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5 Tell-tale Signs Your Ex Is on the Rebound

Ways on how to get back together.

By Get My Ex Back NowPublished 4 years ago 11 min read
5 Tell-tale Signs Your Ex Is on the Rebound
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

So your relationship has come to an end. Your ex has left you with a broken heart. And to add insult to injury, they’re already in another relationship. While you’re busy picking up the pieces of your shattered heart, your ex has moved on. But you find it hard to believe that they could move on so quickly, especially since you’re still trying to figure out how to get back together.

Many questions may haunt your mind, like:

  • How did my ex jump into a new relationship so soon?
  • Is my ex in a rebound relationship?
  • Is my ex serious about this rebound relationship?
  • Is winning back an ex possible?
  • How long will this rebound relationship last?

It’s possible that your ex is in a rebound relationship. So if you’re interested in trying to get back together with your ex, don’t lose hope. Most rebound relationships don’t last very long.

What is a rebound relationship? It happens immediately after a serious relationship ends. Instead of giving their heart time to heal after a breakup, some people jump right into another relationship. They use the new, “rebound” relationship to ease the pain they are feeling about the breakup. And they try to use their new partner to help them get over their ex. Man, what a fix, right?

The guy or girl your ex is dating seems to be the exact opposite of you, and everyone else is telling you it’s just a rebound. But your ex seems to really want to make the relationship work, and your instinct is telling you that your ex has moved on.

You’re confused. Is it just a rebound, or something more serious? And what does this relationship do to your chances of getting your ex back? Hang on! First you need to know the tell-tale signs that your ex is in a rebound relationship.

#1. Your Ex Starts Dating Shortly After the Breakup

After a long, serious relationship, you and your partner break up. A couple of weeks later, your ex starts seeing someone they just met. This is an obvious sign that it’s a rebound. Your ex is just trying to fill the hole in their life created by your absence. They got used to being in a relationship, and always having someone (you) there for them.

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It’s possible your ex started dating so quickly just to avoid feeling lonely. But it’s also possible that they did it because they miss you, and don’t know how to function without you. Which means there could be a chance for you to get your ex back.

#2. Your Ex Shows Off Their New Cupid Cuddle

Your ex has started going out with someone new, and guess what? They’re flaunting it! They take their new boyfriend or girlfriend to the park you two used to frequent together, and to your favorite club downtown, and to the parties of mutual friends. And whenever you see them, they’re all over each other.

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Worst of all, your ex starts telling you how great the new relationship is, and how happy they are now. If they have truly moved on, and are serious about their new partner, why do they feel the need to keep flaunting it? Shouldn’t they want to nurture and protect their new relationship?

Well, there is a logical explanation for this one. Your ex is overcompensating, and trying to convince themselves that they’re in a happy relationship. It’s also possible that they are just trying to get a reaction from you – jealousy, anger, sadness, etc. They may even be trying to make you regret the breakup. Some love experts say that this is the best way to get your ex back after a break up.

#3. Your Ex Posts Tons of Pics with Their New Partner

If you think your ex is in a rebound relationship, you may have already started planning how to get back together. But then, to confuse you even more, your ex starts posting photos of cozy moments with their new partner on social media. Suddenly, your ex is sharing tons of pics on Facebook or Instagram, even though they hardly ever posted pics when they were with you. What the heck happened? Why the sudden change?

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If this happens, there is a strong probability that your ex is purposely posting these photos to get your attention. Don’t worry. This is a good sign from your ex, and confirmation that they are trying to get back together with you.

The bottom line is that your ex is still not over you, even though it may appear that they have moved on with a new relationship.

#4. Your Ex Moves Like a Bullet Train with the New Relationship

Your ex just took their new partner to meet their family. So you decide to give up, and stop looking for tips on how to bring back your lover. No, the game isn’t over yet. There may be a reason your ex is moving so fast with the new relationship. Sure, they took their new partner to meet the family, after only a few weeks of dating, but that is not normal. Something must be up.

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If your ex was serious about their new significant other, and really trying to make the relationship work, they wouldn’t be in such a hurry. They would want to take things slow, and avoid making any mistakes or hasty decisions that could endanger the relationship.

Your ex may be moving so quickly with the new relationship because they’re trying to reach the same level of intimacy they had with you. Maybe they’re chasing after the way they felt when they were with you. So don’t let this stop you from trying to figure out how to get back together.

#5. Your Ex’s Friends and Family are Shocked

How do your ex’s friends and family react when they find out your ex is dating someone new so soon after the breakup? If they’re just as shocked as you were, it confirms that your ex is in a rebound relationship.

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These are the reactions of your ex’s friends and family members because they know your ex well. They can confirm that your ex has not gotten over you yet. They know your ex is not ready for a new relationship. Which is why they’re so surprised to find your ex with someone new, instead of trying to get back together with you.

Ask Yourself Why Your Ex is on the Rebound

Now an important question. Why did your ex suddenly jump into a rebound relationship after your breakup? Have you ever asked yourself? Before you start planning how to get back together, find out why your ex moved on so fast.

It may have been your behavior, or a variety of other factors that pushed your ex into a rebound relationship after your breakup. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons for a rebound:

#1. Your Ex Wanted to Feel Appreciated or Wanted

When you were together, did you spend enough time with your ex? Did you appreciate everything they did for you? If your ex felt dejected, unappreciated, or unwanted in your relationship, that may be why they got into a rebound relationship after you broke up. They may be trying to get back their self-confidence.

If you are the one who ended the relationship, then there is a high chance that your ex will get into a rebound relationship. If your ex found out that you were cheating on them, that could have also caused their rebound.

The answer is simple. Your betrayal and infidelity not only broke their heart, it also crushed their pride and self-esteem. So now they’ve found someone to replace you, and help them feel wanted and appreciated again.

#2. Your Ex Wanted to Hide from the Loss and Pain

Instead of being alone after your breakup, your ex found someone to help distract them from the loss and pain. The rebound relationship is their way of hiding from their feelings.

You have started to realize that your ex may already be moving on, which makes you feel hollow and depressed. Maybe you can understand now why your ex would want to escape from the pain of the breakup.

A rebound relationship may help your ex hide from the loss and pain for a little while. But what they probably don’t realize is that it just delays the healing process, and postpones their recovery from the breakup. They can’t hide forever.

#3. Your Ex Just Wanted to Get Over You

We’ve all heard that oh-so-popular breakup advice: If you want to get over your ex, get under someone else. Your friends tell you it’s the best way to recover from your breakup. Their reasons sound logical. They say that being with someone else will help you forget about your ex, and move on faster.

The truth is that a rebound may help you forget about your ex for a while, but it’s only temporary. Sooner or later, you will start thinking about winning back your ex again.

Likewise, your ex may have jumped into a rebound relationship so quickly because they were trying to get over you. But they won’t be able to hide there forever. Eventually, they’re going to have to deal with their feelings about your breakup before they can really move on.

How to Get Back Together with an Ex

If you have determined that your ex’s new relationship is just a rebound, and you find yourself wanting to get back with your ex, it’s time to take action!

Your ex may already want to come back, but something’s stopping them from trying to get back together with you. Maybe there’s still a lot of ego, anger, and pain leftover from your breakup, and they don’t know how to get back together. What should you do in this situation?

We’ll take a look at some of the best strategies and tips for winning back an ex below. But before you try them, ask yourself if you still have a chance to get your ex back?

Everything depends on your patience, and whether or not you are able to control your emotions, and follow the game plan for how to get back together.

Why is patience so important? If your ex is in a rebound relationship, and you are trying to get back together, you will need lots of patience to manage your expectations realistically. Because getting your ex back will not happen overnight.

Do you think sending your ex a few text messages will help you cast a spell on them? Will your texts be the key to winning back your ex? It will take more than just the right messaging. You will have to be patient, and stick to the game plan for how to get back together.

Some people have lost their patience in the middle of this game plan, and they ended up screwing everything up. If you cannot keep your emotions under control and follow the game plan until the end, your chances of winning back your ex are slim.

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What should you do if your ex is in a rebound relationship? Follow this game plan for how to get back together:

Stay the Same

Stay cool and casual about your ex’s new relationship. Let him or her know that you do not care that they have moved on, and are in a new relationship. Displaying jealousy or anger is not going to help you. Let their relationship run it’s course.

You can use this time to focus on yourself, and get back to being the same person your ex fell in love with. We know that is tough to maintain. It is difficult to stay the same while more time passes. But if you get to see your ex and their new partner from time to time, you have to show them that you have not changed a bit.

Protect Yourself from Destructive Behavior

You cannot stop yourself from picturing what your ex is doing with their new partner. Are they spending cozy moments together in the bed you used to share with your ex? Are they going to movies with people who used to be your friends? Are they having dinner in the expensive, romantic restaurant you always tried to get your ex to take you to?

These kinds of thoughts are really messed up. They can disrupt your life, and make you feel very low.

To protect yourself from this type of destructive behavior, you have to learn how to shift your focus to something else.

  • Focus on doing one simple task at a time. This will help distract your mind from those disturbing thoughts. For example – clean your fridge, watch funny videos or movies, play some video games, clean your house, or go out with your friends.
  • Stop asking yourself those disempowering questions. Instead, ask yourself positive questions. What does that mean? Instead of asking yourself why this happened to you, ask yourself what good might come out of this game plan for how to get back together with an ex.
  • Tackle a task that requires higher concentration. Get lost in your office work. Brainstorm something new and innovative. Why don’t you try Sudoku? Why don’t you join a salsa class? What do you think about hitting the gym?

If you notice the tell-tale signs that your ex’s new relationship is a rebound, you may be interested in trying to get back together with them. Remember: staying calm, and not overreacting is the best way to get your ex back after a break up. But if that doesn’t work, all you need is some patience, and to focus on yourself.

This post originally published at


About the Creator

Get My Ex Back Now

Jenny and Mike are almost inseparable. From romantic evenings to ugly fights, heartbreak, reconciliation, and rebuilding a better relationship, they have seen it all!

Now they work together to help couples reunite after a breakup.

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