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A Gay Man's Guide to Dating 101

A point system for the Type A Gay

By Jonathan AnthonyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I recently wanted a newfound way to analyze my dates, so one day while

on the bus to the city, I decided to come up with a list. Call me a

gay man on a rampage, but this is but a filtering system. Now don't

get me wrong, I don't go BY THE BOOK on this and or whip out my list

each and every time, although most of the time is fun, I do use this

list to keep myself in check as far as post-date antics are

concerned.These categories each have their own point values based on

importance to me. They are NOT and repeat DO NOT reflective anyone

else's view but my own. These are categories that I deem important and

relative to things I come in contact with.

(Women out there, you are more than welcome to use this too!)

Belief in God- 15

-a sense of Spirituality, what are his perceptions, thoughts, and what

actions does he take to ensure a connection with our creator if any?

-Do you go to church on holidays? Have you ever been to church? Are

you even interested in God or the notion of God whatsoever?


-Style is something that can be lacked seeing as though I'm studying

fashion. I would actually rather that he not be into fashion per say,

due to the fact that it consumes me. And I would be more than happy to

help someone out in need who lacks in the fashion realm.


-Hygiene, and all that goes with that aspect of a human being.


-Are you talking above, over or talking to me? Are you trying to

outsmart me or make a connection with me?

Body Image-10

-I'm not asking for Adonis but I am that he has a sense of his body?

Does he smoke? Does he drink to excess?

Maturity- 10

-There is a time and place for being silly, there is also a time and

place for being serious. Can he distinguish the two? Is he appropriate

at the appropriate times? Honesty also ranks in here. How honest are

you with yourself, others around you and the things that you proclaim

to be and want to be?

Sense of Humor- 5

-I love to laugh, but does he love to laugh… and with me? Is our

bending toward one another or is he on the information super highway

and I'm on my way to Bellevue?

Musical Tastes-10

-What is his favorite style? Can we ride in the same car together

without both wanting to reach for the dial every two minutes? This is

one are where certain types, I'm sorry to say, I'm intolerable. Can he

go with me to a Broadway show and then afterwards go with me to a

lounge and we enjoy both?


-Sex, only five points on a gay man's list of characteristics he's

looking for in mate, UNHERAD OF?? It is true. I've gone two years

without it, and I feel that there is far greater intimacy than sex.

Intellectual- 10

I'm not asking for Einstein, but how we do we connect on an

intellectual level? Are we viewing the same painting? Can we both

enjoy things, not at the same level and temperature, but similarly?

What's more intense than sex for me, a deeper, richer connection, a

mentally stimulating conversation that may turn into something after

or so intimately exhausting that we both end up sleeping.

0-20: What happened? Sorry, life is short, but sweet.

20-45: Friend Zone, but caution.

45-65: A second date may result, but nothing planned.

65-85: Second date is already being set up; a second round will be

analyzed, compiled and redone.

85+: Potential mate here, love at first sight? Well, I'm not quite a

believer in that, however, there are some guys that just REALLY tickle

my fancy on the first date. Often when guy gets to this level, its

bliss and I have to go back and face reality that if I was on the

other end, I would probably not rate myself in this range.

Note: although not listed friendship would be offered at almost every

category except for the first.


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