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Bhangarh Fort: The Haunting Legends of Rajasthan's Ghostly Ruins

Exploring the History and Paranormal Mysteries of India’s Most Haunted Fortress

By Kyrol MojikalPublished 6 days ago 5 min read


Bhangarh Fort, nestled in the Aravalli range of Rajasthan, India, is an architectural marvel from the 16th century that has captivated historians, archaeologists, and thrill-seekers alike. The fort, located in the Alwar district, is not just known for its historical significance but also for its eerie legends and paranormal activities that have made it one of the most haunted places in India. This article delves into the rich history of Bhangarh Fort and explores the ghostly evidence that has given it an infamous reputation.

Historical Background

The Founding of Bhangarh Fort

Bhangarh Fort was established in 1573 AD by Raja Bhagwant Das, a ruler of Amber, for his younger son, Madho Singh I. The fort and the town that developed around it flourished during the reign of Madho Singh I and his descendants. The area was strategically important, serving as a defensive outpost and a thriving center for trade and culture.

Architectural Splendor

The fort's architecture is a blend of Hindu and Mughal styles, reflecting the era's artistic and cultural influences. Bhangarh Fort comprises temples, palaces, and marketplaces, each structure showcasing intricate carvings and robust construction. Notable structures within the fort include the Gopinath Temple, Someshwara Temple, and Keshav Rai Temple, each dedicated to various Hindu deities and adorned with exquisite sculptures.

Decline and Abandonment

Bhangarh's prosperity was short-lived. By the mid-18th century, the fort and town faced a rapid decline due to a combination of political instability, wars, and natural calamities. The most devastating blow came from a famine that struck the region, leading to widespread migration and abandonment of the fort. Over time, the once-thriving town of Bhangarh turned into a deserted ruin, giving rise to legends and ghost stories.

Legends and Myths

The Curse of Guru Balu Nath

One of the most enduring legends associated with Bhangarh Fort is the curse of Guru Balu Nath, a revered ascetic. According to folklore, Raja Bhagwant Das sought permission from Guru Balu Nath to build the fort in the area where the sage meditated. The guru agreed on the condition that the fort's shadow should never fall on his dwelling. However, as the fort expanded, a shadow eventually cast over his abode, breaking the condition. Enraged, Guru Balu Nath cursed the fort, leading to its downfall and the subsequent desertion of the town. It is said that the sage's tomb lies within the fort's precincts, and his curse still lingers.

The Tale of Princess Ratnavati

Another popular legend involves Princess Ratnavati, renowned for her beauty and grace. A local tantric, Singhia, fell in love with her and attempted to ensnare her with black magic. He enchanted a cosmetic oil intended for the princess, but Ratnavati, sensing the deception, poured the oil on the ground. The oil turned into a boulder, crushing Singhia to death. Before dying, Singhia cursed the princess, her family, and the entire town of Bhangarh. Soon after, a battle ensued, leading to the princess's death and the ruin of the fort. It is believed that the spirit of Princess Ratnavati and those affected by the curse still haunt the fort.

Paranormal Evidence and Ghostly Encounters

Official Warnings and Restrictions

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has placed a board at the entrance of Bhangarh Fort, warning visitors not to enter the premises after sunset and before sunrise. This official caution has fueled the fort's haunted reputation, as the ASI does not typically issue such warnings for other historical sites. Locals and guides advise against staying in the fort after dark, citing numerous unexplained phenomena and eerie experiences.

Sightings and Experiences

Apparitions and Shadows: Many visitors and locals have reported seeing ghostly apparitions and shadows moving within the fort, especially near the temples and palace ruins. These figures are often described as ethereal, with some claiming to have seen the ghost of Princess Ratnavati wandering the fort's corridors.

Disembodied Voices and Music: During the night, some people have heard disembodied voices, laughter, and music emanating from the fort. These sounds are particularly noted around the area of the marketplace and temples, suggesting remnants of the fort's vibrant past.

Sudden Temperature Drops: Visitors have experienced sudden and drastic drops in temperature within the fort, even during the hot summer months. These cold spots are often accompanied by a sense of unease and foreboding.

Touch and Push Sensations: Some individuals have reported feeling an invisible force touch or push them, particularly near the fort's entrance and the royal palace. These experiences are often described as chilling and unsettling.

Unexplained Lights: At night, mysterious lights have been observed flickering within the fort. These lights move erratically and vanish suddenly, defying logical explanations. Some speculate that these could be the spirits of the townspeople who perished due to the curse.

Paranormal Investigations

Several paranormal investigators and enthusiasts have visited Bhangarh Fort to document and understand the ghostly phenomena. They have used various tools such as electromagnetic field (EMF) detectors, infrared cameras, and audio recorders to capture evidence of paranormal activity.

EVP Recordings: Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) sessions have yielded intriguing results. Investigators have captured voices responding to questions, with some recordings containing whispers and distinct phrases in the local dialect. These voices are believed to be those of spirits residing within the fort.

Photographic Evidence: Infrared and full-spectrum cameras have captured unexplained anomalies, including orbs, mists, and shadowy figures. Some photographs show human-like apparitions that were not visible to the naked eye at the time of capture.

EMF Readings: High EMF readings have been recorded in various parts of the fort, especially near the temples and palace. These readings are often associated with paranormal activity, as there are no known electrical sources within the fort to account for them.


Bhangarh Fort stands as a testament to Rajasthan's rich history and architectural prowess, while also serving as a focal point for some of the most chilling ghost stories in India. The legends of curses, tragic love, and mysterious deaths have intertwined with the fort's history, creating an aura of mystery and fear. The numerous reports of paranormal activity and the official warnings have only cemented its reputation as one of the most haunted places in the country.

Whether one believes in the supernatural or not, the allure of Bhangarh Fort lies in its ability to transport visitors back in time, offering a glimpse into its glorious past and its eerie present. For those brave enough to explore its ruins, Bhangarh Fort promises an experience that is both historically enriching and spine-tinglingly mysterious.

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Kyrol Mojikal

"Believe in the magic within you, for you are extraordinary."

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    Kyrol MojikalWritten by Kyrol Mojikal

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