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6 Useful Products for Seniors with Alzheimer's Disease

Navigating Life with Alzheimer's: Essential Products for Senior Support

By Assisting Hands Home Care PotomacPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease, a common type of dementia that is typically found in older adults. It results in progressive disorientation, memory loss, impaired thinking, and changes in mood and personality of a person, which is caused by the degeneration of brain neurons. Since it is incurable, some strategies can help slow the progress of Alzheimer's disease. Potomac Home care experts share a list of some useful items that can effectively manage this disease's symptoms.

1. Clocks

Clocks are great for allowing people to keep track of times and dates. It can be a good idea to buy a big talking digital clock with a large display of dates and times for your loved one with Alzheimer's. Make sure it has a sharp, nonglare display suitable for your loved one if he or she has visual impairments. In case of confusion between different times like morning and evening, a talking digital clock will tell whether it's morning, noon, evening, or night along with time.

2. Safety Alarms and GPS Trackers

Wandering is a common behavior among individuals with Alzheimer's disease, leading to dangerous situations if they become disoriented or lost. Safety alarms and GPS trackers are invaluable tools for caregivers in ensuring the safety and well-being of their loved ones. Wearable devices equipped with GPS technology can help locate seniors if they wander away from their designated areas. These devices often have geofencing capabilities, sending caregivers alerts if the person crosses predetermined boundaries. Additionally, door alarms and motion sensors can provide an extra layer of security, alerting caregivers when a door is opened or movement is detected in specific areas of the house.

3. Mind Games

Playing games can not only keep the brain active, but it can also be a great way to socialize. The games' Match the Shapes' and 'Match the Dots' are specially made for people who are living with dementia and Alzheimer's. If your loved one enjoys playing cards may like 'Match the Suits,' which is based on a similar concept. The game featuring a simple layout and large print, Grab & Go Word Search puzzles, is perfect for people who like word games. These games are found to be effective in slowing the progress of Alzheimer's.

4. Medication Management Devices

One of the challenges faced by seniors with Alzheimer's is medication management. Forgetting to take medications or taking incorrect dosages can have serious consequences. Thankfully, products available can assist with this aspect of daily life. Medication reminder devices, such as electronic pill dispensers with built-in alarms or automatic dispensing systems, can help ensure that seniors take their medications at the right time and in the correct dosage. These devices can be programmed to provide visual and auditory reminders, making it easier for seniors with Alzheimer's to adhere to their medication schedules.

5. Adaptive Clothing

Dressing oneself can become increasingly challenging for individuals with Alzheimer's as the disease progresses. Adaptive clothing designed with easy-to-use fasteners, such as Velcro or magnetic closures, can simplify the process and maintain seniors' dignity and independence. These garments are specifically designed to accommodate mobility issues, making it easier to dress and undress. Adaptive clothing ranges from shirts, pants, and shoes to specialized products like non-slip socks or shoes with adjustable straps.

6. Memory Picture Phones

These specialized phones for individuals with Alzheimer's disease offer a unique feature that allows users to program contact numbers with corresponding pictures. This feature functions similarly to speed dials, enabling seniors to simply push or touch the picture of the person they want to call. This innovative invention greatly facilitates communication for individuals with Alzheimer's, making it easier for them to connect with their loved ones and maintain social connections despite cognitive challenges.

Many innovative products can enable seniors with Alzheimer's or other forms of memory impairment to stay safe and independent. If your aging loved one needs assistance to manage the symptoms of Alzheimer's or any other type of dementia along with daily activities, you can consider turning to Potomac Home care experts for affordable and quality services. This is a great way to get your loved one the help he or she needs while aging in the comfort of home.


About the Creator

Assisting Hands Home Care Potomac

Assisting Hands Home Care Potomac is a trusted provider of senior home care services in the Potomac area. With a dedicated team of compassionate caregivers, they offer a wide range of personalized home care services design.

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