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Unbroken heart

The unyielding heart of Michelson

By Sarah ElishaPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 23 min read
Unbroken heart
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash


There weren’t always dragons in the valley but Madison Micheal-son, a twin who has the ability to call for help to dragon that is drawn to her. Always believed that everyone should be given a second chance in life. She realizes a little too late that life itself doesn't follow that idea.Until she is faced in a life threatening situation with a complete stranger Channel Peterson and rescued by the dragon. Channel was taken in front of her house, put in a van to be beaten.After helping save Channel from her kidnappers, took her to the police station to report the crime. She later went back home to her sister and friends for their dinner. A few weeks later news of Channel being taken and saved went viral. About a month later the same men were looking for the life saver of Channel.They found her house and stationed a van to watch her movements and routines.After months of watching, she was involved in an accident that left her conscious with her car flipped over.Daniel Joshua Colons has made an impression with Maddie that made her think he is arrogant and self-centered jerk. Which make her not to like him however he also has a dragon that is drawn to him. He is running in the woods when he smells a leak of gasoline, follows it and finds a car with a person in it. He pulls the door open, tries to help her out of the car. In that moment she passes out and Daniel picks her up and takes her through the forest until he reaches his destination.

Daniel didn't realize his dragon and Maddison’s dragon would be so drawn to each other that later he would fall in love with a girl who thinks of him as a jerk that apparently saved her life when she needed saving. Who knows she might fall for him too in the end and maybe forgive him.

Farewell New Orleans

During the late-winter season, it was windy in New Orleans. This city is known for its round-the-clock nightlife, vibrant live-music scene and spicy Bourbon street. The singular cuisine reflects its history as a melting pot of French, African, and American culture during the carnival famed for raucous costumed parades and street parties.

In the middle of all these things was Madison heading to her farewell party. However out of the blue, she stops for a minute to watch the singer at the Burlesque Festival, she stops to take in her environment and stops on a well-put-together muscular man with curly hair and arms that clearly prove his fitness.

She daydream's about him until a little girl with bouncy and curly hair with blue glowing eyes runs into her. She lands on the floor with a little girl crying in her arms. He takes in the scene of his baby sister crying, walks over to help. He then says are you alright thinking he was referring to her Madison turns to face him only to realize that he was talking to his little sister. Takes her in his arms, consoles her and tickles her until she forgets all about falling. Waiting to see if he would do or say something to her Madison just smiles but he turns around and walks away.

Madison's point of view

I can't believe a person could be that rude , to think I was daydreaming about him. Well at least the little girl is alright , I wish I could give him a piece of my mind. What an arrogant, self-centered jerk.

Third party

Daniel turns around and looks right at Madison with an angry looking face. Madison flinches for a moment saying did I say that out loud. Turning around to play I wonder what time it is ignoring the angry look and starts to head to her party.

Burlesque Festival & Late night eats

Daniel's point of view

I was a little surprised when she didn't fall at my feet, other girls would fake hurting themselves for my attention. She was actually mad I didn't even bother to help her to her feet. I wonder who she is, for her to have that courage to call me out on my behavior.

Her dress really does show her shape not to mention her green eyes and her very pink lips. She sure looks like a girl with a smart mouth but I bet I can find something else to do with it besides calling me out of things .

Third party's point of view

Madison arrives at the restaurant known as late night eats, meets her twin and friends at the door, says their hello's then walk-in to meet the waitress already waiting for them. She welcomes them, picks a few menus then walks them to their table. Offers the menus and says your server will be with you shortly to take your orders.

The restaurant is packed with tables and chairs with flowers to decorate the room. There's music playing in the background while on the wall there are beautiful drawings and pictures of past clients with their family. Madison is happy about her new life and experiences that she's about to meet after leaving New Orleans. While she will miss her twin and friends here she says she couldn't be happier about it. Their server arrives, introduces herself then begins taking orders of drinks ( four cups of lemonade). Neither of the girls ( Madison,Addison, Amanda, Cynthia) drink alcohol. Madison's friends are also twins like herself and her sister (Addison). Their names are Amanda who's nickname is Mandy; Cynthia who's nickname is Cindy. Madison and Addison's nicknames are Maddie and Addie. Only friends of theirs or family call them by their nicknames.

Addie's point of view

Maddie what happened to you I waited for you at the festival but you didn't come, only for you arrive at the restaurant. Is everything alright? You weren't working late again were you? You had us worried, thinking you weren't attending your own party.

Third party's point of view

Madison thinks back to what happened earlier with Daniel, she smiles thinking about how he looked. Then remembers how rude he was and stopped smiling.

Everyone at the table was waiting for her to answer the questions Addie asked when they saw her smile. And like they could tell what she was thinking, Cindy says she must have met a guy; no wonder she forgot about her party. Mandy then says what's his name? When is the date and what does he do for a living? In that moment Madison snaps out of her thoughts and says what?Looking confused she says what date? I don't have a date, I don't know what you guys are talking about.

So there is no guy, says Addie with shock in her voice. Yes there is no guy, I got distracted by the singing and the beauty of the festival also little a girl ran into me there. Before you say anything am fine and I found the little girl's family before leaving, added Madison. They order their meal and start eating.....

Goodbyes & Best wishes

Third party's point of view

Not long after Daniel and two of his sisters with three of his friends walk-in the same restaurant. The waitress sits one table across from Maddie 's. While Maddie wasn't paying attention to who walked in or out of the restaurant, her attention shifted where she looked out the glass door to see the festival when a group of people walk in, is when she realized he was part of the group of people walking in.

She turns her attention back to her table ignoring his presence. While Daniel hadn't seen Maddie when he walks in, he later spots her as he sits at the table. He smiles thinking to himself how beautiful her smile is and how breathtaking she looks in her pink off shoulder flower dress.

Daniel's point of view

I wonder who the people she is with are to her, they are the only reason am not joining her this moment. Her hands look so small in comparison to mine, not mention how soft she would feel. What is going on with me? I don't even know her how can she take over my thoughts in less than 24 hours. Daniel would you behave yourself before you make a fool of yourself in public. There's no way she's even my type or interested in me after the way I behaved.

Third party's point of view

In that moment Daniel's sister follows his glare....

Adriana's point of view

She is beautiful right? Also, her name is Madison and she is a twin. She owns the St. Hope hospital and the Organization for Children. I hear she is moving to open a branch in Paris.Daniel looks shocked for a moment then says how do you know so much about her?

Adriana's point of view

I know so much because her sister and I met in the same class in college, so I got to meet Madison through Addison, her twin. Addison is the owner of the event coordination company called MARE. She organised the ball last year and is doing this year's as well. Am gonna say hello to them excuse me says Adriana

Hello Micheal-sons, what are the chances of meeting you guys here?

Addison says with shock and laughter in her voice hi Adriana. How have you been ? and hugs her Madison says hi Adriana , hugs her and says it's been awhile. Come let me introduce you, these are Amanda and Cynthia childhood friends of ours, the famous photographer of SHAPE.org and the amazing dancer of EMPOWERMENT studio.

This is Adriana Colons, the COO of Colons conglomerate. We went to the same college.

The girls greet each other, then Addison says are you here alone if so you are welcome to join us.

Actually I am here with my brother, sister and friends at the table right across from you guys. I don't believe you met Daniel when you guys came to hang out at the house.

True says Maddie he was always out. Almost like he was avoiding meeting us, by the way is Brenda here? she added.

Adriana says I wish, then laughs and says he was taking over the company from our dad, yes she is here. You guys should join us. It will be like old times.

We understand, says Addison, sure if everyone agrees. All said yes that sounds like fun.

The girls picked their things and followed Adriana to the table. Adriana says Brenda look who I found?

Brenda jumps to her feet and shouts OMG Maddie and Addie it's been ages. Where have you girls been? as she hugs them.

Maddie says hi Brenda it sure has been ages, you don't call or text.

Brenda laughs, then says sorry it gets really crazy by this time in the office, not to mention everyone going on break for the holidays.

Addison says we understand, it's good to see you. Also, I want you to meet Amanda and Cynthia.......Brenda cuts her short by saying Simpsons, you from SHAPE and EMPOWERMENT...she shouts with excitement and hugs them. then say it's so great to meet you in person.

Forgive my manners, this is my brother Daniel, his friends Lucas, Peter, and David.

All the girls say their hello's and introduced themselves except Madison who was stuck processing how Daniel is the same self-centered jerk from earlier. After a moment, she does say hello then takes a seat next to Brenda and Mandy, who happens to sense something wrong with her but didn’t say a word.

The group get to talking, there's laughter, some glance from Daniel to Madison who is so en-golfed in her conversation with Lucas, Mandy and Brenda.

The night comes to an end, so the group steps out of the restaurant since it's closing. At the entrance the group exchange numbers, then say their good-nights. As Madison turns to meet up with her girls to know if they are ready to leave,

a hand taps on her shoulder.... She turns around to face Daniel. However, they were close enough that she could smell him.

I didn't get a chance to introduce myself properly earlier, my name is Daniel- Joshua, and sorry about earlier said Daniel

................glad you realized your faults, nice to meet you too says Madison as she backs up from him so she's not smelling him.

Then she says hope the little girl is alright ... Amara right? She is fine, yes it is.....

Addison interrupts Daniel saying, “Maddie we are going home…”With a smile Madison says goodnight and walks away with Addison.

When Madison got home, she did some parking for a little bit then called it a night and went to bed.On her last week-end in New Orleans by Tuesday she will be in her new loft in Paris to open St Hope foundation to the public.

At the airport waiting to board the plane with Addie at the cafe shop.

Time to board, they say their goodbyes... Addie says call me immediately you land. Maddie responded yes mummy I will, as she walked away.

A Fresh Start.....

Madison's point of view

I landed in Paris at about 3 am, picked up my bags and then went to the car waiting for me. I remember Addie's last word to me then pick my phone to dial her number in the car.

Hello mummy, I just made it out of the airport and on my way to my loft now. It was a very straightforward and smooth trip for me. It's really beautiful here.

I just made it to my loft and need to get checked in with the receptionist, hang on a second, ok?

Hello my name is Madison Starr Michael-son I am checking in for the loft registered to me.

Hello Miss Micheal-son, we have been expecting you. How was your flight? Hope you were not kept waiting at the airport for your car?

It was fine thank you and the driver was waiting for me when I arrived. Do I need to sign anything else?

No Miss, we have everything done and ready for you to move in. The door man will help you with your bags. Great thank you says Maddie and smiles.

Please come with me, I will show you to your loft. You are on the seventh floor number 709. Going to my loft, Addie let me call you when I am in it.

Arriving at my door the receptionist opens the door, turns on the light and invites me into it.

As I walked in, I was greeted by the beautifully spacious living area with pretty flowers on the center of the tables. On the wall there are some wallpaper in white and some with mixed color.

However, my favorite decor is the painting of a boy painting at the beach . The beautiful gold and white antique sofa is by the wall facing the balcony, to the right of the sofa is a big red flower pot. In the center is a gold couch facing the flat screen mounted TV with some silver pillows.

Here is your key, says the receptionist Gabriella. She hands the keys over to me then says have a goodnight Miss Micheal-son. I smiled at her and nodded my head. She smiles back at me then turns around and leaves, closing the door behind her. I look around my new home for a bit before calling Addie again.

Hello, I was wondering if you forgot how to call me back, says Addie after answering on the first ring. I smile and say I wish you could see what I am standing in then you will understand.

Madison's point of view

Three months later after moving to Paris I have settled in and opened the new branch and it's doing really well. My schedule has been so busy that Addison decided she is due for a visit. So here I am preparing for Addison and the rest of the group she invited. They arrive tonight but for the life of me don't understand why they couldn't wait till morning so I could pick them up at the airport. She insisted on meeting me at home after work. Ashley knocks at my door interrupting me from work.

Yes Ashley I say signaling for her to come in. Ashley is my personal assistant, I hired her based on her skill and efficiency. Am here to remind you about your lunch meeting with Mr Andrew. Right thank you Ashley, you go ahead and close for the day . Okay Miss Micheal son see you next week and have a great week-end.

Thank you Ashley, you too, oh and make sure you do something fun this week-end you only live once.

Here I am meeting a client to go over signing a few homeless children in the system to St Hope Org. We have been on the fence about this arrangement before because of the finances but now we are stable enough for it.

Andrew's point of view

It's very rare for this organization to want to take the responsibility of these children, they usually say they don't have room for more children or they don't have enough staff for the children at the moment. I was rather surprised when St Hope, a new open branch, reached out for a meeting. Am meeting with the CEO of St Hope about 10 cases( children) right now. Meeting at La BE CANE IN GAS TON

Hello Mr Andrew , my name is Madison Micheal son so sorry to have kept you waiting.

It's fine I actually just made it here myself, and it nice to meet you Miss Micheal-son please call me Andrew.

Madison's point of view

Here I am leaving the restaurant going home but need to make a quick stop at the store about 15 to 20 minutes from home. I park my car and head to the store. Picked up a few things to make Addison's favorite( mashed potatoes, baked fish and veg sauce).

I pay at the check out, walk to my car, put the bags in, then realize I forgot the drinks. I went to the store on the right hand side of the grocery store. It's a bit of a walk because I am at the back of the store so I have to go around the side to get inside. I walk in the store, find the drinks I need and walk back to my car.

Am walking by when I hear someone crying, looking around I see a girl with bruises on her face, hands tied together with her legs sitting in a van parked. I run over to her at end of the ally there are four men talking, so I make sure to be quiet, once in the van which wasn't locked luckily for both her and me. Hi am Maddie, am not gonna hurt you, am here to help okay? I say to her as she nods her head. Am gonna untie the rope now okay?

she nods again as if she lost her voice and was just so terrified to say anything. While untying her ropes

I tell her once we get out of the van when I say run ....... I want you to run, don't stop don't look back till you get to my car, open the door, get in it and find my emergency phone in the armrest, dial my sister's number her name is Addison, tell her what happened here and drive to the police station. Then I hand my keys to her. Right when we were about to get out of the van she said, ``I am Chanel. Am shocked for a second as she smiles at me for the first time....I smile back at her and it's nice to meet you Chanel. I helped her out of the van and we start walking the moment we were out of the van, however it didn’t take long for one of the men spot us immediately they started running after us so I said run......she hesitated for a moment then said to her am right behind you go on everything is fine. Then she starts running...... I watch her run, after she is out of my view...I turn around to face the men. While I know I may not be able to fight them all at once .....I can knock them down one after the other.

I picked up a large stick by the alley. When the first man comes at me I hit him with the stick across the face, as he goes to the ground holding his head I see blood on the stick. Here was my chance to get away from them but, I wasn't sure Chanel left yet or made it to the station, they could just follow and get her again. I decided to have them follow me while that gives Chanel time to get to the station. I started running right after I saw one of them coming at me. I ran into an alleyway to my right....he followed. I reach in the pocket of my jacket and grab my phone. Turn on the flashlight cause it's dark .....try to dial Addison but I don't have service. I decide to leave clues around and hope the kidnappers don't find them. I cut my beads bracelets which Addison and I got as a present from mom for our 10th birthday, we never take it off. I know when she sees them she will make sure to keep them safe.

I end up going into a forest .....I hide behind a tree and wait for him to come closer ...so I can hit him too. When he gets close enough I swing the stick...it hits his stomach but he doesn't go to the ground instead he tries to get the stick from me. We struggle for the stick for a moment then it lands on the ground a few trees to my left....so I brace myself to fight him.... with pepper spray in my left pocket I spray him in the face..then hit him across the face hoping to knock him out. Was about to deliver the final blow when the third man pushed me on my left side.... right on the ribs with his fists ...I landed on the floor hitting my side against a rock while my stomach hit the tree and my head hit the floor. I felt so weak and couldn't even move my arm. I tried to get away from them...... my mind kept saying get up but my body wouldn't . When they realized I wasn't moving anymore, they called the rest of the group to come meet them. I knew at that moment if I didn't leave ....I won't make it out of there alive. So I managed to get up holding my side....my head is pounding with a bad headache as I walk. I kept walking till I found the stick..use it to hold myself up and kept walking knowing they are right behind me, I needed to keep moving. After what felt like hours of walking I stopped to catch my breath...then I heard footsteps coming to me....quickly found vines formed into a small cave.. I walked into it and HOLD MY BREATH... As the footsteps passes by I let go of my breath....then came out ....only to run into something hard.... too scared to look up I kept my head down and started backing away..when he says Madison .....Madison Wait am not gonna hurt you ...It's me Daniel...we've been looking all over for you....look at me please....

At that moment I look up and see it's Daniel .......happy to see him ..... knowing that he’s here and I'm not dreaming ....I go to him and touch his face with my left hand that is now covered in blood ...then smile at him as I say you are real...he smiles back at me and says yes I am...taking my hand in his....He sees the blood and asks where I got hurt. I was too weak to stand anymore...so I went down on the ground right before him, and he panicked and shouted...

MADISON STAY WITH ME PLEASE...OPEN YOUR EYES OKAY?I do as he says and say I just want to rest for a little bit. I am tired....

Being a good Samaritan

Chanel's point of view

Here I am walking to my dorm room after my last class when a man stops me to ask for directions to get his niece in the study hall. Says he is delivering a bag from her mom. I reply by saying okay and direct him to the library, which is right across from the study hall but somehow he doesn't understand. So I suggest that he go to the reception's office so she can call the niece or he could call her himself to come meet him.

He says that's a great idea...takes out his phone dials a number...a few moments later he says she isn't answering her phone. I feel sorry for him so suggest the reception's office again. He replies with a smile saying thank you for your time and am really sorry to have bothered you but, could you please take me to the reception's office? I really don't know where to go next. I think about it for a moment and hesitate but agree to help him only for him to say he forgot one of the bag's in his car and needs to get it.

I say he can go get it while I wait here. But, he insists I follow him and with an excuse that he wouldn't want to lose me if he gets lost on the way, and since I know my way around to campus it will be easier. I agree with him and text my roommate, I will be a few minutes late...that I am helping a lost parent find his family. She replies okay...be careful on your way back ..I reply I will ....see you soon.I walked with him to his car on the way and he was asking me questions about myself like what's my name? What am I studying? What do I do in my free time?.......I reply with a smile and say I am studying in my free time and how far away did you park? What side are you on? We've been walking for what feels like 30 minutes. Are you sure it's this way? ....Not realizing that a group of 3 men have been walking really close behind me for some time. He finally found his car .....he opens it then says could you please get the bag on the back seat my hands are full. I do it without thinking about it because I didn't feel comfortable being out here and wanted to get back as soon as possible.

Not a minute later I felt someone hit me on the back of my head really hard.I see glimpses of the door closing and a man sitting next to me...my head on his leg. I later woke up to a man on top of me and inside me.... I look around ...realizing I am in a van with a really bad headache...look to the driver and passenger seats only to see the same man I was helping.

I tried to fight the man off me but he was too strong and he hit me each time I fought him.They took turns doing what they wanted. After they were done all I wanted in that moment was to die because of how dirty I felt. After 3 days of this living hell....someone finally found me.

I was so happy when Madison found me but was also scared for her because if they had no problem doing this to me....I am sure they would do the same to her if they catch her helping me. We make it out of the van and start walking....almost like Stefan knew I was out of the van (the fake uncle) looked in my direction . ..

All I heard was run when Madison stopped and started looking at me with a concerned expression. When she sees I wasn't moving. ...then says I know you are scared and hurt but I need you to be the brave, strong young lady you are.... I'm not gonna let them get to you no matter what so run now....I'm right behind you okay... So I ran as fast as my legs would take me to Madison's car ..... got in and found the phone, called her sister and told her what happened. She says to drive to the police station and speak only to the detective there and wait for her there.

Here I am at the station speaking with detective Sanchez about the situation, when Addison walks in with a friend of hers I think. She asks one of the officers if he saw a girl come in to report a case...that's when Sanchez walks in with a bottle of water and cookies. Without thinking about it Addison walks over to him and asks him the same question....shocked he says how do you know that. She called me and I told her to meet me here, my sister was with her. Where is she ? Is she alright? says Addison.

She's in my office...yes she's alright...she has a few cuts and bruises . We need to get her to a hospital...need to run a test to make sure, says Sanchez. Addison is surprised for a moment as she says something happened to her besides being beaten, He replies her shirt was ripped when she walked in...she's not saying anything about it yet...so it's possible that she was raped. Shocked....with tears running down her cheeks Addison says OH MY GOD. unable to stop shaking and humbling. Peter says can we see her please.

Yes this way says Sanchez. Addison walks right to Chanel...hugs her as she says Hi, Chanel bears her head in Addison's chest with tears running down her face..unable to speak. Addison just holds her...comforts her and says you are safe now.. everything is fine okay...don't worry I got you. Peter signals to Sanchez he would like a word with him..so to leave the girls alone .

Peter says you have one of the girls, not two, so that means Madison is still out there...we need to find her. Confused Sanchez says you want to go to where it happened....I'm afraid that won't be possible. It's an active investigation. Peter replies to him saying do you really think the girl in there will wait for your permission to find her sister. That's not just her sister..she's her twin and the last of her family. She and Madison have a bond that goes past just sisters. there is no way she will sit and wait, it will break her slowly not doing anything, they have been through a lot together... when one of them is hurting they both are hurting and I mean emotionally , mentally , physically.

So asking you again, do you want to be the one to watch her fall apart or are you gonna help her?

Sanchez replies saying I understand she can come..but what about Chanel..can't leave her alone

Peter replies Addison can get that covered.

Third party's point of view

Peter and Sanchez walk back to his office and find Addison and Chanel on the sofa.

Chanel had her head on Addison's leg....she finally fell asleep. Addison is caressing her cheek .

Peter is about to say something but Addison cuts him off.

Addison's point of view

After I got Chanel to lay on the sofa so I could get up and talk to Peter. He tells me what Sanchez said and I agree with him. So I called Amanda telling her to meet me at the hospital after I told her everything. We got Channel to the hospital while we waited for the result. I told her I have to leave for a bit and since I don't want her to be alone, I asked Amanda to stay with her.

She didn't agree to it at first, so to convince her I told her I need to go so I can bring Madison back to her.Then she agrees and says please be careful and promise you will come back...just as Amanda walks in. I introduce them ...they say hello.. then Chanel faces me again and repeats herself.. just as I'm about to walk out. I look at her and say I promise and it won't be just me. she smiles at me and I return her smile.

To be continued

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Sarah Elisha

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    Sarah  ElishaWritten by Sarah Elisha

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