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9 Secrets to Keep Your Relationship Thriving - Number 7 Will Shock You!

I've been in a relationship for over 10 years now, and I can tell you that it's not always easy. I've had my share of ups and downs, but the secret to keeping your relationship strong is to remember why you fell in love with each other in the first place. If this sounds like something you could use some help with, read on!

By Courtanae HeslopPublished about a year ago 5 min read
9 Secrets to Keep Your Relationship Thriving - Number 7 Will Shock You!
Photo by Andres Molina on Unsplash

I've been in a relationship for over 10 years now, and I can tell you that it's not always easy. I've had my share of ups and downs, but the secret to keeping your relationship strong is to remember why you fell in love with each other in the first place. If this sounds like something you could use some help with, read on!

1. Set aside time to talk.

There's nothing worse than not having time to talk. In our busy lives, it's easy to let other things get in the way of our relationships with friends and family members. But if you want your relationship with your partner to thrive, you need to make sure that you set aside some time every week where the two of you can just sit down together and talk about what's going on with each other--and how it affects both of you individually.

It may feel awkward at first; especially if one person has never done this before (or hasn't done it for a long time). But don't worry! All couples go through this kind of thing when they first start dating each other--and sometimes even after they've been married for years! Just remember: everyone loves being listened too; so try not to interrupt while your partner is talking but rather listen intently until they finish their sentence before responding/asking questions etcetera...

2. Know you're not perfect, and neither is your partner.

Everyone makes mistakes. Don't expect your partner to be perfect. And don't be too hard on yourself or your partner when things go wrong; we all make mistakes! If you stay focused on the big picture and let go of little things that don't matter in the long run, then you'll have a happier relationship with less stress involved in it (and more time for fun activities).

3. Learn how to communicate effectively

Learning how to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills you can have in your relationship. If you want your partner and yourself to be happy, then it's essential that you learn how to talk with each other in a way that makes sense and helps both parties feel understood.

Talking isn't just about saying words; it's also about listening, asking questions, being assertive instead of aggressive, being open-minded and understanding what each other needs out of the conversation or argument at hand. Here are some tips on how best to communicate with your partner:

Learn how important listening is! When someone speaks up in a conversation or argument (even if they're wrong), make sure that all their points get heard before replying with anything else--it'll make everyone happier overall!

4. Talk about your past relationships and learn from them.

Talking about your past relationships and learning from them, is one of the best ways to keep your current relationship thriving.

It's important that you share with your partner the good, bad and ugly parts of your previous relationships. If there was something that happened in a previous relationship that made you feel uncomfortable or upset, talk about it! This will help both of you understand what each other wants from a long term relationship so that no one gets hurt again.

5. Don't give up when things get tough.

You might be thinking, "But it's so hard to not give up when things get tough."

Well, if you're going to keep your relationship thriving, don't give up. Don't let the small things get you down. Don't let your partner's bad behavior get you down. And most importantly: don't let your partner's good behavior get you down!

6. Forgive each other and move on with the relationship.

Forgiveness is the first step on the road to recovery, and it's an important one. Forgiveness isn't about forgetting what happened or pretending that it didn't happen; it's about letting go of your anger so that you can move forward with your life and your relationship.

Forgiveness is not weakness; it takes strength and courage to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply. It takes even more bravery to ask for forgiveness yourself when you've done something wrong--but there are few things more rewarding than being able to say "I'm sorry" and mean it!

7. Be open to new ideas, especially those that make sense for you both as a couple and individually.

If there's something you want to try but your partner isn't on board yet, be patient with them! A lot of people are scared of change or uncomfortable with trying new things at first (I know I am). If they say no the first time around, don't give up! Keep asking until they give in--this could be one of the best things that ever happened to your relationship!

8. Don't let sex be the only force behind keeping your relationship alive.

Sex is a huge part of any relationship, but it shouldn't be the only thing that keeps your relationship alive. In fact, sex can often be a weak point if you let it become so important that it becomes all-consuming and takes over the rest of your life.

Sex should be an important part of any relationship--but it doesn't need to define who you are as individuals or as partners in crime (or love).

9 . Help each other grow as individuals by sharing experiences together (or separately) that help both of you grow emotionally and spiritually, physically and intellectually.

Share experiences with each other: Whether it's going on a date or attending a conference together, sharing new experiences is an excellent way to help each other grow as individuals. This can be done either alone or with others in your community. The key is making sure that these activities are mutually beneficial for both parties involved in the experience so that everyone has something new to bring back home after the event has ended!


If you follow these tips, you can keep your relationship alive and thriving. It may take some effort on both your parts, but it's worth it!


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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