard and it doesn't come easy, but making that decision to live your life with joy and intent is the first step to becoming a success story and even better, you will enjoy the life your living and not just living on autopilot.

I want to tell you that you are worth chasing your dreams, you are worth taking care of your mind, body, and soul, you are worth creating a life that is going to bring you nothing but joy, you are worth only allowing the people that are only going to uplift you and positively impact your life to stick around, and you are worth loving. But before you allow anyone else to love you, love yourself, go take some time, shut out the distractions and spend time with yourself, get to know you, what you like, what you don't like, explore what you really want out of life, make up a plan for your future, make up a plan for when you start to panic or start to go back to where you once were, come up with strategies that are going to help you recollect yourself and still love yourself even when times get tough. The whole point of life is discovering who you are and what your purpose is and you wont find those answers by leaving yourself in the dust and beating yourself up every time something falls out of place. Life is messy, but the beautiful part is you get to decide just how you want your beautiful mess to look, and would you rather do that with joy and love in your heart or do you want to do that by looking down on yourself? The choice is yours, but if you ask me, you are way too amazing to not walk around with your head held high and a smile on your face and going after your goals and purpose.

So let me just end it with this, as life gives you lemons, don't try to make orange juice because we both know that is impossible and so is trying to live a happy life without truly loving yourself, so when life gives you lemons, girl make that sweet lemonade, enjoy a glass, and really focus on loving who you really are and soon you will see other things fall into place. That is one thing I can promise you, it may take some time, but none the less, it will happen.

From the bottom of my heart, I truly hope you find the love you are looking for, and I hope that love comes from you first! & Remember you are appreciated! You are loved! You are worth it! And you are beautiful!


Nea Marina xoxoxo♥


About the Creator

Nea Marina | Taking on Life Together

Hello there, I’m Nea! Taking on Life Together is the blog that encourages & empowers you to live the lifestyle you desire & love yourself more & more each day 💕Check me out here:

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