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A Chance Encounter of Fate

By Marcus Perkins

By Marcus Alan PerkinsPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Brandon swore that she would show up, that she wanted to meet me as much as I wanted to meet her. As the waiter walks over for the third time my head dips in embarrassment and I notice that my phone reads eight fifteen making it thirty minutes since I sat down.

Hearing his throat clear I look up and see the apologetic smile on his face. “I’m sorry but my manager says that if you don’t order then I have to ask you to leave. Can I get you anything? Even an appetizer or something, just so he lets it go.”

“I understand, will you just bring me whatever’s good here please?”

“Of course, a thing of cheesy bacon fries coming up. If it’s any consolation whoever set you up is incredibly stupid.” His bright blue eyes shift away from mine as his cheeks flush red. He’s cute, I realize and smile.

“Thank you. Maybe one day; right?” I laugh a little as I swirl the small amount of margarita that I have left.

“Can I get you another drink? I believe that everyone has somebody out there somewhere, it’s just a waiting game is all.”

“Hopefully you’re right, and yes please. Thank you.”

“Coming right up.” I notice his name tag reads Chip and that his smile is rather handsome.

Checking my phone again annoyance floods over me at Brandon who hasn’t even messaged me to tell me if his friend is still coming. Maybe he’s not as open to the idea of setting me up with his ex as he seemed. Maybe he only told me she was coming and never asked her to come as a way to hurt me for asking him about her. Maybe he isn’t okay with his ex going out with his lesbian best friend.

Yeah, that has to be it. He wasn’t actually okay with this date. He didn’t want to be known as the guy who’s ex girlfriend began dating one of his best friends. Why wouldn’t he just tell me so? What an ass hole, and people wonder why I prefer women. Although, my eyes find Chip’s tall frame walking back towards me, maybe I could explore other options tonight.

“I’m sorry it took so long, apparently the bar is out of triple sec. How does that even happen, right? I thought you might like to try this instead.” Chip sets a wine glass down with a dark blue drink that smells of sweet grapes. “It’s my favorite Merlot, and it will go good with a thick steak if you would like to try something other than the appetizer?”

“It seems that you like to assume things about people. Is it everyone, or just women?”

He looks away almost like I hurt him. “I’m sorry, I’ve been told that before but I keep doing it. I’m just trying to help out, I get off work in fifteen minutes so please don’t not tip the next guy because of me.”

“Oh no I’m sorry! I didn’t mean that at all, I’m just having a bad night. I appreciate the thought and you trying to make my night better. If you get off that soon would you like to join me for dinner?”

“Are you sure? If your date shows up I don’t want them to think that you changed your mind.”

“Well if they show up now I don’t want to eat with them anyway. I don’t have a lot of extra time in the day and I hate when it’s wasted by people who are too rude to let others know if they’re going to be late or not show up at all.”

“Then yes, I would love to join you.” His smile grows as he walks away with seemingly broader shoulders than before.

I wrap both my hands around the tall glass and bring the rim to my nose, inhaling the black cherry and chocolate aroma deep into my lungs. My eyes close in pleasure as I slowly tilt the glass and feel the ripe flavor wash over my lips and tongue.

“Is it still okay if I join you?”

My eyes fly open as I nod at Chip. I’m surprised at how much more handsome he is at eye level. He has a square jawline with the dark stubble of a few days old beard on it with arching brows that frame his marvelous blue eyes, a broad nose, and full lips that are rare on men. His ears stick out from his brown shaggy hair and a small nose makes his lips look even larger. When he smiles it shows off a row of perfect white teeth and confidence.

“I never caught your name before, mine is Chip if you didn’t see the name tag.”

“Claire. It’s nice to officially meet you, Chip.”

“Wonderful to meet you Claire. Here comes our new waiter now. His name is Brad, he’s a good guy.” Chip eyes flash to my side and he nods at his coworker. “Hey Brad, can I get a glass of merlot, like Claire here and whatever steak they have left for me. I’m not sure if Claire is ready to order yet.”

“I would like the steak as well please. Medium rare, with a twice baked potato if you have them.”

“I will get that right in for you two.” With a smile Brad is off to the next table.

“So what do you do for work, Claire?” His smooth voice sounds less stressed now than when he was a server.

“I work for the state departments logistics sector. It’s a boring job of where to send stuff, when to buy stuff, how much to buy, and all of that. I just started there a couple years back. Are you going to college or anything as you work? Whats your story?”

“Well, I was in college but left when my mother died to help my younger brother out with bills. He’s only eighteen and wasn’t the responsible type before she passed and I’m doing my best to keep him out of jail or a coffin.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. He’s graduated from high school then? Is he looking for work, whats his plans now? What were you studying, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“He graduated the same day that she passed. His plan was to join the military but he fell into drugs and lost the opportunity because of it. She passed about three months ago, and I have just now gotten him out of drugs and into a rehab facility. So far he’s doing okay with it, the detox is hard on him the doctors are saying but they have seen worse.”

“As for me, I was studying to become an civil engineer. I wanted to build bridges and buildings to accommodate the growing population of cities while taking up less space than before. I hope that one day I will be able to finish my degree and help the world, but who knows.”

I reach my hand out and place it on top of his, my dark skin and his Middle Eastern tan standing out in stark contrast to the white of the tablecloth. Our eyes find each other’s and smiles come to both our lips.

“I’m glad that you were my waiter tonight, and that my date stood me up.”

“Is it horrible of me to be happy also?” His eyes seem to glow as he continues to look at me. “Maybe this is destiny, you and I were meant to find each other tonight.”

“That’d be something, meeting my soulmate because he brought me a glass of merlot. It would be a hell of a story to tell.”

“May I take you on a date then? Maybe we can make this our last chance encounter of the romantic kind.”

“I think that I would love that.” My voice comes out shaky as the possibility of dating a man becomes a real possibility for the first time since I was in high school.


About the Creator

Marcus Alan Perkins

I’m a father, published author, student, avid reader, husband, and advocate for equality for all. I am going to use this platform for my short stories and poems. Follow me on Facebook: @Author.MarcusPerkins, Twitter handle: @AMarcusperkins

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