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10 Traits Of A High-Value Man That Women Find Irresistible.

Do you want to become a high-value man who is irresistibly attractive to women?

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
10 Traits Of A High-Value Man That Women Find Irresistible.
Photo by Austin Wade on Unsplash

Lots of guys have a tough time understanding what women want. But if you start emulating the 10 traits below, it won't be long before you feel more confident and attractive to the opposite sex.

We all have our faults, but if these are the traits that resonate with women, then let's take a look at them one at a time.

1) He's an Expert In His Field

A high-value man is self-driven and focused on his goals in life. He knows who he is and what he wants out of this world. He'll go after anything he sets his mind on with a determined tenacity that leaves little room for distraction or failure... and women love that! As Hugh Hefner once said, "The most important sexual organ is the brain."

Women are attracted to a man with self-confidence and drive. As the old saying goes, he who has the most toys when he dies wins. The same goes for men -- women want a man who is going somewhere with his life and has made something of himself. So a high-value man knows what he wants out of life and pursues it relentlessly until success is achieved.

If you aren't sure of your path in life, start looking at things that interest you and how you can get involved in them. Part of being high value is knowing what you are passionate about, and most importantly, being willing to explore these things.

2) He's Nice To Others

A high-value man finds it easy to be nice to other people. He has a gentle spirit that doesn't take people for granted. If he's not nice to everyone, he sure as hell is nice to those who are close to him, and that could be all the women in his life -- relatives, friends and the women who have his best interests at heart.

High-value men are kind and sympathetic towards others -- especially the people in their lives. When a woman recognizes this trait, she feels comfortable being around him because he's not going to harm her or other people. When you're kind to others, they'll definitely remember it and want to stick around.

3) He's Ambitious

A high-value man is determined to get where he wants in life. He has a clear vision of what he wants out of his life and pursues it with all his might. But most importantly, he takes responsibility for his actions and doesn't blame other people when things don't go his way. So while other guys are spending their time blaming the government or their parents, a high-value man is taking steps towards making his own destiny, whatever that may be.

So figure out what you want to get out of life and do whatever it takes to get there. If you are not sure what you want, then start going after small things and work your way up. The more successful experiences you have in life, the more confident you'll become in who you are and what you can achieve in the future.

4) He's Passionate About His Interests

A high-value man is passionate about various aspects of his life. When he's interested in something, he sees it through to the end until he has conquered that subject matter or defeated any problems/obstacles he might have run into along the way.

For a woman, passion is exciting. It means she knows he's committed to his goals and values the things he believes in. She can tell that he's very interested in what he's doing, and she wants to be a part of this because she values him for all the work and effort he puts into it.

5) He's A Gentleman

A high-value man is a gentleman in every sense of the word. He treats women with respect, as well as other men who are close to him. He doesn't make suggestive comments or comes across as too sexual in his pursuits. Women know that a high-value man is a nice guy -- the type of guy who will open doors and make small talk with strangers.

Women instinctively want to be around a man that they can trust and rely on, so it's important for a woman to see that he's a gentleman. "He knows how to treat women like ladies." He doesn't belittle or make fun of women in front of other men. He also never sleeps with women who are not his girlfriend or wife. High-value men always respect the woman and act in the most gentlemanly way possible, which makes them much more attractive to the opposite sex.

6) He's A Leader

A high-value man is a leader in some way -- whether it be in his career, social circle or a group of friends he can count on. He's well-respected by his peers and gets things done. He's passionate about what he does and has the drive to make things happen. If other people respect him, they will follow behind him. So he has the power to get others to do what he wants them to do -- whether that means making changes in their careers, winning elections or influencing other people who are important to him.

Women are attracted to a man who is the center of attention. When they see someone who can get his way and make things happen, they get so much more turned on. So if you want to work harder and make a bigger impression on women, surround yourself with other guys that can help you do this. Figure out what you want out of life, develop goals and make them happen.

7) He's A Visionary About Life

A high-value man knows what he wants out of life but also has a vision of where he wants to go in the future. This vision gives him the drive to achieve his goals because he's willing to put in the extra effort to get there.

A high-value man often has a clear idea in his mind of what he sees himself achieving in the future. He's got a plan and knows how to get there. Again, this is exciting to women because they recognize that he has vision, patience, and levels of focus that many other men do not possess.

8) He's Selfless While Still Maintaining His Own Identity

High-value men spend time thinking about what they want out of life, who they want to become, and which direction they want to take things. They don't concern themselves with what other people are doing or how others perceive them -- for the most part.

This means that there's no competition between them and other men. There are no ego battles or comparisons going on, which makes a woman feel safe knowing that the man she's dating is genuine and has his own identity in life. He knows what he wants and isn't trying to please someone else because it might not be important to him.

9) He's Deferential Towards Women

High-value men treat women with respect and are very deferential towards them, which means they don't come across as arrogant or disrespectful of women. He treats women with genuine respect like he's not afraid of being judged or compared to other women. He never talks about how great she looks or complains about her. He understands that a woman has a lot of influence in the relationship and wants to take responsibility for his actions, which makes him more appealing to women.

At the end of the day, if you want to make a woman attracted to you and have her have no reservations about being in your presence, then you need to be deferential towards her. High-value men understand this concept and think it's important enough for them to put in the effort required -- even if it means having an easier time getting what they want out of life.

10) He's Honest And Upfront With Women About His Feelings

A high-value man is honest and upfront with women. If he wants something from a woman, then he doesn't hold back on how he feels about her. At the beginning of a relationship, a woman can sense this and know he's genuine because his actions mirror his words.

High-value men are honest with women because they believe that it's important to be upfront with them and not deceive them in any way. It also shows that he's willing to communicate what he wants out of the relationship, which is nice to see because it's an indication that they have mutual goals and interests in life.

Women don't enjoy being deceived or led on -- only a high-value man is honest with all women he's with, which makes him really desirable.


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