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5 Subtle Ways to Know Badly Raised Men

Walk away if he falls into any of these categories.

By Jessey AnthonyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

As a woman, there is nothing more annoying in our dating culture than seeing grown men act like children.

Dating someone who refuses to add anything new to your life will lead to a relationship that is both boring and one-sided.

Some women believe the man will eventually change and open up to meet their needs. However, these men only become more rigid over time.

You must have heard of the phrase boys will always be boys! Men hardly change their old habit of getting entitled to anything they want.

Men’s false sense of entitlement includes the demand for sex, love, affection, admiration, submission, power, and knowledge recognition.

Women feel compelled to meet these needs of men, yet, we are deprived of what we are truly entitled to, such as support, equality, and medical care.

Dating entitled and privileged men hurt women. So if you want to save yourself the heartbreak, avoid dating these badly raised men.

Overgrown babies

He is sweet, loving, and understanding. Unfortunately, he is still tied to another woman: his mother.

A mama’s boy behaves like a baby. They pay too much attention to their mother and what she thinks about their partner. They are more likely to follow their mother’s wishes than those of their partner.

His mother still influences his professional decisions, his investment portfolio, where he lives, and whom he votes.

Project into the future, and you can count on his mother to influence everything from where you buy a house to how you raise your kids.

Such men are somewhat indecisive and emotionally castrated by their mothers.

They are very bad partners because they think their mother is more important than anyone else.

Dependent moochers

These ones seek out financially well-off women so he can mooch off her.

He leans on you for everything. He wants you to pay on dates, buy gifts for parties, pay for plane tickets on vacations, and change his wardrobe.

He’ll play on your natural affinity for nurturing and caretaking but never contributes financially.

Eventually, his handout requests get bigger and bigger until one day you may find yourself buying him a car, co-signing a loan, or making a down payment on a house.

He will try to convince you that it is for both of you, but you will be the only one with a financial loss.

When things go south, not only will he break your heart, he’ll also put you deep in debt and tank your credit score.

Intelligent manipulator

These ones are hard to deal with. He is brilliant, accomplished, and firmly believes in his own infallibility.

You never see him doubt or agonize over a decision. He is extremely decisive because the world revolves around him.

Sometimes when he’s wrong, he won’t take it well if your point it out. He may want an accomplished wife, but not one too successful to overshadow his glory.

He may embarrass you at an office party or belittle you in front of colleagues and pretend he was joking. If you complain, he will accuse you of being too sensitive.

He doesn’t care what you have to say. He may listen, but only long enough to prepare for his next persuasive statement.

Insecure freaks

These ones are sneaky and manipulative. It’ll start with going to the restaurants he chooses, seeing the movies he picks, hanging out with his friends.

But eventually, he tries to dictate everything, from what you wear to how you spend your free time.

He’s will try to change you to be who you’re not. He’ll insist on orchestrating all your dates and telling you how to dress or behave around her friends.

Even if you’ve only been on a few dates, he will call frequently and keep tabs on your schedule.

He’s suspicious of any relationship you have with any other guy. He expects you to agree with him, and if you don’t, he will tell you how wrong you are.

These types of men will wear you out. At a point, you will lose who you are and, at worst, get depressed. Avoid them like a plaque.

Overindulged brats

These ones are good at hiding their true colors. They start off with frequent calling and conversations to impress you.

Then all of a sudden, they start making frequent excuses. Each time they are unavailable, they repeat the same excuses, “Sorry, I fell asleep,” “Sorry, I got in late.”

But, if you missed their call and told them, “Sorry, I fell asleep,” there would be serious repercussions, or worse, you’d be terminated.

If he demands your time and attention when he wants it and doesn’t care if it’s convenient for you or not, do yourself a favor, dumb him before he ruins you.

Closing thoughts

Dating is just a learning experience, and no amount of caution, talent, intellect, and wit can protect you from meeting Mr. Wrong.

We’re pretty much all trapped in a romantic comedy with characters ranging from jerks and users to downright manipulative people.

Most of the problems we have with men stem from their poor upbringing. Boys are groomed to be entitled. They don’t learn to take responsibility for their actions as early as the girls.

However, as a parent, I choose to teach my child, nephews, and nieces about compassion, mental health, sexuality, hope, and vulnerability.

Both girls and boys should be taught practical moral ethics from childhood. The way we teach our men to shame vulnerability has encouraged apathy in our men. And this affects their professional and personal relationships.

So if you ever get caught in a web of badly raised men, just know it’s not your fault and walk away from the relationship for your peace and safety.


About author

Jessey Anthony is a motivational speaker, fitness coach and relationship expert who helps people become confident in themselves in any challenges they face in life. Sign up to my newsletter & more cool stuff.

Connect with me on Linkedin, Twitter, and Quora.

This article was first published on here.


About the Creator

Jessey Anthony

Jessey is a travel addict, freelance content writer and fitness coach. Check out more from me at:

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