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The warning

The teenage never listen to the call back of there bravely

By Daniel eretan Published about a year ago 5 min read
The warning
Photo by m wrona on Unsplash

It was a dark and stormy night. The rain was coming down in sheets, and the wind was howling like a pack of wolves. In the small town of Millfield, there was a house on the outskirts that had been abandoned for years. The townspeople whispered that it was cursed, and that anyone who entered would never return.

But one group of teenagers, determined to prove their bravery, decided to investigate the abandoned house. They snuck out of their homes and made their way to the house, their hearts pounding with excitement and fear.

As they approached the house, they saw that the front door was slightly ajar. They hesitated for a moment, but their curiosity got the better of them, and they pushed the door open.

Inside, the house was dark and musty. The air was thick with the scent of rot and decay. They could hear the rain pounding on the roof and the wind rattling the windows. As they made their way through the house, they found that the furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs, and there were strange symbols etched into the walls.

Suddenly, they heard a noise from upstairs. It sounded like footsteps. They froze, their hearts pounding in their chests. Then, with a creak, the stairs began to groan under the weight of something heavy.

They could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer, and they knew they had to hide. They quickly ducked into a closet and closed the door, praying that whatever was coming wouldn't find them.

But as they waited in the darkness, they began to hear whispers. The whispers grew louder and louder, until they were almost shouting. The teenagers started to feel suffocated and trapped, as if the walls were closing in around them.

Then, suddenly, the whispers stopped. There was an eerie silence that hung in the air, broken only by the sound of their own breathing.

They waited for what felt like hours, but the silence persisted. Eventually, they mustered up the courage to open the closet door, and they cautiously made their way back down the stairs.

As they stepped outside, they realized that the storm had passed. The moon was shining brightly, casting an eerie glow over the abandoned house. And then they saw it - a figure standing in the shadows, watching them.

It was the ghost of a woman, dressed in a torn and bloodied dress. Her eyes were empty and hollow, and her skin was pale as snow. She beckoned to them, and they couldn't resist her call.

They followed her into the darkness, and soon found themselves in a room filled with candles. The woman sat in the center of the room, and as the teenagers approached, she began to speak.

She told them a story of a young woman who had been cursed by a witch long ago. The woman had been betrayed by her lover, and in her despair, she had turned to a dark magic that had doomed her to an eternity of haunting the abandoned house.

The teenagers shuddered as they listened to the story, and they knew that they had to leave the house before it was too late. They turned to run, but the ghostly woman was gone, and they were alone in the darkness once again.

As they made their way back to town, they realized that they had been changed by their experience. They knew that they had come face-to-face with something truly terrifying, and that they could never forget what they had seen.

The following days were a blur for the teenagers. They were haunted by nightmares of the ghostly woman and the cursed house. They couldn't shake the feeling that they had brought something back with them from the abandoned place.

They tried to go about their lives as usual, but they found themselves constantly looking over their shoulders, expecting to see the ghostly woman lurking in the shadows. They couldn't escape the feeling that they were being watched.

One night, one of the teenagers, Kate, woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. As she walked past the window, she saw something moving outside. She gasped in horror as she realized that it was the ghostly woman, standing in the yard, watching her.

Kate tried to scream, but no sound came out. She stumbled back into her room and locked the door, panting and shaking with fear. She could hear the ghostly woman's whispers outside the door, and she knew that she was in grave danger.

The other teenagers heard her cries and rushed to her room, but when they opened the door, they found that Kate was gone. All that remained was an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of the rain tapping against the window.

They searched the house and the surrounding area, but there was no sign of Kate. They contacted the police, but they were met with skepticism and disbelief. The police told them that Kate had likely run away, and that they would have to wait 24 hours before they could consider her missing.

But the teenagers knew that something was wrong. They knew that the cursed house had claimed another victim, and that they were next.

They banded together, determined to uncover the truth about the cursed house and the ghostly woman. They spent hours researching the history of the house, digging through old records and newspaper clippings.

Finally, they found what they were looking for - the story of the cursed woman and her lover's betrayal. They realized that the only way to break the curse was to find the lover's descendants and have them perform a ritual to lift the curse.

It was a risky plan, but they knew it was their only hope. They set out to find the lover's descendants, tracing their family tree through old records and archives. It took weeks of painstaking research, but finally, they found them.

They convinced the descendants to perform the ritual, and they gathered at the cursed house on a stormy night, just like the one when they had first entered the abandoned place.

As they performed the ritual, the ghostly woman appeared before them, her eyes filled with rage and fury. But as the ritual came to a close, the woman's form began to fade away, and the curse was lifted.

The teenagers breathed a sigh of relief as they realized that they had broken the curse and freed the ghostly woman from her eternal torment. They knew that they had faced something truly terrifying, but they had emerged victorious.

As they walked away from the cursed house, they knew that they would never forget the horrors they had faced. But they also knew that they had proven their bravery, and that they would always be bound together by the shared experience of the cursed house.


About the Creator

Daniel eretan

Am Daniel am a writer based in Nigeria. have been writing professionally for a years and have published some works, including nice contents].

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    Daniel eretan Written by Daniel eretan

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