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12 Quotes of Rumi on Life Will Change You Into a Better Person

These beautiful quotes will motivate your attitude towards life

By AHKPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
12 Quotes of Rumi on Life Will Change You Into a Better Person
Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

Have you ever used quotes in your writings? Yes, I believe.

It is normally a part of our writing only, however, it offers more than what we often see. We should look into the true meanings of the expressions and unearth the words' message.

We’re wondering in pursuit of happiness and love in our lives, we’re often deprived of it. We crave love throughout our lives and most of us complain about the world not giving in return what was due to us.

It is the case not only with a few but most of the people on the earth. We all look for the answers and follow many great philosophers and personalities who are famous for their perspectives on human life.

Rumi is the one who used his words for the transformation of the mindset. He persistently advocated looking into your self suggesting that you’ll find the answers about the life within yourselves. He has provided us so much by his writings but it is sad we’re unable to find time to read it or unable to apply it to our lives in true spirit.

He has always emphasized how to remain positive and spread love in the world. He has said about everything how to find, how to act, and how to respond to situations. It’s up to us now to understand these words and hold tight and spread this message of love everywhere.

Let me assure you, if you spare your mind free and read words of him, you’ll finish on high self-esteem and a different view about the world — positive indeed.

These words are Rumi are priceless and a source of inspiration for the people who are truly looking for success.

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life.”

You’re no different from any other human being on this planet. You’re no less bestowed than the others. You’re children of no lesser God. Show up your wings and fly to the heights you want to achieve.

But, why you hesitate and don’t test your reach? You fear failure. You don’t express yourselves and forgo the taste of victories from your lives.

What would have happened, if Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak had stopped after the rejection of Apple I by HP in 1976, what would have happened if Albert Einstein didn’t follow physics as he couldn’t speak fluently until he was nine years of age? What would have happened if “The Beatles” changed their way upon their rejection in the year 1962? Our lives would’ve been quite different for sure.

They only followed the above words and don’t prefer to crawl through life and opted to use their wings, they didn’t bog down by the failures and pressed their wings as they believe failure is not an end, it’s just a start.

“The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind.”

This world is a kind of garden for you, you can have whatever you want.

Skies will be the result of the passion for the ones who look for the glory, and the ones who don’t aim high will stay behind.

Your mind will decide how far you will go and what you’ll get from this world otherwise there are no limits to the achievements which one can achieve.

Always remain optimistic to hit the gold, don’t be content with otherwise. Your own self and mind are the ones which will deprive you of success rather than any other thing in the world.

“It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”

This world is available to every single one of you to come up, make efforts, and win it.

You’ll find people in your way to accompany you, but you’ve to do it by yourself, no one can replace your efforts.

It is about your success, if you want, you can have it, but you’ve to work it out by yourself, you can’t stay away and assigning others to give you success. You’ll have it, once you’ll pursue it by yourself.

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”

Even in the darkest hours of life, you’ll find a way of light, but it’ll only happen once you’ll be ready to face it.

Most people spend their energies too busy planning the way to go, without realizing the importance of making the first step.

One who chose to take the first step will be reaching the milestone. You can’t reach your destination by merely sitting and planning the travel.

In your life you will face the situations, only by then, you’ll be able to find the ways not without facing them.

“Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds.”

It’s you who can lead the world to success. You aren’t less than any other human being on this planet. You’re the one who has the ability to serve mankind better than anyone else.

You’ve to acknowledge it, you’re not lesser than anyone else. You’ve to become an inspiration to fellow beings by spreading high moral values and love.

If every one of you believes in themselves for being the light of the world, it’ll result in a world of love and harmony. A world where people will be sharing their love for each other will be no less than a heaven for its inhabitants.

“Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.”

You’ll find reciprocating love while wearing gratitude for others on your part. It’s one of the success hacks most of the world’s renowned writers and philosophers have provided to us.

You always want gratitude even if things don’t go your way. The words and actions suggesting gratitude work more than any other thing.

It’s also helpful in maintaining your good health by remaining positive every time and not luring yourself into negative thoughts.

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”

Whatever you learn and whatever you become, there is no comparison of offering love to each other.

You can’t find success by any other means, which you can have by spreading love to your fellow beings.

Every one of us wants to have love be it of our families, friends, to our job, we always want love in our lives.

Once you’ll be spreading the message of love it’s impossible for you don’t get a favorable reply from others. You can bridge any differences, any gaps to come up with at the destinations only by way of love.

“Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself.”

We always try to be on the right side and point out the others for their correction. People don’t want to acknowledge themselves as the ones who need improvement.

If you want to have the truth of life, you’ve to change yourselves. It’s not others you look to change. It’s you who needs to improve and become a better human being.

It has to be for every single one of us that we look to find ourselves where we are. We’ve to stop blaming and pointing others for improvements rather we‘ve to become wise enough to apply the same to ourselves.

“The quieter you become the more you are able to hear.”

Your learning mainly comes with hearing, there is a need of hearing others become aware of the situations. There is no point in raising your voice to others without having any knowledge.

You’ve to be kind to others and have them say in your life in order to learn maximum to yourselves.

Silence is more useful as studies have shown its positive impacts on the bodies in the shape of regeneration of brain cells, reliever of stress and tension, better evaluation of information by the brain.

“Inside you, there’s an artist you don’t know about.”

We’re all some kind of artist in our doings which we don’t know about, we’ve to explore our hidden arts to use them for the betterment of the fellow beings.

You never what you’ll be having as your art, you might be a writer, a doctor, an engineer, an entrepreneur, a sportsman.

You’ve to dig into yourself to find out the passion to contribute. It’s something unique you possess, which makes you differ from others and add value to yourself. The more you explore, the more you’ll know.

“Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.”

In our lives, we’ve to make choices every day, we’ve to let go of things and at the same time, we’ve to hold a few as well.

You need to strike a balance between what to hold and what to let go of.

You don’t need to mourn after letting go of something, your life is about making balance about such decisions. You need to groom yourself to discover balance and become clear about what to hold and what to let go of.

You don’t need to react differently while making decisions about letting go and holding something. You’ve to act maturely to be in a positive frame of mind in your life.

“Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.”

Some people die at 25 and aren’t buried until 75 — Benjamin Franklin

It’s you and only you who have to decide to put the pen of your life aside unless and until you’re breathing in this world.

It’s up to you, how you want to grow in life and till how long, you’ve got the option to be in the few people of Benjamin Franklin’s words or the others, surely we want to be on the other list.

There is no stopping point in this world, you go as far as you can and you should’ve to reach the high aims. The more you make efforts the more you’ll earn success.


About the Creator


Entrepreneur, Writer, Blogger, Banker & Father:

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