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10 Things You Can Do Before Your Last Breathe to Make Sure Your Life Was Worth Living

It doesn’t matter if you’re 14 or 40; everyone gets the same time on this earth.

By Prasanniya NadarajaPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

I am a person who is inspired by the deaths of renowned individuals such as Mother Teresa, Abdul Kalam, Nelson Mandela, and Princess Diana. I observed a massive gathering at their funeral. It’s not about money but what they have done.

You and I only have a limited time on this planet. And if we don’t want to live an unfulfilled life, then we must do something significant, something worthy, with the time we’re given.

We are trying to construct a new concept for the betterment of everyone on this planet, including future generations. We have made a breakthrough in technology, medicine, and our social system. But are we doing everything right now to make it so? Do you?

We don’t always act for a better ending because we’re too preoccupied with something else, such as working, earning money, saving, spending, and repeating it.

Still, we are irreplaceable precious spices on this planet to write a great history before our last breath. Do you agree with me?

Rhonda Byrne says we have to have a dream of our future past to write our story.

There are many things we can do before the end. It may differ from person to person with your own purpose. From my point of view, here I am sharing the ten things that you can do to accomplish a great life on this earth and gift the same planet with a better version of it to your next generations.

1 . Don’t be afraid to try new things

If you haven’t done it yet, don’t let your fear hold you back from trying new things.

There are no guarantees that you’ll be the best at something; however, if you never try, you’ll never know. And that’s a shame.

“I’m always trying new things and learning new things.” — Morgan Freeman

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up a new hobby, travel to new places, or start learning a new skill. The world is full of amazing experiences waiting for you to have them.

“You will have to experiment and try things out for yourself, and you will not be sure of what you are doing. That’s alright; you are feeling your way into the thing.” — Emily Carr

2 . Know that money is not everything

It doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t have because money can’t buy you happiness, love, or respect. So don’t chase after it; focus on living a good life and being the best person you can be.

You can say that respect can take by having more money. But it is not true. Talk to the people who have more money and earned more respect. You will ultimately understand that they deserve respect for their contribution to society, not the money. Official salutes don’t mean actual salutes. It is something that we naturally receive.

According to 2010 research, Americans with higher incomes reported greater emotional well-being up to an annual income of $75,000. After that, it begins to drop off.

Many people did not have money but had a great deal of respect from their peers. Look at how your unique viewpoint might change the world.

3 . Love the humans and other creatures on this planet

“The only thing we never get enough of is love, and the only thing we never give enough of is love.” — Henry Miller.

No one is perfect, so don’t expect perfection from yourself or others. Just love and accept people for who they are and be grateful for having them in your life.

Remember, we’re all in this together. So let’s make the world a better place by showing compassion, kindness, and love to one another. Start love with your family first. Don’t neglect the family members or take them for granted.

Like people love other creatures on this planet. There is no difference between a loving human and any other creature. If you see the world with love, then everything will be good.

Remember that you never know when you’ll see someone again, so love them while they’re here and tell them how much you love them.

We can also do small things to make this planet a better place. For example, recycle, pick up trash when you see it, and plant trees. It all counts, and every little bit makes a difference.

4 . Create a small forest to contribute to the ecosystem of this planet.

One of the most important things we can do before our last breath is to create something that will improve the quality of life for our planet after we’re gone. And what could be more important than making a forest?

A small forest will contribute to this planet’s ecosystem and help improve the air quality. It will also provide a habitat for wildlife and help to reduce global warming.

Since exposure to nature seems to generate positive feelings, it stands to reason that nature also has a hand in social wellness.

Studies have shown that living in a greenery environment can provide many advantages, including reduced stress, higher levels of productivity and creativity, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and faster healing from surgery or illness.

Start with planting a tree. Water your tree regularly. Check on your tree periodically to make sure it is doing well. And that’s it! You’ve started creating a small forest that will make a big difference.

5 . Give blood and organs to help others.

Another way to make sure your life was worth living is to give blood or organs to help others. By giving blood, you could save up to three lives. And by donating organs, you could save even more lives. One organ donor may help to save up to eight lives. Do you realize that 20 people die each day while on the waiting list for an organ transplant?. So if you want to make a difference in the world, this is one way to do it.

6 . Help those in need.

There are so many people in the world who need help. Whether it’s helping them get an education, providing them with food and shelter, or simply lending a listening ear, there are ways we can all help those in need. And when we do, we make the world a better place.

It could be something as simple as smiling at a stranger, giving up your seat on the bus, or volunteering your time at a local shelter. But it’s the act of selflessly caring for others that matters. You don’t have to be Mother Theresa, but you could be a human being. And it’s something we can all do, no matter who we are or where we’re from.

7 . Be honest and stop lying if you are into it.

One of the worst things you can do is live a life of lies. Not only does it hurt others, but it also hurts yourself. If you want to make sure your life is worth living, be honest with yourself and others. It’s one of the most important things you can do.

If you’re uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to express yourself. If you are unsure what to say, it is better not to speak at all instead of lying and making things worse by being dishonest.

Read this blog post by and try out stopping lying if you’re ready.

8 . Show appreciation for others whenever possible.

When we show appreciation for others, it makes them feel good and makes the world a better place. It’s easy to take the people in our lives for granted, but we can make them feel appreciated and loved by showing our gratitude.

It’s so easy to take our loved ones for granted and not tell them how much we appreciate and love them. But it’s never too late to say to them. So, take the time to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you and how much you love them.

"A Thousand Things Went Right Today" is a book by Ilan Shamir is all about it. The book invites readers to appreciate and focus on the positive in life rather than the negativity we see in society daily.

It doesn’t have to be anything big. Simply say “thank you” when someone does something for you or shows your appreciation in another way. It will make a difference.

9 . Learn as much as you can.

One of the best things you can do before your last breath is to learn as much as possible. There are so many things to learn in this world, and the more we know, the better off we are.

Nonetheless, some individuals believe that learning is only achieved through exam performance. But, learning is a never-ending process throughout our lives. It’s not possible to avoid it altogether. So pick something you want to learn about. Late is better than never.

Learning makes us smarter, but it also helps us better understand the world around us. And when we know things better, we can make a difference in the world.

So, go out and learn!

10 . Make peace with yourself and others.

If you want to make sure your life is worth living, make peace with yourself and others. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Learn from them. Then, forgive others for their mistakes and move on.

It’s so important to live in peace with ourselves and with others. We can focus on what really matters and make a difference in the world when we do.

“It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.”-said Nelson Mandela.

The Last Breathe

I’m sure you heard these ten things a million times before, but that’s because they’re true, and we all need to remember how vital these things are.

These are just some things you can do before your last breath to make sure your life is worth living.

There are so many other things you can do, too. So, don’t wait until it’s too late. Start making a difference today.

We should always think about the future and what we are leaving for the next generations. We should take steps to improve our planet to be a healthy and clean place.

“If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change.” — Michael Jackson

***Thank you for reading!

This story was originally published in medium


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Prasanniya Nadaraja

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