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10 Benefits of Laboratory Automation for Diagnostic Testing

Automation is the Future

By Sierra PowellPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Lab work is complex and labor-intensive, making it challenging to keep up with the demand for diagnostic testing. There are also few qualified personnel in the job market that know how to perform complex laboratory operations effectively and accurately. Laboratory automation can help address these problems because automated laboratory systems help to simplify complex projects and accomplish practical laboratory tasks quickly. This enables lab operators to focus more on the theoretical part of their projects. Here are ways in which laboratory automation benefits diagnostic testing.

1. Increases Productivity

Laboratory automation increases workers' productivity by reducing tedious tasks and allowing scientists to focus on more critical tasks. For instance, automated systems use microbiology lab supplies to count cells in blood cultures or bacteria colonies, improving count accuracy and eliminating user fatigue. Automated systems can run tests 24 hours daily and usually provide results instantly. Laboratory automation also helps to eliminate human error because test results are usually accurate, provided the correct data is fed into the system.

With increased productivity, lab operators can effectively conduct diagnostic tests and handle more analysis in a single day. This also allows labs to run tests that would have previously been too expensive for doctors. For example, scientists can run inactivated tests that would have had to get sent to larger facilities with better equipment. In addition, the increased efficiency of machines allows technicians and scientists to focus on higher-level tasks, such as running experiments and investigating other possible treatments or cures.

2. Reduces Cost

Laboratory automation enables health institutions and research facilities to save on labor costs. With the right testing equipment, fewer employees are required. In addition, laboratory automation also helps save on space. The amount of space occupied by an automated lab is usually much less than that used by a manual lab. This is because laboratory automation significantly minimizes the workforce required to work in the laboratory at any specific time. This way, you can rent a smaller and cheaper space that's enough for your machines and a few employees.

Laboratory automation also helps health institutions and research facilities save money, increasing efficiency in lab procedures like running test samples and performing equipment maintenance. This significantly reduces the labor force in the laboratory. The automated machines in the laboratory will perform tasks that were being manually carried out by scientists more accurately and quicker. For example, applying a bar code scanner results in automatically labeling and sorting each test specimen. As a result, there is no need for workers to manually label and sort items. This leads to a significant reduction in unit costs, as well as cost per test.

Laboratory automation also helps scientists to conduct and process hundreds of diagnostic tests and samples daily, causing increased productivity. This allows technicians in diagnostic testing labs to spend more time analyzing test results instead of simply collecting and organizing specimens.

3. Reduces Training Time

Laboratory automation greatly benefits the science community by cutting down the training time required for employees. A machine that can automatically perform scientific operations and calculations achieves faster and more accurate results. This saves precious time that can be much better utilized in productive workflow and research.

With the right automated equipment, employees do not have to spend time learning new computer techniques. Laboratory workers can complete tasks faster and at a higher level of accuracy. The increased efficiency provided by lab automation enables research facilities to increase profit, which is essential for improved research and development in the medical field.

4. Helps in Efficient Diagnosis

Using automated lab systems makes it possible for health specialists to diagnose a disease or condition early. Early diagnosis helps reduce mortality and allows healthcare professionals to manage diseases more effectively. This is because laboratory automation provides better access to treatment solutions. The automated machines allow employees to run many tests and samples per day.

Automated systems use advanced technology and perform repetitive tasks such as counting or washing samples. This helps reduce the overall workload for lab employees. As a result, lab employees can effectively perform more critical tasks such as running experiments and analyzing data. Automated lab systems also help to speed up and simplify tedious processes such as product registration. This allows for better testing procedures and reduces training time, which can be better utilized in diagnostic testing. In addition, automated diagnostic testing is efficient. This enables doctors to provide more effective patient care.

5. Reduces Paperwork

Laboratory automation helps to reduce paperwork significantly and ensures reports and test results are more organized. Forms, emails, and notes are all sent and received electronically. Test results get saved on protected servers in a specific database. This enables physicians to retrieve data within seconds. Automation makes it easier for relevant employees to easily identify and locate information related to a specific test result or case that they are researching. This allows for more comprehensive analysis and diagnosis of individual cases, which ultimately helps improve patient care. It also minimizes data loss by optimizing the flow of paperwork, which increases efficiency and effectiveness in medical diagnostics.

6. Increases Safety

Laboratory automation provides a safer environment for employees. With automated machines, employees would no longer be required to handle hazardous materials and pathogens. For instance, automated systems can assist in hazardous scientific procedures such as biohazard control. Biohazards are potentially infectious substances that might lead to the spread of contagious diseases. These include waste products, blood, and other bodily fluids. These substances can cause severe disease and illness, so scientists must handle them carefully.

With laboratory automation, laboratory technicians can conduct tests on infected human samples without coming into direct contact with them. Test results are also timely, enabling them to effectively save the lives of their patients and protect their own.

The use of computer systems to conduct lab tests also helps in error detection, which improves safety. Computers can detect an incorrect operation before it gets completed, allowing for a quicker response or reaction to correct the problem.

7. Reduces Congestion

Laboratory automation can help reduce congestion in research facilities and increase efficiency. When the lab runs at peak capacity, employees may experience slow response times. These delays can cause issues in the test areas of the lab or adverse consequences in terms of results. With automated systems, employees no longer have to speed up their work to compensate for other lab workers who may be behind schedule.

With a high volume of patients, medical diagnostics labs can quickly become congested and overcrowded. Lab automation helps to increase the number of samples that can be processed in a day. Labs can analyze hundreds of tests each day. This helps patients to receive their test results without much delay, allowing them to receive treatment sooner.

The use of computer systems also helps with managing stress levels and frustration that could be present in a busy laboratory setting. Job performance is often affected by morale and employee fatigue. Using automated systems makes test collection and sample diagnosis easier. This helps to improve the efficiency of research and testing.

8. Improves Sample Management and Traceability

Lab automation improves the process of sample management. The flow of samples becomes fully automated, and the overall research process gets simplified. The automated sample management process helps manage lab inventory, which is valuable in medical diagnostics labs. With the use of computer systems in laboratories, tracking specific samples that are required for testing or analysis becomes easier and quicker. This way, errors that could lead to misdiagnosis or incomplete results are minimized.

Automated systems also help to keep accurate records of all samples and test results. This helps scientists to be able to track the location of samples at all times. With this information, the lab can maintain complete control over its inventory and where each sample gets processed or stored. Tracking sample locations in real time helps identify errors and improves the overall quality of care for patients who receive medical diagnostic testing services at a health facility.

9. Increases Speed

Automated laboratory systems help ensure sample analysis is conducted faster. It also increases the number of samples that can get tested in a day. When a lab becomes understaffed or underfunded, the amount of testing that the staff can perform becomes limited. When resources become limited and deadlines are tight, a laboratory can experience an increase in load and workload.

Employees may feel pressure to complete a certain number of tests by a particular deadline, which in some cases can lead to errors on their part or frustration with the process. Automated systems reduce the time it takes to conduct research and process samples from different patients. The test results are also accurate.

Automated systems speed up the process of research and testing with the use of computer technology. These systems are capable of performing complicated tasks within seconds. This is especially beneficial for largely complicated diagnostic tests such as microbiology.

10. Increases Standardization for Certification

The use of automated systems can help with maintaining standardization for certification. Using computer systems in the laboratory can improve the quality and accuracy of patient information. Standardization helps ensure that all labs comply with industry procedures and guidelines. For example, lab compliance with HIPAA regulations has become extremely important since it helps ensure patients receive quality healthcare services. Computerized automation also helps maintain compliance by tracking data from tests performed in laboratories at all times. The ability to track data from all tests and identify such errors can be valuable to labs in ensuring compliance with agencies charged with maintaining patient confidentiality.

Medical diagnostic testing laboratories are highly regulated industries. The use of computer technology can help to improve quality assurance and reduce error rates for both patients and scientists.


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    SPWritten by Sierra Powell

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